Right .. afterwards you deal with nearly every emotion imaginable, at once. Sad, angry, disappointed, scared, and yes even happy (to be alive).JohnG@lt wrote:
You didn't get mad until afterwards, right?Kmar wrote:
Yea, To be 100% honest I felt an eerie calm come over me when I noticed that it was a real gun barrel on my head (I thought about what dieing would do to my family). Probably because it happened so fast, although at the time it did not feel like it happened fast. I could not wait for them to leave. It was weird, once they tore off, I felt my heart rate pickup. .. only after they left.JohnG@lt wrote:
You can't tell me you didn't have a ridiculous rush once you were out of immediate danger. Shit, I bought my motorcycle when I got home simply because I became addicted to the rush I'd get on convoy duty. It's the rush you get from being scared. It's natural (and anyone that tells you he wasn't scared in combat is a liar or a psychopath).
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