I am glad people care. I have the feeling most of  Reps are yucking it up rite now and don't really give a sh*t exept for all the TV Face time their getting.

People hate this  guy (Rush) so much I started listening/Reserching him, I found this Gem. Its old but it is exactly what I meant above.

I am looking for Rush, Haninty, Lavin[sp] counter parts from the Left to listen to. Any suggestions would be apreciated.

So far I found Randi Rohdes. she's mostly name calling but fun, Has a huge rack and sounds like she smokes 16 packs a day ( which for some reason I like IDK-Y?)

The strangest thing is Conservative radio is all adds for - investment - security - Computer Back up - etc. Glenn Beck is "Hidden Safes" food storage, emergency equipment lol

Lib radio is adds for Green Enviormentaly Safe and freindly Pest control ( don't Hurt that Rat ! he's got kids to feed ! )
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Left talk is boring. It just is.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
Which is the reason it's so hard to find lefty radio shows.

After Air American went down there hasn't been any really.

On a sidenote, I used to love the Lionel show back when he was on WOR. After he moved to Air America I couldn't catch the show. He now has a gig on News 11. He's more liberal (whatever the hell that means) than Rush and Hannity. He's actually pretty damn fair and intelligent. … 8472.story

Last edited by Macbeth (2011-01-15 16:19:27)


Kmar wrote:

Left talk is boring. It just is.
It is boring because it is an argument that can not hold up to scrutiny. That is a fact. The left can not argue on merit of their argument, so it must resort to name calling, racist accusations, and insults in an effort to discredit their opposition.........A lot like some members of this forum.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

lowing wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Left talk is boring. It just is.
It is boring because it is an argument that can not hold up to scrutiny. That is a fact. The left can not argue on merit of their argument, so it must resort to name calling, racist accusations, and insults in an effort to discredit their opposition.........A lot like some members of this forum.
Isn't Glenn Beck right wing?
did anyone watch that Video I posted of cliton laughing till he saw the camera on him ? holy sh*t what a phony He has no shame and knows they will cover for him, except for Mr Limbaugh apparently.

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

lowing wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Left talk is boring. It just is.
It is boring because it is an argument that can not hold up to scrutiny. That is a fact. The left can not argue on merit of their argument, so it must resort to name calling, racist accusations, and insults in an effort to discredit their opposition.........A lot like some members of this forum.
Isn't Glenn Beck right wing?
yup, and has a very successful show. HE isn't going off the air any time soon....Where is Air America again?
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
Is there any non-extreme L/R shit on the radio? I mean, the only person I know who listens to talk radio is my grandpa for God's sake.

DesertFox- wrote:

Is there any non-extreme L/R shit on the radio? I mean, the only person I know who listens to talk radio is my grandpa for God's sake.
maybe you should get out more and meet people because I am quite certain your grandpa isn't the reason talk radio is alive and well.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
Of course not, I'm sure a bunch of other old people listen to it as well.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Young Turks aren't bad.

I don't know if they are specifically on the radio, but I'll sometimes watch a video for some "left-wing media".

DesertFox- wrote:

Of course not, I'm sure a bunch of other old people listen to it as well.
your age is what ? jus wunnerin ?

I have tons of music I just like talk and news better. when Im commuting  or at work
sadly NPR is pretty left. I can get that. When I lived in NYC there was a lot more diversity.

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

I am looking for Rush, Haninty, Lavin[sp] counter parts from the Left to listen to. Any suggestions would be apreciated.
The left has very few 'counterparts' to offer over the radio. Go watch some Colbert. Dave Ross on Kiro FM out of Seattle is fairly liberal, but not far-left.

lowing wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Left talk is boring. It just is.
It is boring because it is an argument that can not hold up to scrutiny. That is a fact. The left can not argue on merit of their argument, so it must resort to name calling, racist accusations, and insults in an effort to discredit their opposition.........A lot like some members of this forum.
Something right-wing media does constantly.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
It's not an insult if what's stated is the truth.    I've not heard racist accusations from the right to the left tbh.  Long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking, Birkenstock-wearing, plastic banana/good-time rock n rollers I have heard.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
Liberal stuff tends to be more comedy related like the Daily Show.

Granted, Bill Maher is good for liberal commentating.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I'm not interested in the opinions of journalists.
Fuck Israel

Kmar wrote:

Left talk is boring. It just is.

The lefties here on the lower cape do a public acess show on tv. I should do a mystery sciece theatre show..maybe no.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

I am looking for Rush, Haninty, Lavin[sp] counter parts from the Left to listen to. Any suggestions would be apreciated.
The left has very few 'counterparts' to offer over the radio. Go watch some Colbert. Dave Ross on Kiro FM out of Seattle is fairly liberal, but not far-left.

lowing wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Left talk is boring. It just is.
It is boring because it is an argument that can not hold up to scrutiny. That is a fact. The left can not argue on merit of their argument, so it must resort to name calling, racist accusations, and insults in an effort to discredit their opposition.........A lot like some members of this forum.
Something right-wing media does constantly.
If that were true, anywhere near the extent of that of the left, then conservative talk radio and commentary shows would be just as much a dismal failure as liberal talk radio and commentary shows are. As it is, they are not. The lefts message is simply not believable or sustainable. The only success the left have is in comedy. Fitting, to say the least.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

lowing wrote:

The left can not argue on merit of their argument, so it must resort to name calling, racist accusations, and insults in an effort to discredit their opposition.........
Yes, its just the 'left' which does that
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

The left can not argue on merit of their argument, so it must resort to name calling, racist accusations, and insults in an effort to discredit their opposition.........
Yes, its just the 'left' which does that
uhhhhhh sorry, it is a fact the left can not hold an audience because they can not form an argument that will hold water under scrutiny. There may be occasions where someone on the right throws insults, or racial quips, but it is not because they can not make an argument otherwise.

This board is a pretty good example of that. MOST insults race accusations, name calling etc come from the left side of this forum, and it starts when your arguments break down.

Last edited by lowing (2011-01-16 01:42:34)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

lowing wrote:

uhhhhhh sorry, it is a fact the left can not hold an audience because they can not form an argument that will hold water under scrutiny. There may be occasions where someone on the right throws insults, or racial quips, but it is not because they can not make an argument otherwise.
Maybe its that the left doesn't need to be told what to think, or that the right feels the need to broadcast a lot to spread the 'message' since they don't really have an argument.
I don't feel the need to be in an 'audience', 'lefties' tend to educate themselves, rather than sit in front of the TV and wait to be given their opinion.

This board is a pretty good example of that. MOST insults race accusations, name calling etc come from the left side of this forum, and it starts when your arguments break down.
If someone did a survey I bet it would be the other way around.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2011-01-16 01:52:23)

Fuck Israel
examples. when talking about taxes. the left can not successfully justify or argue taking money from those those it does not belong to, so you must say the rich are greedy or selfish. and try to demonize them.

when talking about inflated social services, the left can not successfully argue or justify paying for the people gouging these services, so you must victimize them and by blaming ANYONE and EVERYONE other than the person doing the gouging.

When talking about criminals, the left can not argue or justify light or easy prison treatment, so you must victimize the criminal instead of let him be treated as he is, a criminal.

When talking about gun control, the left can not argue or justify the banning of guns, so you must demonize gun owners as nut jobs hell bent on killing rampages.

When talking about social issues, you can not argue or justify the unacceptable behavior, so you simply turn it into a race issue and call anyone a racist that thinks certain behavior is unacceptable. Henry Lewis Gates, Rodney King, OJ etc...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

lowing wrote:

examples. when talking about taxes. the left can not successfully justify or argue taking money from those those it does not belong to, so you must say the rich are greedy or selfish. and try to demonize them.
Taking money from those those it does not belong to? That sentence doesn't even make sense.

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