+93|6826|Alaska, mother fucker.
That would be fucking terrifying.

firebolt5 wrote:

Oh yeah, I read about this a few days ago in the paper.  You think you had it bad? … 2302.shtml
A worker who descended into a city sewage system on Tuesday became unhooked from his safety line and was pushed through a 27-inch-wide pipe for over a mile before his calls for help were heard and he was rescued.
South Metropolitan Fire District Chief Randy Adams said Collins was being treated for hypothermia and had been administered antibiotics because he may have swallowed sewage.
Oh fuck that sounds horrific.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5542|Fuck this.
Looks like shit......hit the fan.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!

DBBrinson1 wrote:

King_County_Downy wrote:

And to top it all off, I broke my poop guard on the weed whacker when I threw it down. Full face mask from now on.
Here: … DwQ8wIwBg#
Those are great. I use them for pressure washing and can hear/see all the dirt, grit and rocks bouncing off or sticking.

King_County_Downy wrote:

DefCon-17 wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

I don't get it how did it happen, I don't do pets so unlike everyone I wouldn't understand what you're talking about from those vague pictures you posted
I assume the weedwhackerthingy hit the "poop" and launched it up in pieces, some of which landed in his mouth.

Exactly. Was weed whacking my yard, having an 8am beer... then SPLAT. At first I thought it was a rotten tomato or something, then I saw a brown chunk on my goggles. Next, I tasted/smelled it. I ripped my shirt off and tried to wipe my face clean but that only smeared it into my eyes and mouth. By this point I was vocally puking and trying to get my pants off with my eyes closed. It smelled sour and putrid. I puked up my beer and ran inside as fast as I could, hopped in the cold shower and continued puking for the next 20 minutes.

Listerine. Listerine. Listerine.

My neighbors must think I'm insane. This is not the first incident of me being naked in my front yard. Last month I was sleeping and my fiance woke me up screaming that our cat was in a fight. I heard the cats screaming at each other as loud as they could so I jumped out of bed and ran outside. I saw the two cats fighting and grabbed my cat by the scruff. As I'm pulling him away, I realized that I was not only nekid, but fully erect.

I have no idea how many neighbors saw that. But I know they heard it.
You'd never survive a Jackass movie.

True dat!

I'm a puker.

Reminds me of this time in high school... It was late into the party and everyone was totally hammered. We were all out on the back deck of some random person's house shootin' the shit when my buddy Walker starts laughing. Just then, across the deck maybe 10 feet away, my other buddy stomps on a banana slug and the guts go blasting out from beneath his foot and straight into Walker's open mouth. He instantly puked before he even knew what it was. It's one of those things where you had to be there to believe, but it's true. Two or three other people started puking too like in that movie "Stand by Me". One of the funniest things I've seen in my life.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6776|Little Bentcock

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