Miscarriage => death penalty for women
Similar law defeated in Utah.
SOOO much wrong with this not the least of which at that sometimes the miscarriage is due to the man's defective DNA or sperm. Not the mother's fault at all.
The USA was founded by people fleeing religious oppression and now what these religious nutjobs people want to do? Oppress people with ob fucking scene religious based laws. You have forgotten or fuck never even were taught that the founders of your country were fleeing areas of the world where these types of laws were being enacted / enforced.
Fix your goddamned school system so these fucktards actually learn about the ideals on which your country was founded.
Maybe all fucking politicians and wannabes should take a goddamned history test with 95% passing grade requirement before being allowed to run for office (municipal, state and federal). Hell make all your senior military do it too (Generals and maybe field grade too).
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'