This takes the cake....

Become a Vault-Dweller, Fallout-style! … -end-world

Basically, the founder of a company named Terra Vivos is developing at least 20 "community bunkers" that individuals may buy stake in, which promise to somehow provide luxurious, if cramped, accomodations should the shit hit the proverbial fan.  The one detailed in the article is in California, and is built using an old AT&T bunker made to withstand a 50 megaton blast 10 miles away. 

However, they are only equipped to feed the occupants for a year, so I suppose after that you soon get an introductory course in cannabalistic savagery.  At least they plan to stock you with lots of underwear and outdoor gear for when you finally venture out to search for the world's last braille bible.

Needless to say, this seems a little silly.