… ed-threat/
" One of the Arizona shooting victims was arrested Saturday and then taken for a psychiatric evaluation after authorities said he took a picture of a tea party leader at televised town hall meeting and yelled: "you're dead."
James Eric Fuller, 63, objected to something Trent Humphries said during the forum taped for a special edition of ABC's "This Week" with Christiane Amanpour, Pima County sheriff's spokesman Jason Ogan said. Fuller was in the front row and apparently became upset when Humphries suggested that any conversations about gun control should be delayed until all the dead were buried, KGUN-TV in Tucson reported.
Fuller was arrested on misdemeanor disorderly conduct and threat charges, Ogan said. While Fuller was being escorted out, deputies decided he needed a mental health evaluation and he was taken to a hospital, where he remained Saturday evening. "
So I was listening to liberal talk show host Randi Rhodes a few days ago talk about how dangerous the Rights talk show hosts are with all their hate speech and how the left doesn't participate in hate speech. At the end of her 2 hr. rant about how the right is trying to get people killed by brain washing their followers that certain liberals are evil, she plays a tape of James Fuller blaming the Tea Party for the shooting in Arizona and says " See, he knows who's to blame...... ". This was back on Friday I believe so it had already been out over a week that Jared was a liberal nut job who was into Nazi-ism and Anti-US conspiracy movies.
Now, I would argue that people on both sides do the same crap. But I would also argue that most of the stuff I have heard on the right is at least based in facts and that many of the people are just that corrupt on the left so it sounds worse: ie blow jobs in the oval office, gay live-in prostitutes, selling missile guidance technology for campaign contributions, political fund raisers in communist countries, socializing health care under a "free healthcare" lie, calling Iraq Bushes war even though they voted for it and funded it, Saying they would close gitmo and have troops home for X-Mass to get elected and then doing nothing..........
So, obviously this guy Fuller is a creation of a liberal lie that directed hate specifically at Palin, Tea Party, and that fox news guy (can remember his name). So now is this guy pointing out how and who to kill for the left to the psycos? I personally think this is a tit for tat to this guy and he wants blood because his candidate got shot and he is blaming the people he has been told to blame.
" One of the Arizona shooting victims was arrested Saturday and then taken for a psychiatric evaluation after authorities said he took a picture of a tea party leader at televised town hall meeting and yelled: "you're dead."
James Eric Fuller, 63, objected to something Trent Humphries said during the forum taped for a special edition of ABC's "This Week" with Christiane Amanpour, Pima County sheriff's spokesman Jason Ogan said. Fuller was in the front row and apparently became upset when Humphries suggested that any conversations about gun control should be delayed until all the dead were buried, KGUN-TV in Tucson reported.
Fuller was arrested on misdemeanor disorderly conduct and threat charges, Ogan said. While Fuller was being escorted out, deputies decided he needed a mental health evaluation and he was taken to a hospital, where he remained Saturday evening. "
So I was listening to liberal talk show host Randi Rhodes a few days ago talk about how dangerous the Rights talk show hosts are with all their hate speech and how the left doesn't participate in hate speech. At the end of her 2 hr. rant about how the right is trying to get people killed by brain washing their followers that certain liberals are evil, she plays a tape of James Fuller blaming the Tea Party for the shooting in Arizona and says " See, he knows who's to blame...... ". This was back on Friday I believe so it had already been out over a week that Jared was a liberal nut job who was into Nazi-ism and Anti-US conspiracy movies.
Now, I would argue that people on both sides do the same crap. But I would also argue that most of the stuff I have heard on the right is at least based in facts and that many of the people are just that corrupt on the left so it sounds worse: ie blow jobs in the oval office, gay live-in prostitutes, selling missile guidance technology for campaign contributions, political fund raisers in communist countries, socializing health care under a "free healthcare" lie, calling Iraq Bushes war even though they voted for it and funded it, Saying they would close gitmo and have troops home for X-Mass to get elected and then doing nothing..........
So, obviously this guy Fuller is a creation of a liberal lie that directed hate specifically at Palin, Tea Party, and that fox news guy (can remember his name). So now is this guy pointing out how and who to kill for the left to the psycos? I personally think this is a tit for tat to this guy and he wants blood because his candidate got shot and he is blaming the people he has been told to blame.
Last edited by Lotta_Drool (2011-01-16 11:03:41)