Uzique wrote:
JohnG@lt wrote:
Uzique wrote:
i'm not advocating a borg-like society at all - it's a bit of an extreme reduction to say that a society with a loose set of shared beliefs, values and moral aims is automatically alike to an hegemony of soul-less droids. society serves an important cultural and sociological role in our lives as an external framework that makes us fit into something bigger than the self and its own wants, greeds and motivations. it has always been very important, throughout the ages and through various models of society and hierarchy, to 'fit in' to a wider picture. nowadays there's a real lack of that cohesion in westernized 'democracies': people are instead just pursuing their own highly-individualistic goals and ambitions, and the only common factor unifying us all at the core is the force of the common market. no shared symbols, no shared idealisms, no shared beliefs. just a fragmented society only interacting at each level on an economic need.
perfection? i think you can criticise high-minded idealism in itself as a rationalist tradition, slightly out of touch... but i think that level of moral and spiritual (in the loose sense of the word - immaterial) transcendence is really needed to counterbalance cold empiricism and material 'progress'. without it the society just sorta loses its way. championing individualism and liberty is a noble cause in itself but you have to acknowledge on some level that as a species and a civilization we have inherent collectivist - perhaps instinctual - urges. again, you can criticise exceptionalism as much as the next high-minded ideal ideology... but they have a very important unifying function. perhaps i could construe the same point to say contentiously that, as much as fundamentalist islam is a moral aberration, it still has an important role in ideologically structuring a people.
From an economic standpoint, the collectivist ideals we as a people should uphold are a desire to maintain the health and well being of our trading partners, so long as they provide some societal value. Translated, universal health care would be a good societal goal, so long as it factors out those that don't put in any effort. So, only those in the work force, and those destined to join it, children, would be covered under such a universal system. The bums and the old would get left out as they have limited societal value. Harsh? Absolutely. As I said, this would be the mathematical economic argument.
But as for people working towards a single goal... This has rarely, if ever, been the case for any society. You point to the space program, well, that really had no effect on most Americans. It wasn't their goal and they contributed nothing more to it than whatever portion of their tax receipts politicians designated towards it. They went about their lives and looked up when a space shuttle launched. That was about the extent of it. The cohesive society you dream of would in fact have to be Borg-like in nature because keeping people focussed on a goal not of their own choosing is like pulling an eighteen wheeler with a piece of string.