Or perhaps only the new red meat?
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ … ml?hpid=z2
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ … ml?hpid=z2
While I appreciate the efforts of the WHO, I know this news is gonna cause a big brouhaha at least for a while. People will just see the headline and think "oh my lawds it's like smoking!" instead of reading the actual information from the WHO.Radiation from cellphones is “possibly carcinogenic” to humans, according to an international expert panel organized by the World Health Organization to evaluate the safety of the increasingly ubiquitous electronic devices.
The WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) panel, which included 31 scientists from 14 countries, reached its conclusion after conducting an exhaustive review of the scientific literature during an eight-day meeting in Lyon, France.
The experts stressed, however, that the evidence of a link remains far from clear and much more research is needed to further explore the possible risk.
The experts added that it remains far from clear how cellphones could cause brain cancer, given that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the devices is far too weak to have a biological effect.
“That remains an open question,” said Robert Baan, a senior scientist.