SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

It's like someone on a game site complaining that their tool-assisted speedrun, run by a bot, is disliked by the community.

#1 ranked
the problem with art made by AI is that it’s all just fed the same huge chunks of raw data and puts out something that is very generic.

it’s incredibly impressive tech and WILL be used in just about 80% of all design tasks in the future though. people are no longer going to hire in bespoke human designers for their billboard or ad campaign when they can just type a line of prompt text into an AI tool.

we are going to enter a generation of complete and total aesthetic blandness. pure nullity. wait for all of your packaging, street scenes, book and magazine covers, etc, to exhibit the exact same aesthetic.

developing a good relationship with a designer or taking years to build a consistent brand identity and aesthetic are going to be dispensed with in the vast majority of cases.

art doesn’t come into it, in the traditional sense of ‘the individual talent’ and old romantic clichés like genius.

mind you, modern conceptual artists like jeff koons and damien hirst have been selling their asset baubles to corporate HQ foyers and chinese millionaires for decades now, without ever having put their own hands on their ‘creations’, it being done by warehouses full of faceless and nameless interns … but that’s a different conversation.

The results can be pretty cool, but thinking about it in the long term does seem bleak. It's nauseating to me that you could just plug in some image board and pilfer other people's work that way. This hits close to home, since I was relatively close to getting into art and graphic design as a job rather than a form of entertainment and personal enrichment. Imagine spending a lifetime on your portfolio, and then along comes some nerd who inputs a string, submits the output to an art show, and then trollolol-wonders why everyone's so upset. "Are you guys hypocrites?"

yeah it’s definitely on par with automation and robotics when it comes to bad news indeed for any sort of worker who depends on this stuff for a living. your average graphic designer is now basically invalidated.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
National Review now has an "Education" section since people in the totally not gay parts of the country spend a lot of time worrying about the sex lives of children.

To be allowed to teach (in most states), an individual must go through an education-school program where he or she supposedly learns at least the basic elements of pedagogy. Unfortunately, education schools were long ago captured by “progressives” who use them to impart dubious educational theories and toxic philosophies.

Stotsky has a number of recommendations, such as: “States should require prospective teachers of grades five and higher to earn either a master of arts in teaching (MAT) degree in the subject they plan to teach, which typically includes real graduate work in that subject as well as an apprenticeship in the schools, or a master of science (MS) or master of arts (MA) degree in the subject (a common requirement for secondary-school teachers in Europe), followed by an apprenticeship in the schools.”
That will lead to more teacher shortages. You make a math teacher do a graduate degree in math and somewhere along the way they will learn they could instead go into finance and make more money. You also need to pay teachers more if you are going to make them do grad school. My SpEd MAT cost me at least $30,000. If I want to be an admin I will need to spend $50,000 more to get those credentials. That's another reason why I don't get too mad at admins. Aside from having a role they need to fill, they also have done the coursework to get into those positions. Teachers don't just get promoted into it. Admin is its own whole ecosystem of unions and pay scales.

I agree that teachers should be given better educations. I don't know that we need to overqualify someone to teach 4th grade math, but at the very least qualifications it could be made more accessible and affordable to prospective teachers. Of course bring up "free education" and NR will be all like "no not like that!"
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Better education sounds great but the kind of education they want the teachers to get is to indoctrinate people into their Prot worldview. Do you really think these people are desperate for every teacher to know how to deal with autistic freakouts

or do you think they want to force teachers to tell rooms full of black kids how about how it is their parent's fault they are poor? If these people had their ways, teacher training programs would have modules about how to spot and report gay kids.

My point was more of a sequential comeback.

"Teachers need to be more qualified."
"OK, make teacher education more accessible and affordable. Maybe even subsidize their living while they're taking classes! Let's get this shortage addressed!"
"No not like that!"

Of course I know these people want public schools to transition into church schools.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
If you want to fix any social problem, you will need to put money and effort into it. That fact is hard to swallow when your political identity is based society not existing.

"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then to look after our neighbour."

Remember how Jay used to talk about being a Libertarian? Who does that? Who gives themselves a political label and works backwards from there? Dork.
low class people with a smattering of education do that. a little reading is a dangerous thing.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Speaking of the lower classes...last year school breakfast and lunch was free for all American students. They didn't renew that and we are going back to the system where the kids need to pay for their lunch.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Speaking of the lower classes...last year school breakfast and lunch was free for all American students. They didn't renew that and we are going back to the system where the kids need to pay for their lunch.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then to look after our neighbour."
This mentality is mind-boggling. Encouraging the government to look after others is looking after yourself. A great social safety net is insurance for all. Why would you not want that for your family.

Including free lunches, by the way, ensuring good nutrition during developmental phases of childhood at the logistically simple vector of schools should reduce criminality in the long run. By the way increasing the security of your family. Come on, get tough on crime!

Much better tax investment in society than military surplus for the police. But of course it's more important to make some grouchy proclamation about bootstraps. "Nobody helped me as a kid, and look at me! I turned out fine into an antisocial MAGAT who whines daily about liberals and LGBTBBQ teachers and blacks moving into the neighborhood (it's time to move out into rural land)."
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then to look after our neighbour."
This mentality is mind-boggling. Encouraging the government to look after others is looking after yourself. A great social safety net is insurance for all. Why would you not want that for your family.

Including free lunches, by the way, ensuring good nutrition during developmental phases of childhood at the logistically simple vector of schools should reduce criminality in the long run. By the way increasing the security of your family. Come on, get tough on crime!

Much better tax investment in society than military surplus for the police. But of course it's more important to make some grouchy proclamation about bootstraps. "Nobody helped me as a kid, and look at me! I turned out fine into an antisocial MAGAT who whines daily about liberals and LGBTBBQ teachers and blacks moving into the neighborhood (it's time to move out into rural land)."
There is an empathy gap that results in some people being unable to think that anything bad can happen to them until it does. Probably wrapped up in the religious conviction that God has your back for some reason. Even if there was a God that looked out for people, why would it be you?

Including free lunches, by the way, ensuring good nutrition during developmental phases of childhood at the logistically simple vector of schools should reduce criminality in the long run. By the way increasing the security of your family. Come on, get tough on crime!
We don't need to feed poor kids to stop crime. I have a 9mm Glock I keep on my hip at all times to protect me, my family, and my shitty house in the middle of nowhere.

empathy gap
Sometimes it's more than that, I think. Some people who have had Bad Things happen to them and financial setbacks company in their misery. For some reason, trying to eradicate societies problems invalidates their own Lived Experience.

It's totally bizarre to me that someone who endured abuse as a child would be a supporter of child abuse, or that a boomer who had no safety net throughout their young woes would be so hands-rubbingly eager to pull the rug out from under younger generations. I didn't notice this with great depression survivors. Every one of them I've met was supportive of welfares and social securities.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I can't help but find this post on the teacher sub funny.

Had a panic attack today during a lockdown drill

"No one warned us about the drill, so I asked someone in the hall if there was a drill. She said no. I panicked, tried to run out of the building, and ended up crapping my pants from it. Went into an office, called 911, then found out the drill was lifted, meaning it WAS a drill. I'm so shaken and upset. I have to go home early. Should I just resign now?"

"Curious, what was going on with your students during this time?"

"The dean and principal came and one covered the room for me."

"I meant when you were attempting to get out of the building."

"The students were in lockdown mode, so they stayed in the room and someone came to watch them. Afterwards I heard them in the hall making comments about how I went out of the room and they thought I was going to the bathroom, and saying things like "That bitch just fled!" So I'm sure they were very confused and hurt, and I feel terrible about that, but they did what they were supposed to do which is good."
"We had a teacher panic, climb out the window and abandon her students. That was 5 years ago, and she's still teaching with us."

This is the second time in so many weeks I heard about an unannounced active shooter drill going sour. These things are going to, ironically, get people shot.

e: My high school only had four exits that I can remember. Front, back, side, gym. Maybe a fifth in the auditorium (that room dominated most of the day by our lowkey vindictive world geography teacher). I don't remember the exact location of any additional fire escapes, but I don't think there were many. Our drills were more geared towards fire, and occasionally earthquake.

It's obvious that we're not going to do anything about guns for awhile, so perhaps schools meanwhile should be built with more forms of emergency egress. I'd rather have taken my chances fleeing to a neighboring business than hiding behind a bookshelf in the library or waiting with the rest of the packed sardines for the class to be broken into.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-09-08 14:34:34)

I am all that is MOD!

We need teachers who won't run away if there's an active shooter. Bunch of wimps. Accept that the possibility of being blown to smithereens by a mal-adjusted white guy is what you're signing up for.

Further evidence of the pussification of America.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Well if there is ever gunfire, I am running towards the danger. That could be my way out. Either I die heroically or I get to kill someone on the clock. And if it is the latter, no way any teacher or secretary can turn down a date with a hero.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
We need universal Pre-K and free school lunches.

If republicans were really pro-family they'd push for it. My most cynical outlook for all this is their goal here seems to be to cast public schools into turmoil, chaos, and public doubt, and then turn education entirely over private interests.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You aren't wrong. The public turned against public education around the time of desegregation and the Vietnam War. The ultimate goal is to defund public education and divert the money to private "Christian" schools. The private Christian schools that will not let the blacks and gays in.

I think they will be successful at some point. I think once we reach the event horizon where whites are only a plurality, a big movement will take place to shrink government services and divert public resources to putting up barriers between the different (whatever) classes. Won't be illegal race based discrimination but class based. The end result will be the same but not quite.

Basically Brazil.

In America, if a teenager set foot in that green belt they'd have cops on them in minutes for "trespassing." Even without postings.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Another day at school in America" … n_america/

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