I want to see a Trump/Palin ticket.
Just to watch the lefties die off from aneurisms, exploding heads, heart attacks, and general nervous disorders.
Then I want to see Dennis Kucinich run again.
Just so we can see more of his wife;

Then, perhaps, we could do something completely fucking insane, and put up a properly qualified, experienced, functional independent candidate not beholden to the same-shit-different-color-tie democrat or republican agenda.
No more GW Bush, No more Obama, no more amateur hour at the White House.
No more Bushes, no more Clintons, no more Kennedys, no more familial dynasties - unless England wants to send us Kate 'n that dude she's marrying.
definitely no narcissistic loony-tunes celebrity real-estate developers with bad comb-overs, worse taste in women, and insane spending habits.
300 million people, and we can't seem to find
one qualified, experienced, sane candidate for President?
"Whiskey Tango Fox, Over?!.. say again all last, you're coming in broken and stupid!"