We used to execute folks who do this. Does this man deserve it?
http://www.dailytech.com/Court+Sentence … e20755.htm
Mr. Gowadia, now a U.S. citizen, billed himself as "father of the technology that protects the B-2 stealth bomber from heat-seeking missiles". He was among the principle design engineers working on the B-2's propulsion system during his career with Northrop that lasted from 1968 to 1986.
In the late 1990s, he struck out on his own, founding a consulting firm in 1999 dubbed "Gowadia, Inc."
Over the next five years he reportedly proceeded to try to sell foreign operatives our nation's stealth secrets, some of which he concocted. He sent information to operatives from Germany, Israel, and Switzerland.
And his biggest transaction was his transmission of a wealth of data to the People's Republic of China. That transaction allowed China to jump-start its stealth aerospace efforts and design a stealth missile. It also netted Mr. Gowadia $110,000 USD, which he used pay off his mortgage on a luxury home on the island of Maui.
http://www.dailytech.com/Court+Sentence … e20755.htm
Mr. Gowadia, now a U.S. citizen, billed himself as "father of the technology that protects the B-2 stealth bomber from heat-seeking missiles". He was among the principle design engineers working on the B-2's propulsion system during his career with Northrop that lasted from 1968 to 1986.
In the late 1990s, he struck out on his own, founding a consulting firm in 1999 dubbed "Gowadia, Inc."
Over the next five years he reportedly proceeded to try to sell foreign operatives our nation's stealth secrets, some of which he concocted. He sent information to operatives from Germany, Israel, and Switzerland.
And his biggest transaction was his transmission of a wealth of data to the People's Republic of China. That transaction allowed China to jump-start its stealth aerospace efforts and design a stealth missile. It also netted Mr. Gowadia $110,000 USD, which he used pay off his mortgage on a luxury home on the island of Maui.