Uzique wrote:
errm well hey wise-ass, chinese political ideology has no room whatsoever for individualism, basically, for the mass anyway (i.e. the proletariat). so comparing the average GDP per capita to western societies where every individual is encouraged to 'reach their potential' and become essentially middle-class, petit-bourgeoisie people is a bit of a moot point. 'apples and oranges'. you can't measure the economic strengths of a democratic-capitalist state with a socialist-capitalist / ex-communist state. they have completely different approaches and means of evaluation when it comes to standards of 'wealth' and 'living standard'.
So should we only count the 'freed serfs' when it comes to purchasing power then? Turquoise seems to think that China is somehow going to blow past the west in terms of wealth when that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a very small minority. What they have over there reminds me of the Antebellum South, with all of the wealth concentrated in the hands of the rich plantation owners, while being entirely dependent on slave labor in order to prop up the fiction that they had the same real wealth as that of the North.
What I'm trying to say is that if you looked at the South in that time period, you could say that the people that lived there were rather wealthy, but only if you ignored the majority of the human beings actually living there who had absolutely nothing, not even their own lives to dispose of as they wished.
So, "China rising" is nothing more than a myth perpetuated by the West to scare people. Until their PPP rises past 1/6th of that enjoyed here, who gives a fuck? They're an autocratic nation built on slave labor. Is that really something to admire or fear?