It's not a spoiler if you have read the books, which most people havent
Macbeth wrote:
eleven bravo wrote:
jord wrote:

That's too bad. I am a little over half way through the 4th book. They are interesting.Adams_BJ wrote:
It's not a spoiler if you have read the books, which most people havent
I have never been someone that gets upset about"spoilers". It just doesn't ruin it for me. Books, movies and television shows are about the journey, not the destination.
if someone spoiled the red wedding i would be pretty angry. other than that i don't really care about spoilers in general. absolutely about the journey. but the red wedding was 100% surprise for me. damn.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
and that immediately after the red wedding
Spoiler (highlight to read):
arya gets hit in the head with an axe
Spoiler (highlight to read):
arya gets hit in the head with an axe

true l0lAussieReaper wrote:
and that immediately after the red wedding
Spoiler (highlight to read):
arya gets hit in the head with an axe
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
The only spoilers I know going forward areSpoiler (highlight to read):
Robb gets killed at the Red wedding. Don't know by who or why or who was the wedding for etc. Just know that he died there.
Tywin dies somehow and Jamie comments on it
Now all of this talk about the red wedding being a surprise saddens me.
Robb gets killed at the Red wedding. Don't know by who or why or who was the wedding for etc. Just know that he died there.
Tywin dies somehow and Jamie comments on it
Now all of this talk about the red wedding being a surprise saddens me.
that sucks
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
not if everyone diestuckergustav wrote:
That's too bad. I am a little over half way through the 4th book. They are interesting.Adams_BJ wrote:
It's not a spoiler if you have read the books, which most people havent
I have never been someone that gets upset about"spoilers". It just doesn't ruin it for me. Books, movies and television shows are about the journey, not the destination.
Tu Stultus Es
It is, I've finished all the books but I still won't tell anyone anything. Too many people die, too many people live, too many people become different people.tuckergustav wrote:
That's too bad. I am a little over half way through the 4th book. They are interesting.Adams_BJ wrote:
It's not a spoiler if you have read the books, which most people havent
I have never been someone that gets upset about"spoilers". It just doesn't ruin it for me. Books, movies and television shows are about the journey, not the destination.
The whole thing is the journey, it hasn't even come close to ending yet
wowAdams_BJ wrote:
Too many people die, too many people live, too many people become different people.
sounds like bf2s
somebody made me start watching this so i am, watched the first series and wasn't all that impressed. it's ok but i haven't really gotten into it
does it get better after the first season or do i just not 'get it'?
does it get better after the first season or do i just not 'get it'?

Depends on who your favourite character is.Dauntless wrote:
somebody made me start watching this so i am, watched the first series and wasn't all that impressed. it's ok but i haven't really gotten into it
does it get better after the first season or do i just not 'get it'?
Renly? Loras? Lancel?
You could always support Danny since she is a blonde teen pop wannabe.

It is not hard to empathize with Danny.
read the books maybe
p.s. my favorite character is joffrey
p.s. my favorite character is joffrey
Last edited by Brasso (2013-03-17 22:59:22)
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Got all excited to watch this show yesterday only to find out it starts the 31st.
Serious? ew.Brasso wrote:
read the books maybe
p.s. my favorite character is joffrey
kiddingtuckergustav wrote:
Serious? ew.Brasso wrote:
read the books maybe
p.s. my favorite character is joffrey
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
mine is jaime
I could have sworn I had seen months ago that the season was supposed to start mid-MarchRTHKI wrote:
how have you not seen 3.31.13 everywhereMacbeth wrote:
Got all excited to watch this show yesterday only to find out it starts the 31st.
Yeah I can see that. But anyone who's only seen season 1 and 2 will think you're Hitler.Adams_BJ wrote:
mine is jaime
This season though he will Spoiler (highlight to read):
redeem himself by saving Brienne from the bear pit. And when asked why he says "I dreamed of you." Shame we don't get to see much internal dialog because his is probably the most interesting.

It will be hard for them to recreate it for tv
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Greatjon Umber had his ear bitten off in a fight … ff-1784616 … ff-1784616