I hope Harry doesnt leave Spurs, best manager we have had in a long time. TBH I don't see why he couldn't manage England on the side.
He'd get to see all the English players in the prem anyway, and they only get together when there are breaks in the league. The only downside would be every favourable decision Spurs get would be subject to a conspiracy theory about protecting the england manager...
Also I know everyone is talking about innocent until proven guilty, but the fact is, you cannot have the captain of your national team to be accused of racism and maintain harmony across the England camp (even if he is found not guilty after the euros). If Terry says he is innocent, fair enough. However he should be able to see that the England captain should not cause disharmony within a squad with a lot of different races.
"I know I am innocent, however, in the best interests of the England squad, I will relinquish the captaincy until I have had the chance to clear my name. Racism has no part in football, but until I have shown my innocence, I can understand that some players for the team might have reservations about me being captain." If Terry had been sensible and thought about why he could not currently be captain, and had stepped down himself, Capello would still have a job...