
What Religion is Barack Obama?

Christianity47%47% - 41
Judaism3%3% - 3
Buddhism2%2% - 2
Islam19%19% - 17
Hinduism3%3% - 3
Other5%5% - 5
No religion17%17% - 15
Total: 86

Ok, I was trying to be nice, but I guess there's no point with you. The reason I only addressed one point is because you're a fucking moron, and 'debating' with you makes me die a little inside. To be clear, I don't just mean that as an insult, I think you're genuinely fucking stupid and am amazed that you manage to survive in the real world.

Since you are impossible to 'debate' with, I thought by bringing up a few points that any reasonable person would have a hard time disagreeing with might be a good way to start on your list of problems with Obama. Clearly, you're not sane or reasonable. I'm done dude, I'm not wasting my time with you.

I miss Lowing. He may have been a stubborn bastard but at least he was a good guy.
Indeed it is "Impossible to Debate " when the opposition can't retain eight sentences or
quite remember what was said or who said what !

You can bring no rebuttal. You excuse yourself with my blessing if not your dignity intact.

" When you are Down Three Major Pieces its good form to withdraw from the game. "

If you can, show me what I wrote that makes me not " A good Guy " ?

Should we go back and read some of your comments to Lowing ? It might prove interesting if not to your credibility.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-22 18:34:50)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5423|London, England

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

You can bring no rebuttal. You excuse yourself with my blessing if not your dignity intact. When your Down three Major pieces its good form.

If you can show me what I wrote that makes me not " A good Guy " ?

Should we go back and read some of your comments to Lowing ? It might prove interesting.
You missed the entire point of his post. You've shown yourself to be as dumb as a fence post. Not only do you not possess the skill of forming complete sentences and paragraphs, you inter-space them with seemingly random bold and italicized words. Frankly, its hard to get past your formatting most of the time and then when I do bother to make the effort, I'm left wondering why I did. Between the ill formed thoughts intermixed with regurgitated telephone-game-esque mantras I haven't seen a single post that contained rational thought.

To quote the principal from Billy Madison:
"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Last edited by JohnG@lt (2010-09-22 18:28:23)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

ghettoperson wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:

Would it really matter what religion he is? I don't see why people are getting so uptight about it.
Because they're idiots and haven't got anything better to do.
This was his post, Just what did I miss ? I think you are way off the mark. You didn't even cut and paste my quote properly.

You have already shown yourself to be extremely duplicitous.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-22 18:33:56)

Mass Media Casualty

Both of you would probably do best to calm down and remember that this is an Internet debate. As such it's likely to simply escalate into a tyrade of nosensicle blather until somone just decides to let it drop.

Seriously, the debate's no longer on the subject at hand. I suggest you just draw the conclusion that the other party is an idiot and be done with it. That's how most debates here seem to end anyway.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+605|6614|San Diego, CA, USA

burnzz wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Bring a valid argument.
bring a valid OP.
25% of the country must not be informed like the rest of us of his religion.  I mean he did go to church this Sunday.  I wonder why all of a sudden he did if its wasn't a big deal that he didn't go to church before?  (Remember he did go to church for 20 years with Reverend Wright).

And for the record I wouldn't care if he was muslim.
Mass Media Casualty

This is the best "Whether Obama is X nationality/religion" article that you will read this year.

WASHINGTON—According to a poll released Tuesday, nearly 20 percent of U.S. citizens now believe Barack Obama is a cactus, the most Americans to identify the president as a water- retaining desert plant since he took office.

A growing segment of the population believes the president is pollinated by moths and hummingbirds.

The poll, conducted by the Pew Research Center, found a sharp rise in the number of Americans who say they firmly believe Obama was either born a cactus, became a cactus during his youth, or has questionable links to the Cactaceae family.
"We asked people of varying races, ages, and backgrounds the same question: 'What is President Barack Obama?'" Pew spokeswoman Jodi Miller told reporters. "And a fifth of them responded, 'A cactus.'"
According to the poll, Obama has lost favor among many voters who supported his candidacy in 2008 but have since come to doubt he is a mammal. While these Americans concede Obama may not specifically be a cactus, most believe he is a plant of some kind, with 18 percent saying the president is a ficus, 37 percent believing him to be a grain such as wheat or millet, and 12 percent convinced he is an old-growth forest in Northern California.
When asked why they agreed with the statement "President Obama is a large succulent plant composed of specialized cells designed for water retention in arid climates," many responded that they "just know," claiming the president only acts like a human being for political purposes and is truly a cactus at heart.

A number of polled Americans identified the above as a photo of President Obama.

White House officials have asserted that the nation's 44th president is a person.
"You can't go a day without hearing how Obama's a radical cactus sympathizer who wants to sap America of all its drinking water, or how he was actually born in the Kalahari Desert," said media critic Lynn Pelmont, referring to cable news outlets that suggest the president has prickly spines he uses to protect himself from thirsty animals. "For a man who prides himself on delivering a coherent message, there's an awful lot of confusion out there about whether he's a Harvard Law graduate or a leafless flowering shrub."
"He must speak frankly to the American people about his mammalian background," Pelmont added. "If not, it's only a matter of time before people start believing those fringe bloggers who claim the president of the United States is actually an old washing machine."
Some Beltway observers have accused Republicans of tacitly encouraging the cactus rumor, pointing out that if millions of voters believe Obama produces buds through spirally arranged areoles situated along his stem, the GOP has a much better chance of retaking Congress in November.
"If the president says he is a human being, I'll take him at his word," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Sunday on Meet the Press. "Though I've never heard him complain about being thirsty. Not once. That could be a coincidence, I suppose, but it's really not my place to say."
During a Wednesday morning briefing, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs once again denied that President Obama is a cactus, citing numerous physiological attributes of the nation's chief executive, including his ability to walk upright and to manipulate objects with his opposable thumbs.
"Cacti don't talk," said Gibbs, shaking his head. "They just don't."
President Barack Hussein Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961 in Honolulu, HI to parents Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, Sr. From the ages of 6 to 10 he lived with his mother and stepfather in Indonesia, where he attended Besuki Public School and St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School. In 1971, Obama returned to Hawaii, where he was raised primarily by his grandmother until he left home to attend Occidental College in Los Angeles.
"I don't care what he says or what his people say or what anybody else says," 48-year-old Kansas resident Jake Nolan told reporters. "The guy's a cactus, plain and simple. I mean, Christ, look at him."
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

Cactus says 'hi'

Personally as a *resume' enhancement, It wouldn't be bad if he had been another religion or vacillated between a few. He could speak with empathy and experience to people of those faiths. Although a few religious splinter groups in question might not look on it as a act that deserves understanding and kindness. It also helps to be open not deceitfully when you want a broad spectrum of people to believe and accept you. If you insult them when you think they can't hear you it rarely curries favor. That has been his habit so far.

*Sorry I know people find that word and italics offensive and confusing.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6740|Canberra, AUS
The italics aren't offensive or confusing. They just make reading an unnecessarily torturous task.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+2,382|6743|The North, beyond the wall.
How would belonging to various religions at one time or another be a resume enhancement for someone that wishes to be president of an overwelming christian majority?

Personally I won't ever vote on the grounds of a candidates religion, I understand anyone that stands a good chance of beng voted into power has to be or pretend to be a member of the majority religion. I like to hope many modern politicians pretend to be religious and are actually agnostic or athiest. It wouldn't surprise me if after modern politicans retire they admit they're not as religious as they claimed during their time in power.

jord wrote:

How would belonging to various religions at one time or another be a resume enhancement for someone that wishes to be president of an overwelming christian majority?

Personally I won't ever vote on the grounds of a candidates religion, I understand anyone that stands a good chance of beng voted into power has to be or pretend to be a member of the majority religion. I like to hope many modern politicians pretend to be religious and are actually agnostic or athiest. It wouldn't surprise me if after modern politicans retire they admit they're not as religious as they claimed during their time in power.
I like to hope that one day all modern politicians won't have to pretend to be religious in order to win votes.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6740|Canberra, AUS
long way off unfortunately.

Last edited by Spark (2010-09-23 08:48:15)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+354|6064|Vortex Ring State

Spark wrote:

long way off unfortunately.

Ticia wrote:

I like to hope that one day all modern politicians won't have to pretend to be religious in order to win votes.

Spark wrote:

long way off unfortunately.
not here in Utah! everyone just assumes everyone else is LDS (mormon) . . .
sorry you feel that way
I like to hope that one day all modern politicians won't have to pretend to be religious in order to win votes.
Step foot outside of the U.S.
inane little opines
Germans did 911
+427|6746|Disaster Free Zone

Spark wrote:

long way off unfortunately.
Our current PM is an open atheist is she not?
Not that it would effect how I vote or anything.

Yeah she is
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/politic … 5885581225
“I'm not a religious person,” Ms Gillard told ABC radio.

“I was brought up in the Baptist Church but during my adult life I've, you know, found a different path. I'm of course a great respecter of religious beliefs, but they're not my beliefs.”

“I am not going to pretend a faith I don't feel. And for people of faith the greatest compliment I could pay to them is to respect their genuinely held beliefs and not to engage in some pretence about mine. I think it's not the right thing.”

Last edited by DrunkFace (2010-09-23 10:11:20)


Spark wrote:

The italics aren't offensive or confusing. They just make reading an unnecessarily torturous task .
Wow ! I never heard  " reading Itallics " descibed as " an unnecessarily torturous task ".

LoL !

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-23 14:29:15)

eleven bravo
+1,399|5324|foggy bottom
h/j you got the worst writing in the history of this forum.  youre up there with cdogmn
Tu Stultus Es
Yours is so much better, Thanks for checking in !

That hurt ?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6740|Canberra, AUS

DrunkFace wrote:

Spark wrote:

long way off unfortunately.
Our current PM is an open atheist is she not?
Not that it would effect how I vote or anything.

Yeah she is
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/politic … 5885581225
“I'm not a religious person,” Ms Gillard told ABC radio.

“I was brought up in the Baptist Church but during my adult life I've, you know, found a different path. I'm of course a great respecter of religious beliefs, but they're not my beliefs.”

“I am not going to pretend a faith I don't feel. And for people of faith the greatest compliment I could pay to them is to respect their genuinely held beliefs and not to engage in some pretence about mine. I think it's not the right thing.”
It affects how some people (moreso in QLD than the southern states) vote. Plus Australia =/= America.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

dayarath wrote:

I like to hope that one day all modern politicians won't have to pretend to be religious in order to win votes.
Step foot outside of the U.S.
To Iran or er..
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

jord wrote:

How would belonging to various religions at one time or another be a resume enhancement for someone that wishes to be president of an overwelming christian majority?
Because contrary to the medias portrayal of Christians 95 percent could give a rats Balloon knot about color, race or religion. They find one lady with a " *Jesus saves " T-Shirt eating a corn dog and put her on the tube 24/7. But he would still make muslims/ jews feel more connected than not I am guessing

*The Devil shoots ! Jesus Saves ! The apostles win ! The apostles win !
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6666|132 and Bush

DBBrinson1 wrote:

dayarath wrote:

I like to hope that one day all modern politicians won't have to pretend to be religious in order to win votes.
Step foot outside of the U.S.
To Iran or er..
His Prime Minister comes from the Christian Democratic Appeal party.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
O Canada
+1,596|6470|North Carolina

Kmar wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

dayarath wrote:

Step foot outside of the U.S.
To Iran or er..
His Prime Minister comes from the Christian Democratic Appeal party.
Funny isn't it?  They claim to be less religious but still have parties more blatantly based on religions than even us.

The same goes for all these countries that supposedly have secular populations while still having state churches.

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