+3,611|6934|London, England
They're not going to do much, Moscow was hit by a worse bombing last year in March

This isn't like Russia's 9/11 or something like that, they get hit quite frequently
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6274|Places 'n such
I'm pretty sure they'd take it pretty seriously after all the attacks they've had on various transport  systems.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Commie Killer
No they won't. I swear some of you jack it to the idea of WWIII.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6274|Places 'n such
Mine was a response to the airport security, worse case scenario Russia will go raping and pillaging through chechnya/dagestan/whoever did it. It's going to be nasty but it isn't going to be WWIII in any way, they've got the support of America/NATO already.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
That Guy
+236|5349|Massachusetts, USA
The only way I could see this becoming WW3 is if the CIA did it. Which they didn't.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6274|Places 'n such
Or did they... *tinfoil hat*
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
COD Modern Warfare Airport Scene
Ya, my kid has this Game. That Massacre Scene was very near the line I didn't want him to cross. I almost went all "hillary" on his ass and was thinking of taking the game away from him. But it didn't seem to warp him out.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2011-01-25 04:18:38)


UnkleRukus wrote:

The only way I could see this becoming WW3 is if the CIA did it. Which they didn't.
and you know this how ? just wondering... no taunt ! just waiting.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2011-01-25 04:57:21)

O' HAL naw!
+470|6891|Columbus, OH
Extermist and / or rebels have attacked the heart of Russia before in 2002 Moscow threatre crisis. Other than killing majority of the hostage takers and hostages, I don't think they gone outside of their borders to combat the problem. Perhaps this time, they will.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

presidentsheep wrote:

inb4 "religion of peace" shite. I've heard it was pissed off chechnyans again.
e: could equally be angry musilms from the south though.
They have socialised healthcare, shit that would make anyone start planting bombs.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

presidentsheep wrote:

inb4 "religion of peace" shite. I've heard it was pissed off chechnyans again.
e: could equally be angry musilms from the south though.
They have socialised healthcare, shit that would make anyone start planting bombs.
I did think the 'Chechnyan Rebels' were muslims for the most part, Am I wrong ?

Didn't they bury the Terrorists they gassed in that ( Theater Hostage ) Rescue attempt wrapped up in pig skins so they couldn't reach paradise ?
+354|6312|Vortex Ring State

I think that logo just proves how extremist some islamist sects can be, just saying


no but seriously

shit has happened before (Beslan, Theatre, Metro) attacks, no surprise it happened again. Security will always be a problem in Russia since it's so frickin huge, and corruption in gov't.

Nuff said.

Last edited by Trotskygrad (2011-01-24 14:44:58)

+354|6312|Vortex Ring State
I wish best of luck to the Russian investigators and security forces that are focusing on finding the actual perps for this and not just using it as an excuse to silence dissidents.

It's horrible, it just does not seems as horrible to most because most people (outside of Russia) can't relate.

Of course this is going to get more media coverage in Russia than in the US. Of course if the possibility of someone close to you being killed is present, you will care more. Of course you're going to care more if your own countrymen are getting hurt/killed (whatever that means)
the fact is people with nationalist tendencies seem to have this sociological problem wherein their empathy for others not-of-the-homeland is sorely missing. you treat people just because they're from a different culture, geography or political system as if they're cattle being culled off and as if its a derision/humour-worthy subject... why? because they have a different stamp on their passport? sing to a different flag? fucktards like shifty deserve to be killed in terrorist attacks so our fucking gene pool can restore a semblance of intelligent decency.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+354|6312|Vortex Ring State

Uzique wrote:

the fact is people with nationalist tendencies seem to have this sociological problem wherein their empathy for others not-of-the-homeland is sorely missing. you treat people just because they're from a different culture, geography or political system as if they're cattle being culled off and as if its a derision/humour-worthy subject... why? because they have a different stamp on their passport? sing to a different flag? fucktards like shifty deserve to be killed in terrorist attacks so our fucking gene pool can restore a semblance of intelligent decency.
well yes, that and their empathy for others not-of-the-homeland's allies too, to a lesser degree. Americans sorta cared about 7/7, Madrid, and Mumbai.

But the majority of Americans didn't care when Pakistan floods (yeah different thing, I know), or Russia gets attacked by terrorists.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

Trotskygrad wrote:

Uzique wrote:

the fact is people with nationalist tendencies seem to have this sociological problem wherein their empathy for others not-of-the-homeland is sorely missing. you treat people just because they're from a different culture, geography or political system as if they're cattle being culled off and as if its a derision/humour-worthy subject... why? because they have a different stamp on their passport? sing to a different flag? fucktards like shifty deserve to be killed in terrorist attacks so our fucking gene pool can restore a semblance of intelligent decency.
well yes, that and their empathy for others not-of-the-homeland's allies too, to a lesser degree. Americans sorta cared about 7/7, Madrid, and Mumbai.

But the majority of Americans didn't care when Pakistan floods (yeah different thing, I know), or Russia gets attacked by terrorists.
I feel as if a lot of Americans still see Russia as the enemy. I was told on another forum that America got "raped" by START II.
the funny thing is that if you trace the animosity between the west and russia, it all originates historically as a construct of western diplomats/politicians. americans think they're being wise when they 'fear' russia, as if it's anything other than an irrational and rhetorical political somersault invented by their own useless fucking politicians. this shit goes all the way back to the prince of prussia and the tsarists.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+354|6312|Vortex Ring State

Uzique wrote:

the funny thing is that if you trace the animosity between the west and russia, it all originates historically as a construct of western diplomats/politicians. americans think they're being wise when they 'fear' russia, as if it's anything other than an irrational and rhetorical political somersault invented by their own useless fucking politicians. this shit goes all the way back to the prince of prussia and the tsarists.
well that's fairly true, it's also possibly true to say that the Soviet Union feared the west more than the west feared the Soviet Union.

Russia is actually a fairly defensive and protectionist country when it comes to global affairs, unlike Western depictions of it as expansionist and having colonial aspirations
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio
oh great...lets hope russia doesnt send conscripts into chechnya again
I expect Russia to act. Seems like they should too.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Inappropriate Sh!fty.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
plundering yee booty
+510|5787|Ventura, California
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Well I don't want to Pull my american stuff into this, but it's funny how the pat downs and everything are really just useless. Russia(never been so asking) has a ton of security inside the airports don't they?
Actually, all the reports I have heard say that security was pretty relaxed. … 1HDJMT.DTL

thoughts go out to the Russians and Briton who lost their lives yesterday.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Zee Ruskie
+295|7088|Moscow, Russia
this shit is the result of idiotic non-existent national policy of current russian government. the latest "protests" in moscow and this bombing are direct consequences of letting our local lowings and g@lts do what they want and exercise their so called "rights" under free speech. the worst part is that nothing's going to be done again - they'll find a coupla chechens or ingush's with records, close them away and that's gonna be it.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio
gee cant wait for the olympics there

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