Feeding the Cats.
+761|5121|Dundee, Scotland.
Instead of them getting lost in EE Chats, post what you did at New Year in this thread, even if it was lame. Although, the more awesome the better.

I have a chest infection right now, so my New Year was taking a taxi up to my girlfriend's work, have a pint whilst waiting on her finishing, going to her friend's house, having a few drinks and seeing the bells in there.

Now let's hear your stories.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
11 Bravo
+965|5390|Cleveland, Ohio
srsly that story aint worthy of thread ffs.  this isnt facebook.
+1,716|6885|St. Andrews / Oslo
i made lots of fireworks go boom, and shit

my street looked a bit like this

Last edited by menzo (2011-01-01 06:26:52)
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Had a party at mine. Girl from work turned up with her housemate. Lots of other people turned up, everyone got drunk, she told me she's had a crush on me for 2 years and we made out. Her housemate got super jealous. We went up the road to her car and fooled around a bit on the bonnet. He came along and had her keys, jumped in and tried to drive off. She decided it's best they leave. Partied, we had 3 countdowns cause of everyone's phones having slightly different times. Goon of Fortune ensued. A band called British India (whom are fairly well known in Australia) turned up as per my invite. Danced, had shots, drank champers. Can't remember much, can't remember crashing out. The End.

Could go on a lot more but that's the guts of it.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Letting the thread ride.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Looking for my Scooper
almost went deaf

just got in. 3pm. haven't slept. spent 2 hours at a kfc at some services on the motorway on the way home. still fucked up on coke and pills. have never ever felt so disgusting. alll these families just looking at us on new year's day with disgust/fear/eroticism. we just looked like fucking vagrants. new year's resolution from now on is to never be that person again.

now im gonna sleep for a week

fuck off
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I'd get banned if I posted pictures on here

E: there's a video too which is basically my mate showing us his fruit bowl in a room full of people to Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

Last edited by Sturgeon (2011-01-01 07:21:59)

Uzique wrote:


just got in. 3pm. haven't slept. spent 2 hours at a kfc at some services on the motorway on the way home. still fucked up on coke and pills. have never ever felt so disgusting. alll these families just looking at us on new year's day with disgust/fear/eroticism. we just looked like fucking vagrants. new year's resolution from now on is to never be that person again.

now im gonna sleep for a week

fuck off
You scum
I know fucking karate
Was the barman at a open bar party, got pretty drunk, managed to get around 40 people wasted in 30 minutes, people wasting around 12 bottles of prosecco spraying them on people and got completely wet from that, saw fireworks, around 2:00 peopel started running to the bathrooms, passing out etc. At 3:00 msot of the people passed out, i had to clean most of the mess on the roof (yeah the party was on the roof top), went to sleep, woke up at 7, went to get breakfast (cornetto right out of the oven with cappuccino really wakes you up) with a friend of mine and then drove back home and slept for like 10 hours.

i might just sleep the next new year's eve

Last edited by aerodynamic (2011-01-01 09:18:37)
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5941|Catherine Black
Went to a mates flat, 4 crabbies 6 tinnies and jagerbombs (to the chant of "What is your profession? Ah-oo! Ah-oo! Ah-oo!", dunno why, we were pretty wasted by this time)

Watched the bells on the tele and kissed my mate Phil. Then everyone proceeded to pass out or go home so I dropped into one of the flatmates beds (he wasn't there), slept, woke up in something that smelt like Jager, (could have been vomit, but I'm really not sure if it was) then went home.

Came on wow for a couple of hours then zonked out onto my bed for about 4.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6890|Oxferd Ohire
shook the house with dubstep and dnb
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5855|College Park, MD
Went to friend's, hung out for a bit
Bought booze
Drank booze
Ordered pizza
Played drinking games, ate pizza, smoked cigarettes
Friends gets call from his mom saying they're coming back home (they were out of town presumably for the weekend, but they had to come back cos the host's little sister was sick)
We rush to clean up the entire house
Sober up enough to drive to McDonald's
Friend and I get there, sober up fully, drive home

'twas fun overall
11 Bravo
+965|5390|Cleveland, Ohio
you cant sober up that fast
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5855|College Park, MD

11 Bravo wrote:

you cant sober up that fast

our friend was a cunt though, we told him we'd rather not drive and he was like "DUDE IF MY PARENTS FIND OUT I HAD PEOPLE OVER THEY'LL KILL ME"

well shit chief, glad to know you care more about not getting grounded (dude got caught with pot by the cops one time and he was grounded for maybe a week) than about your friends' safety
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
nigga you in college?  grounded?
Tu Stultus Es
11 Bravo
+965|5390|Cleveland, Ohio
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5855|College Park, MD

eleven bravo wrote:

nigga you in college?  grounded?
this was a high school buddy, he's a senior. we're on winter break at my college anyway lolol
oh and my mate got in a minor car crash as we were going to pick up a friend from the train station

car just came into a roundabout from the sliproad, didn't check lane-change at all, and just bounced off my passenger door

didn't even know she had done it either. was mental. like dodgems. booooong
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
sorry you feel that way
left at ~22;15 came back at 15;30. I am tired and happy.
inane little opines
We walked into town at around half two to find a pub, ended up walking to a takeaway and coming straight back, took two hours though, how I don't know. Then I had to break into the flat (via a second story window ­) because everyone inside was passed out.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
did your black roommate beat you up yet?
Tu Stultus Es
I haven't seen him for about a fortnight, I'm back at home.
sorry you feel that way
why do attention seeking cunts always try to ruin a good nights out? runs off crying and goes missing for no apparant reason and suddenly everyone panics.

its fuckign new years let me sit with my beer in peace
inane little opines

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