Nah, I don't. It just sprung to mind.Macbeth wrote:
You watch Fox News don't you Jaekus. Shepard Smith wants his joke back.
Here's an article I read this morning, a couple things that balance the argument a bit: … 232220.htmNo evidence of cancer spike
"It's important to note ... particularly in the younger population, there is just no evidence indeed in any population that has been reported so far that would suggest brain cancers are increasing in such a way that they are related to the greater radio frequency in our environment," he said.
"If it's there, it's not a very large effect."
Ed Young from Cancer Research UK told ABC Radio's AM program that he did not regard the WHO's statement as cause for concern.
"I don't think people should be worried at all. Nothing's really changed," he said.
"We know that the vast majority of studies looking at this issue have found that mobile phones do not increase the risk of cancer, and that's backed up by the fact that brain cancer rates have remained level while the use of mobile phones has skyrocketed.
"Also no-one actually has any clear idea about how mobile phone radiation could affect the risk of cancer."
I honestly don't know where to stand on this issue. No one really knows for sure it seems, either way you look at it.