SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
He will relax and not need to make a scene about face mask and helmets once he is finally out and in a community where he feels comfortable.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Bicycle lanes are a waste of space. I rather have more outdoor eating places.
I bet Ron DeSantis is going to ride bicycles around San Francisco when he is out of office.
go to europe. seriously.

I get the reasoning behind some of the stuff like photoshopping Erdogan or Putin in drag because it pisses them off, but it always seems to have a bit of a regressive vibe. "Haha yeah, he's definitely one of those mockable undesirables."
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Bicycle lanes are a waste of space. I rather have more outdoor eating places.
I bet Ron DeSantis is going to ride bicycles around San Francisco when he is out of office.
go to europe. seriously.
Ron DeSantis won't get me if I go to Europe?

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Bicycle lanes are a waste of space. I rather have more outdoor eating places.
I bet Ron DeSantis is going to ride bicycles around San Francisco when he is out of office.
go to europe. seriously.
Cars are arguably a waste of space. If I had my choice between sitting in car traffic for 17 hours of stereotypical smog and horns, or freely weaving about town on my bicycle for local errands, I would definitely choose the latter. Weird having to pay for a bike locker but not a parking spot, I think one of the FAA buildings I've been to was like that.
outdoor eating is great but new york is not southern europe. that alfresco lifestyle works for like 3 months of the year. i know because the UK tries it too. ain’t nobody sitting outside on a picturesque cobbled street getting brunch from november thru march. you’re in the north and this isn’t a sun-soaked piazza.

bike lanes and car-free zones are great. amsterdam would suit you macbeth. cities with majority cyclists just have a much better vibe. the streets are more open and inviting. the street scenes are more human and inviting. everyone isn’t cocooned in their loud-ass polluting penis extension.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The New Yorkers outdoor dining don't even look like relaxed southern Europeans. They still look like the angry, rude, New Yorkers that they are. Probably a lot of New Jersey guys taking the girlfriend on a day trip to NYC like there is something fancy about "going to the city". I would never do such a thing.

Do you still want more outdoor eating spaces?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Yes. I want the horses to stay too. Look how much fun the people are having. Not many cities have horse rides.

love how the horse is dressed up but the guy's in a polo shirt.

maybe the horse should be wearing a polo shirt too.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It used to be a classy profession before they just started letting anyone buy a horse.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Fuck Israel
the spectacle of us disconnecting from one paranoid murderous autocrat to run to a hive of paranoid, murderous, autocratic bedouin princelings is quite a sight.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Meanwhile Israel is allying with the oligarchs.
Fuck Israel
i honestly could not care any less what israel is doing with regards to the ukraine conflict. they’re not of any geopolitical importance in being friendly to oligarch’s wealth. so are the caicos islands and liechenstein. who cares?

you’re comfortably missing the point that their president is jewish, is behaving honourably and heroically and making every goy western leader look like a venal fool (check out inane primping macron wearing a zelensky hoodie and fatigues to the office), and probably has very different views to you on the israel question, too. never mind. let’s rant and rave about israel again.  always time to nudge your posting stats up in the ‘total % of posts mentioning jews or israel’ table.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
You don't care, all the sanctions and costs the world is applying - negated by Israel.

The interesting part is Israel invariably puts Israel first, the rest of the world doesn't matter.
Fuck Israel
the sanctions and costs the west is applying are 'negated by israel'? how fucking deluded are you, you little creep?

you want to know what might handily negate the west's sanctions? the world's biggest economy and most populous nation: china. the world's second-most populous nation and also a declared ally: india. trading relations continuing within the BRIC(K) bloc. rich western european states like germany keeping the gas taps on and the billions of dollars flowing monthly.

THAT might 'negate' the sanctions. but israel, a country of 9 million people, are surely 'negating' the sanctions where xi jinping's china are not.

russia exported $1.5 billion's worth of trade to israel in all of 2019. how much do you think germany are putting into russia's war chest on a daily basis? lmao.

you are seriously fucking gone in the head.

Last edited by uziq (2022-03-17 03:25:39)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
We were discussing the oligarchs.
Israel has taken dirty money for decades, they took all Robert Maxwell's, how much of the Sackler's is secreted there?
Its a very long list of crooks who have decamped to Israel with their cash.

Here's the latest
Fuck Israel
erm, yeah, sure. like i said, britain, like switzerland/liechenstein/luxembourg, are world leaders in laundering money. you're really going to highlight israel as a particular evil in this regard? britain, via the city of london and her many crown dependencies/hush hush islands, set-up this whole global system. but, sure, evil israel!

it's amazing. britain welcomed abramovich with open arms for nigh-on 20 years. let him own one of her most famous football clubs. did not bat an eyelid about his ill-gotten gains. but now israel are the moral bankrupts. OK, there there dilbert.

the west and military-economic powers like the UK, US, EU, etc, have undoubtedly more clout than israel in these matters. what did we do about the oligarchs when putin rolled into georgia? when he took crimea? when this conflict in the donbass started? we've fattened ourselves on their wealth for 2 decades and ignored any impediment to the smooth transfer of wealth. but now israel are global enemy no. 1. gotcha. you are fucking loose in the head, mate.

Last edited by uziq (2022-03-17 04:24:35)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Israel is now the standout country taking their money and giving them refuge, and refusing to condemn the war so they can kill Iranians when it suits them.
Fuck Israel
the 'standout country', really? it's not even close to being true.

at the outbreak of the conflict and the ensuing sanctions, half the oligarchs swiftly unmoored themselves from the french riviera/barcelona and went ... to the gulf states/dubai, and places like the maldives. … S&IR=T

but don't let a 15 second fact check ruin the fun of your ranting, as per usual.

Last edited by uziq (2022-03-17 08:06:53)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Fuck Israel
and? the US is also saying stern words to china.

very long way away from ‘israel is alone in the world …’. you sound like a ranting idiot. it’s demonstrably not true.

let’s not pretend israel are the only power in the region who are strategically on the fence or value their trade relations with russia. there’s a reason that biden’s administration are on the phone every day to the saudis and arabs with only words about oil prices on their lips, conveniently not mentioning the oligarchs taking refuge in dubai.

Last edited by uziq (2022-03-18 01:31:01)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Spring breakers in Panama City beach flee en masse when police bring a drug dog to the beach" … h_flee_en/

Ron DeSantis country. He is going to Rudy Giuliani the state. He will turn all of Florida into upstate NY.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Brexit could have been about keeping off-shore taxation - ie no taxation - for a select few … ax-318854/

Javid actually did the right thig, taking a 50% hit when he remitted his money into the tax system.
Fuck Israel

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