
Turquoise wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Blaming the left or the right is pretty fucking stupid. Why aren't we seeing hundreds of these killings going on if rhetoric is to blame? Obviously there was little logic going on in loughner's brain. He began shooting indiscriminately. Do you know what that means? His mental wiring was all wrong. (note: i am not making a case for insanity) Anyone who has studied the mind of a psychopath knows that ANYTHING can set them off. Yes, there are some people who are motivated by extreme politics. But that does not mean extreme politics is to blame. There are others that hear the rhetoric of extreme politics and they don't kill people. How do you explain that? I read a book once about the Son of Sam. In it they described how just seeing a woman walking down the street would send him into a killing spree. Are we supposed to stop all women from walking down the street? Look at this guys history. He was all kinds of threatening for all kinds of reasons.

Both sides have used irresponsible language in the past. I think it is deplorable. Not because it is sending people into a shooting spree, but because it is polarizing us as a nation.
Um...  I'm pretty sure Obama would agree with you.  I think he wants to encourage people to tone the rhetoric down, but as you can see, he's not blaming any side for this attack.
He wants to tone the rhetoric down because it is clear it had nothing to do with the conservative movement. Do you honestly believe this administration would let a good crisis go to waste if they didn't have to?

Kmar wrote:

lowing wrote:

presidentsheep wrote:

I got robbed/mugged in Norwich... Fucking Norwich
you mean after all of your bullshit about never needing to defend yourself, you are gunna tell us you were mugged? Let me guess, you lost everything you were carrying, but at least the criminals life was spared.. Be right back, I am gunna go throw up.
What the hell are you talking about? When have I EVER said anything about not needing to defend yourself? You're a confused old man.

In fact I fully support the second amendment.

Bring your brain when you come back
Hey Kmar?, I was talking to the sheep. so you can stop with insults.

Last edited by lowing (2011-01-14 08:59:03)


JohnG@lt wrote:

lowing wrote:

presidentsheep wrote:

I got robbed/mugged in Norwich... Fucking Norwich
you mean after all of your bullshit about never needing to defend yourself, you are gunna tell us you were mugged? Let me guess, you lost everything you were carrying, but at least the criminals life was spared.. Be right back, I am gunna go throw up.
You have this strange belief that all criminals should be beheaded as soon as they are found guilty, no matter how petty the offense. I'm surprised you loathe Muslims to such a large degree.
No John, only the criminals that threaten my life for what is in my fuckin pocket. I do not loathe Muslims, I loathe Islam get it right.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Turquoise wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

I'm beginning to feel like nationalism and nationhood are just arbitrary and pointless divisions we draw up to preserve differences in wealth and standard of living.

We cling to cultural identities that make it easier to separate ourselves despite all being the same species.
It can be about working together for a common goal. If you take pride into something you create (a society) then you are more likely to put effort into it. I think you are a pessimist by nature turq, so naturally you only see the worst.
I'm a cynic, not a pessimist, but I realize they have much in common.

I still believe that we're reaching a point where it's more about coming together as a species.  The world is too small and interdependent to focus so much on national identities.  I think it's by more than just a coincidence that the most primitive nations are the most divided by tribalism.

Yet, we have this strange throwback to something similar to tribalism with our own focus on decentralization of authority.
Coming together as a species? I don't think so.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

lowing wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

lowing wrote:

you mean after all of your bullshit about never needing to defend yourself, you are gunna tell us you were mugged? Let me guess, you lost everything you were carrying, but at least the criminals life was spared.. Be right back, I am gunna go throw up.
You have this strange belief that all criminals should be beheaded as soon as they are found guilty, no matter how petty the offense. I'm surprised you loathe Muslims to such a large degree.
No John, only the criminals that threaten my life for what is in my fuckin pocket. I do not loathe Muslims, I loathe Islam get it right.
Right, but with the way you wish for criminals to be punished for the rest of their life, you might as well lop off their head as soon as they are convicted. Your type of thinking is what causes recidivism, not some innate evil within the person.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

lowing wrote:

Kmar wrote:

lowing wrote:

you mean after all of your bullshit about never needing to defend yourself, you are gunna tell us you were mugged? Let me guess, you lost everything you were carrying, but at least the criminals life was spared.. Be right back, I am gunna go throw up.
What the hell are you talking about? When have I EVER said anything about not needing to defend yourself? You're a confused old man.

In fact I fully support the second amendment.

Bring your brain when you come back
Hey Kmar?, I was talking to the sheep. so you can stop with insults.
It's only because I love you.

I still felt the need to reinforce my position on the second amendment to you after the whole ccw thing. Some people don't fully understand that in the absence of a law there is no enforcement. That was my only point. I think AZ is a state that also has no CCW. .. i think
Xbone Stormsurgezz
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Kmar wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Kmar wrote:

It can be about working together for a common goal. If you take pride into something you create (a society) then you are more likely to put effort into it. I think you are a pessimist by nature turq, so naturally you only see the worst.
I'm a cynic, not a pessimist, but I realize they have much in common.

I still believe that we're reaching a point where it's more about coming together as a species.  The world is too small and interdependent to focus so much on national identities.  I think it's by more than just a coincidence that the most primitive nations are the most divided by tribalism.

Yet, we have this strange throwback to something similar to tribalism with our own focus on decentralization of authority.
Coming together as a species? I don't think so.
Economically, we're certainly more interdependent than before.  Multinational corporations seem more significant than governments now.

It just seems like having such a wide variety of governments and cultures gets in the way of economic progress.   If we could just slowly assimilate toward one direction with the same goals, we'd accomplish so much more.

JohnG@lt wrote:

lowing wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

You have this strange belief that all criminals should be beheaded as soon as they are found guilty, no matter how petty the offense. I'm surprised you loathe Muslims to such a large degree.
No John, only the criminals that threaten my life for what is in my fuckin pocket. I do not loathe Muslims, I loathe Islam get it right.
Right, but with the way you wish for criminals to be punished for the rest of their life, you might as well lop off their head as soon as they are convicted. Your type of thinking is what causes recidivism, not some innate evil within the person.
Ok John let me ask you......you are a business owner, you spent your life building this business and its reputation say a dept. store. You get 50 applications a day asking for a job. Of those 50 40 are qualified for the job. Of those 40 4 are convicted felons, 1 for shoplifting, 1 for armed robbery, and 1 for rape and 1 for drug crimes. Are you going to tell me you would consider any of them to work in your store interact with your customers, handle your merchandise, or manage your accounts?

Truth is, the law does not punish for life, it is the fact that we in society still maintain a right to associate with who the want, and most of us do not want to associate with convicted felons, let alone trust them with our lives or livelihood.

by the way John, if you tell me you would hire any of those felons, this is where I would call you a liar.

Last edited by lowing (2011-01-14 09:15:22)


Kmar wrote:

lowing wrote:

Kmar wrote:

What the hell are you talking about? When have I EVER said anything about not needing to defend yourself? You're a confused old man.

In fact I fully support the second amendment.

Bring your brain when you come back
Hey Kmar?, I was talking to the sheep. so you can stop with insults.
It's only because I love you.

I still felt the need to reinforce my position on the second amendment to you after the whole ccw thing. Some people don't fully understand that in the absence of a law there is no enforcement. That was my only point. I think AZ is a state that also has no CCW. .. i think
well it is true you only hurt the ones you love.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Turquoise wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

I'm a cynic, not a pessimist, but I realize they have much in common.

I still believe that we're reaching a point where it's more about coming together as a species.  The world is too small and interdependent to focus so much on national identities.  I think it's by more than just a coincidence that the most primitive nations are the most divided by tribalism.

Yet, we have this strange throwback to something similar to tribalism with our own focus on decentralization of authority.
Coming together as a species? I don't think so.
Economically, we're certainly more interdependent than before.  Multinational corporations seem more significant than governments now.

It just seems like having such a wide variety of governments and cultures gets in the way of economic progress.   If we could just slowly assimilate toward one direction with the same goals, we'd accomplish so much more.
And what has this global economy produced? When one nation sneezes everyone catches a cold.

I'm not committed to believing that we have to sacrifice our uniqueness in order to exist. All of your Borg talk is starting to frighten me

Edit: typing on this phone is not working out for me right now ...
Xbone Stormsurgezz
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
Assimilation is a large part of why America became so powerful.  Implementing it on a global scale is the next logical step.

Turquoise wrote:

Assimilation is a large part of why America became so powerful.  Implementing it on a global scale is the next logical step.
and assimilating the worthless and non productive is what will be our downfall.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Turquoise wrote:

Assimilation is a large part of why America became so powerful.  Implementing it on a global scale is the next logical step.
Virtually unlimited resources, unrestrictive borders, and two thousand years of European precedent to learn from is why America became so powerful.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Assimilation is a large part of why America became so powerful.  Implementing it on a global scale is the next logical step.
and assimilating the worthless and non productive is what will be our downfall.
Assimilation weeds those out.  There will always be freeloaders, but in a competitive environment, they dwindle in numbers.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Kmar wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Assimilation is a large part of why America became so powerful.  Implementing it on a global scale is the next logical step.
Virtually unlimited resources, unrestrictive borders, and two thousand years of European precedent to learn from is why America became so powerful.
Unrestrictive borders are the key....  Despite recent setbacks, our borders are still becoming less restrictive in the long run.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Assimilation is a large part of why America became so powerful.  Implementing it on a global scale is the next logical step.
and assimilating the worthless and non productive is what will be our downfall.
Assimilation weeds those out.  There will always be freeloaders, but in a competitive environment, they dwindle in numbers.
How is that? By being all inclusive you are encouraging free loaders.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Kmar wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

and assimilating the worthless and non productive is what will be our downfall.
Assimilation weeds those out.  There will always be freeloaders, but in a competitive environment, they dwindle in numbers.
How is that? By being all inclusive you are encouraging free loaders.
You're assuming we keep a social safety net in place.

When labor is no longer bound by borders and visas, competition is completely open, and Social Darwinism is more functional.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Assimilation is a large part of why America became so powerful.  Implementing it on a global scale is the next logical step.
and assimilating the worthless and non productive is what will be our downfall.
Assimilation weeds those out.  There will always be freeloaders, but in a competitive environment, they dwindle in numbers.
not really, not in America today with bleeding heart liberals treating non producers as victims and redirecting good money toward increased social programs to encourage them not to bother getting off their asses. Katrina for example.....5 fuckin years later their are still leeches living on societies dime.

Turquoise wrote:

Kmar wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Assimilation weeds those out.  There will always be freeloaders, but in a competitive environment, they dwindle in numbers.
How is that? By being all inclusive you are encouraging free loaders.
You're assuming we keep a social safety net in place.

When labor is no longer bound by borders and visas, competition is completely open, and Social Darwinism is more functional.
we do keep a social safety net in place.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Kmar wrote:

How is that? By being all inclusive you are encouraging free loaders.
You're assuming we keep a social safety net in place.

When labor is no longer bound by borders and visas, competition is completely open, and Social Darwinism is more functional.
we do keep a social safety net in place.
We currently do.  We don't have to keep it forever....

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

You're assuming we keep a social safety net in place.

When labor is no longer bound by borders and visas, competition is completely open, and Social Darwinism is more functional.
we do keep a social safety net in place.
We currently do.  We don't have to keep it forever....
no we don't and if we do not make changes, the downfall that I speak of is assured.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Kmar wrote:

How is that? By being all inclusive you are encouraging free loaders.
You're assuming we keep a social safety net in place.

When labor is no longer bound by borders and visas, competition is completely open, and Social Darwinism is more functional.
we do keep a social safety net in place.
Look at what we have seen so far with attempts of world governance. They practically only exist to serve the needy.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

and assimilating the worthless and non productive is what will be our downfall.
Assimilation weeds those out.  There will always be freeloaders, but in a competitive environment, they dwindle in numbers.
not really, not in America today with bleeding heart liberals treating non producers as victims and redirecting good money toward increased social programs to encourage them not to bother getting off their asses. Katrina for example.....5 fuckin years later their are still leeches living on societies dime.
That really burns me.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

Kmar wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

You're assuming we keep a social safety net in place.

When labor is no longer bound by borders and visas, competition is completely open, and Social Darwinism is more functional.
we do keep a social safety net in place.
Look at what we have seen so far with attempts of world governance. They practically only exist to serve the needy.
Ya know, I never gave that much thought, but you are absolutely right.

lowing wrote:

Kmar wrote:

lowing wrote:

we do keep a social safety net in place.
Look at what we have seen so far with attempts of world governance. They practically only exist to serve the needy.
Ya know, I never gave that much thought, but you are absolutely right.
Then there were the Nazis...
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

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