Turquoise wrote:
Macbeth wrote:
Seems a bit extreme to pass an amendment to block one religious fanatic. WBC are a bunch of dicks but I really don't like any sort of laws or amendments which undermine free speech.
I'm surprised that with all of those disgruntled Iraq veterans running around one of them hasn't decided to wipe out WBC.
I don't like legislating out problems either, but this is one case where it seems like you could easily design the law to be completely limited to this specific context.
With most issues, you can't pinpoint the problem with a law. With this one, you really can.
You can't really legislate away douchbags. I read the time article and the state laws do a fine enough job already.
More than 40 states and the U.S. Congress have passed laws limiting funeral protests — largely as a direct result of the Westboro Baptist Church. Many municipalities have also passed funeral-protest ordinances at the local level.
The measures generally criminalize protests near funeral processions as a form of disorderly conduct. The measures typically impose both time and distance limitations. Some of the laws only prohibit protesting at military funerals, while many others ban protests at any funeral.
The Oklahoma Funeral Picketing Act blocks protests at military funerals, prohibiting such activity from one hour before to two hours after the funeral. It also prohibits protests within 300 feet of the location of the funeral service or 300 feet of the “military funeral procession or burial.”
http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/ass … l_protestsWBC wasn't anywhere near the Snyder family or the funeral. Snyder only saw the protest on the news afterward. The most emotional damage came when the father was online and accidentally opened a link by WBC that declared his son was in hell for being Catholic and a few other things.
WBC are asses rah rah rah but after we you ban them for funeral protesting and they find some other way to cause emotional distress to family members what then? Ban something else in reaction to them? Screw playing some stupid game legislative game with these assholes and screw anything that undermines my own personal liberty, rights blah blah blah.
Sorry if my post seems like a bit of a thought salad but something something not really in it right now.