
Ultrafunkula wrote:

DonFck wrote:

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Getting married this saturday, woop!
Das ist epic, ja!

I'm congratulating you already, because I'm sure you won't be lurking on the forums on the big day, or immediately after that either. Or the wife will file for annulment.
U sure? Lappy, free internets in hotelroom. Separate rooms for the last night. Don't see the woman until going to take pix before church. Computas in the hotel lobby. Etc

Thanks Mac! Gotta check them out.
I'll crash the wedding and participate in the traditional "stealing the bride". Only, I'll actually steal her. It'll be my wedding gift to you. I'll be the stalker creep in a tuxedo, you can't miss.
I need around tree fiddy.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6630|6 6 4 oh, I forget

DonFck wrote:

Ultrafunkula wrote:

DonFck wrote:

Das ist epic, ja!

I'm congratulating you already, because I'm sure you won't be lurking on the forums on the big day, or immediately after that either. Or the wife will file for annulment.
U sure? Lappy, free internets in hotelroom. Separate rooms for the last night. Don't see the woman until going to take pix before church. Computas in the hotel lobby. Etc

Thanks Mac! Gotta check them out.
I'll crash the wedding and participate in the traditional "stealing the bride". Only, I'll actually steal her. It'll be my wedding gift to you. I'll be the stalker creep in a tuxedo, you can't miss.
Wotchit. U might get stabbed since the wedding is held in Seinajoki

Aw, poo. All the fun phones are with shitty contracts which I don't need

Ultrafunkula wrote:

DonFck wrote:

Ultrafunkula wrote:

U sure? Lappy, free internets in hotelroom. Separate rooms for the last night. Don't see the woman until going to take pix before church. Computas in the hotel lobby. Etc

Thanks Mac! Gotta check them out.
I'll crash the wedding and participate in the traditional "stealing the bride". Only, I'll actually steal her. It'll be my wedding gift to you. I'll be the stalker creep in a tuxedo, you can't miss.
Wotchit. U might get stabbed since the wedding is held in Seinajoki

Aw, poo. All the fun phones are with shitty contracts which I don't need
Puukkohippa will be one of the activities of the evening then?

For people communicating in Anglais, Puukkohippa roughly translated is Knife-tag
I need around tree fiddy.
O' HAL naw!
+470|6734|Columbus, OH
Windows Automatic Updates restart, I curse wait that would be a bad thing
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6117|Places 'n such

Uzique wrote:

presidentsheep wrote:

UCL, wasn't really expecting to get in, still a bit gutted that I didn't get an interview or anything. Had the grades so must have been something else.

Put royal holloway as my last choice (only chose 4 originally) as they seem to have one of the better physics departments out of UoL. Surprised I could still apply what with it being this late.
holloway physics department is pretty good, yeah. my friend is a finalist now and is really being milked by some hardcore shit - they work you hard in that department. the faculty all seem to be pretty top-notch, with a bunch of guys involved in CERN and shit. also quite a few eminent scholars in the field of astrophysics, im led to believe, as i know a guy that has just submitted his PhD-thesis abstract and got totally gruelled by a board of profs. also the mini observatory is
I think every physics department i've ever been to says they have some guy who's worked at CERN, not a big fan of astrophysics, prefer small stuff to big stuff (insert penis joke here).
Cheers for the opinion, only thing i've got available to me at the moment is their websites, which aren't exactly going to be balanced.

liquidat0r wrote:

woo, physics

Southampton? I'm only saying that 'cause I'm here.

The department is pretty good as far as I can tell though. So's the uni. All my lectures are fucking awesome.
Looked at southampton last september for clearing, they wanted some pretty high grades
Seemed good but I want to be in/near london really.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
arrivederci frog
What grades do you have? I'm at Imperial and its pretty sweet here. Royal Holloway indeed has a really solid department. Queen Mary is good and Hertfordshire is not too far out of London either.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6117|Places 'n such
At the moment BBB, resubmitted my history coursework so I know for definite that's going up to A and resat some easy exams from AS maths and physics so i'm fairly confident with them to.
Had some shitty AS grades that brought me down in august, was only 1% off in each subject but still shoulda done better.
Gone for this year:
Kings College (might have been a mistake )
UCL (unsuccessful)
Royal Holloway
Hull (nowai)

Last edited by presidentsheep (2011-02-09 07:01:31)

I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
I got in with BBB. For physics (masters), that is. They wanted ABB. I was only a couple ofpercent away from an A in two of those Bs, though - dunno if that had anything to do with it.

I don't know what the requirements are now.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6117|Places 'n such
Mainly AAA or ABB at the lowest. I woulda done the same as you but because so many people were applying last year due to the threat of raising fees, birmingham had no "near miss" places at all and kings had 7 people competing for each one so what with missing out on 3 A's instead of 1 or 2, I didn't get in.
Kinda thankful now as it's given me time to build up some more money towards it and means my grants based on the tax year that my mum wasn't working as she went back to uni to do her PGCE.

e: i'm applying for masters at all of them, it's either an Msci or Mphys depending on where I go

Last edited by presidentsheep (2011-02-09 07:07:50)

I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
arrivederci frog
Don't you get 6 choices? Queen Mary want something like BBB or ABB I believe. Their physics course is pretty good, I know someone who applied last year and apparently QM ranked higher than imperial, UCL and kings.
If you're considering doing a Masters and the place you're applying for has lower requirements for the Bachelors, then just apply for the Bachelors. You can swap to a Masters after a year, once you've proved you're capable.


Something to consider.

*May not be the case at all universities
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6117|Places 'n such
Only get 5, already got a conditional from hull for 320 UCAS pts. which I've got, I think. Should end up with AAA and as-levels being CD.
This reminds me, I need to phone UCL to find out why I didn't get an offer.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6117|Places 'n such
No answer, got further this time... These people are never at their desks though.

Should have the grades for masters for all of them, though I might bring that up on the phone, ask if I can do a bachelors and then when i'm there just switch after a year or even do the bachelors and then do an additional year after or do it somewhere else.
not quite sure what the difference is except for the extra year?

e: grades are the same according to the website. UCL is ABB for both, which I had on my application as predicted so must be some other aspect letting me down wonder if it's because I failed an AS year about 2 to 3 years ago?

Last edited by presidentsheep (2011-02-09 07:17:15)

I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Extra year, better qualification. The third year of a B is different to the 3rd year of an M.

Careful not to sound like you're "not sure if you're capable of doing a Masters, so you're going to apply for a Bachelors"
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6117|Places 'n such
I know I'm capable, it's the only subject that interests me any more so I'm pretty enthusiastic about doing it. Still can't get through to their physics admissions, I never really expected to get into UCL but it'd still be nice to know why. Bit disappointing the only real answer I've had so far is an unsuccessful.

e: more uni admin people redirecting me!

Last edited by presidentsheep (2011-02-09 07:23:39)

I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
I wasn't saying that you're not, just make sure you don't come across as being so.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6117|Places 'n such
No answer after being redirected lots, gonna try again tomorrow. Get to the bottom of this
Kinda hoping for kings college now, loved the buildings on the open day but they've implemented some really harsh cuts to their physics departments so it's now one of the worst in the country. Still a prestigious uni though which I feel is more important.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5858|College Park, MD
Hey British bf2s users, what unis in the UK are good for business? I wanna do a semester or year abroad.
Probably the London school of economics

No idea

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Hey British bf2s users, what unis in the UK are good for business? I wanna do a semester or year abroad.
btw uk is expensive as shit. australia is a much cheaper option with better weather.
+1,716|6888|St. Andrews / Oslo

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Hey British bf2s users, what unis in the UK are good for business? I wanna do a semester or year abroad. … nt-studies
come to holloway so i can slap you
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5858|College Park, MD

Uzique wrote:

come to holloway so i can slap you
Maybe i will

I know LSE is great but I'm not sure i could get in.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6117|Places 'n such
If I go to kings their main accomodation is near hamstead heath, so i'm sure i could find you somewhere nearby.
been on the phone for a while and turns out the guy who I was meant to speak to has gone home. Fucking wonderful. Try again tomorrow.

Last edited by presidentsheep (2011-02-09 08:23:36)

I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.

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