Yeah. It sucked bad. Got a wicked sunburn on my neck too13/f/taiwan wrote:
something like 60 percent humidity.
Sometimes I think I wanna live in the South, like in Atlanta or maybe somewhere in Florida.coolstorybro wrote:
Feels Like: 98°
Humidity: 56 %
Last edited by Hurricane2k9 (2011-06-27 15:38:25)
i hear the best A/C in the world is in florida, and that every place has it blasting at like 60Fcoolstorybro wrote:
at least the winters arent too bad. ive found that if you just sit at the computer all day, the weather doesnt matter so much
I'll take cool summers and harsh winters any day of the week. I was not built for heatcoolstorybro wrote:
at least the winters arent too bad. ive found that if you just sit at the computer all day, the weather doesnt matter so much
Because it's Scotland and it's normally cold enough to warrant it.13/f/taiwan wrote:
lol why would you have your radiator on finray?
coolstorybro wrote:
except you guys dont have cool summers lol
I know New York takes it in the ass when it comes to weather.coolstorybro wrote:
except you guys dont have cool summers lol
You made out with that radiator woman from the radiator planet?Dauntless wrote:
did you guys hear about my crazy radiator incident yesterday?
he thought the radiator burned him... but it wasn't even onDesertFox- wrote:
You made out with that radiator woman from the radiator planet?Dauntless wrote:
did you guys hear about my crazy radiator incident yesterday?