lowing wrote:
Dilbert_X wrote:
"I hope the Rapture is smoother than this,"
Somehow doubt it.
Well what kills me is, one day they are gunna be right and the world will end, and there they will be yelling " SEE I TOLD YOU IT WAS TRUE".
See that's the beauty of it, when the world ends they
won't be around to say "I told you so".
Edit: Holy shit, reading that article is really depressing.
Why does this Rapture thing still exist? It's a relic from the fucking dark and middle ages before the Renaissance when society figured out that actually we're making
progress. That's the origin of the whole Rapture myth, when the peasants asked the Church why their lives were so hard and seemingly not getting any better their answer was that things get worse and worse until finally Jesus returns, rescues the faithful, (so keep giving money and power to the Church or you wont be saved,) and ends the world. No responsibility for those in power and the Church because if things get better no-one cares and if things get worse, well it's part of the divine plan and people are happier that they're closer to being saved. Then boom, Renaissance. Suddenly people look at their lives and figure, hey things
aren't getting worse, we're actually making
progress. Guess that whole world decending towards the Rapture is bollocks.
So why in the 21st fucking century to these numpties still hold onto this dark/middle age philosophy that was worked out to be bullshit around 600 years ago?