
nukchebi0 wrote:

lowing wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

After reading up on the American civil war I actually wonder, compared to Libya where the rebels wanted a change of government and America where the south tried to secede from the Union, it actually sounds like the Union was more in the wrong than Gadaffi. I mean, the Unions existence wasn't threatened like Gadaffis government. Ignoring the whole tyrannical regime thing.
There was no civil war in the states, it was the second war for independence.
They were states trying to break free from a federal govt. They were not fighting for the same land, they had 2 distinct armies and 2 distinct govt.'s
They did not even share the same currency. It was a fight for independence, not a fight for control over the same govt.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5401|foggy bottom
civil war was fought to end slavery
Tu Stultus Es

lowing wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

lowing wrote:

There was no civil war in the states, it was the second war for independence.
They were states trying to break free from a federal govt. They were not fighting for the same land, they had 2 distinct armies and 2 distinct govt.'s
They did not even share the same currency. It was a fight for independence, not a fight for control over the same govt.
Only after they seceded.

eleven bravo wrote:

civil war was fought to end slavery
lol, now that was a troll post if there ever was one.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5401|foggy bottom
resorting to insults again lowing
Tu Stultus Es
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6680|Long Island, New York

eleven bravo wrote:

civil war was fought to end slavery
You don't know how many people I've seen claim that the Civil War was a war about state's rights and that "slavery would've naturally stopped over time". Horseshit.
sorry you feel that way

lowing wrote:

Do you really gotta ask why? Why would any other nation risk lives, equipment,or judgement for anything they believed in, when the US is will to act.
If it goes right, they will contribute a token presence so they can be on the winning team, if it goes wrong, they can sit on the sidelines and point fingers and tell us how terrible and intrusive we are.
During a war the opposition's leader is fair game, always has been that way.

Until an actual war breaks out I wouldn't advocate removing the opposition's leadership. We're still democratic.
inane little opines

Ilocano wrote:

lowing wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

They were states trying to break free from a federal govt. They were not fighting for the same land, they had 2 distinct armies and 2 distinct govt.'s
They did not even share the same currency. It was a fight for independence, not a fight for control over the same govt.
Only after they seceded.
No actually they were separate state militia's, hence distinct armies, state governments, hence distinct govts. distinct borders. The only thing shared before the war was the currency was good on both sides.

lowing wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

lowing wrote:

They were states trying to break free from a federal govt. They were not fighting for the same land, they had 2 distinct armies and 2 distinct govt.'s
They did not even share the same currency. It was a fight for independence, not a fight for control over the same govt.
Only after they seceded.
No actually they were separate state militia's, hence distinct armies, state governments, hence distinct govts. distinct borders. The only thing shared before the war was the currency was good on both sides.
Sorry.  Should have been specific.  I only meant the currency.

Poseidon wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

civil war was fought to end slavery
You don't know how many people I've seen claim that the Civil War was a war about state's rights and that "slavery would've naturally stopped over time". Horseshit.
Go read up on Lincoln and see for yourself just how important slavery was to him compared to preserving the union. The ending of slavery was a byproduct of that war, it was not the cause of it.

Ilocano wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

Only after they seceded.
No actually they were separate state militia's, hence distinct armies, state governments, hence distinct govts. distinct borders. The only thing shared before the war was the currency was good on both sides.
Sorry.  Should have been specific.  I only meant the currency.
Germany and France share the same currency, would a war between the 2 nations now be a civil war?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5500|London, England
lowing why don't you go secede from the forum?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

eleven bravo wrote:

resorting to insults again lowing
I dunno, are you?

Jay wrote:

lowing why don't you go secede from the forum?
sorry you feel that way, Jay.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5500|London, England

lowing wrote:

Jay wrote:

lowing why don't you go secede from the forum?
sorry you feel that way, Jay.
I don't actually. Just thought it would be a funny.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Poseidon wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

civil war was fought to end slavery
You don't know how many people I've seen claim that the Civil War was a war about state's rights and that "slavery would've naturally stopped over time". Horseshit.
The civil war was about slavery yes.But slavery would have ended over time on it's own without or without the civil war. It's not economically viable to keep slaves in industrialized countries. Housing, food, healthcare, and enforcement cost would make any increased productivity a slave would have over one or several minimum wage workers meaningless.

Last edited by Macbeth (2011-03-24 17:38:42)


Macbeth wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

civil war was fought to end slavery
You don't know how many people I've seen claim that the Civil War was a war about state's rights and that "slavery would've naturally stopped over time". Horseshit.
The civil war was about slavery yes.But slavery would have ended over time on it's own without or without the civil war. It's not economically viable to keep slaves in industrialized countries. Housing, food, healthcare, and enforcement cost would make any increased productivity a slave would have over one or several minimum wage worker meaningless.
technology  alone would put an end to slavery. We are replacing pilots now in airplanes, replacing cotton pickers would have just been a matter of time anyway.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5500|London, England
Civil war was just an extension of the nullification bullshit that South Carolina tried to pull under Andrew Jackson. SC tried to nullify a federal law, Jackson threatened to send troops, SC backed down. Twenty years later who leads the south into secession? South Carolina and the ghost of John C Calhoun.

It's funny the dichotomy between north and south even to this day. You head down there and it's like the Civil War happened last week. Up here it's a story you learn in middle school and don't pay any mind to afterwards. Keep fighting the good fight lowing. The south will rise again.

I pinned you right earlier. I bet you look good in white.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

Civil war was just an extension of the nullification bullshit that South Carolina tried to pull under Andrew Jackson. SC tried to nullify a federal law, Jackson threatened to send troops, SC backed down. Twenty years later who leads the south into secession? South Carolina and the ghost of John C Calhoun.

It's funny the dichotomy between north and south even to this day. You head down there and it's like the Civil War happened last week. Up here it's a story you learn in middle school and don't pay any mind to afterwards. Keep fighting the good fight lowing. The south will rise again.

I pinned you right earlier. I bet you look good in white.
Actually I started off in Detroit and as an Army brat lived all over the world, I only moved to Georgia because that is where the work was, but hey, why bother you with miner details, yer on a roll.

Last edited by lowing (2011-03-24 17:48:37)


lowing wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

lowing wrote:

No actually they were separate state militia's, hence distinct armies, state governments, hence distinct govts. distinct borders. The only thing shared before the war was the currency was good on both sides.
Sorry.  Should have been specific.  I only meant the currency.
Germany and France share the same currency, would a war between the 2 nations now be a civil war?
If and when Germany and France ever have a "Federal" government.

Ilocano wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

Sorry.  Should have been specific.  I only meant the currency.
Germany and France share the same currency, would a war between the 2 nations now be a civil war?
If and when Germany and France ever have a "Federal" government.
They have a EU. really no different than a federal govt was to the states back then. The states recognized thst the federal govt. was gaining too much power and wanted nothing more to do with it.

If France decided they wanted nothing more to do with the EU, and the EU decided they didn't want to let France go.........extreme example but same thing I think.
sorry you feel that way
Doesn't happen around here, it would be a massive crisis but I doubt the European countries will ever again start fighting amongst themselves, think we've done that enough by now.
inane little opines

Shocking wrote:

Doesn't happen around here, it would be a massive crisis but I doubt the European countries will ever again start fighting amongst themselves, think we've done that enough by now.
Weird isn't it, for the first time in centuries is Europe war free for such a long time.
sorry you feel that way

BALTINS wrote:

Weird isn't it, for the first time in centuries is Europe war free for such a long time.
If you look at the history it does seem very strange, before WW1&2 came about every decade there would always be some countries kicking eachother's teeth in. It was the 'war to end all wars' on the continent so to speak, so massive it changed everything.
inane little opines

Shocking wrote:

Doesn't happen around here, it would be a massive crisis but I doubt the European countries will ever again start fighting amongst themselves, think we've done that enough by now.

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