Varegg wrote:
SenorToenails wrote:
Varegg wrote:
Precisely ... nothing more, nothing less ...
Except gay couples in the US don't have equal rights. Try marriage/civil union/whateveryouwanttocallit, getting insurance, adoption, tax benefits, etc...
That's the whole idea,
equal rights ... nothing more, nothing less
Unfortunately in some examples they have more rights...
Try adding your girlfriend on your health insurance plan, ain't gunna happen. If you have a "domestic partner "however, no problem they can be added.
If you are gay you ca have special crimes and punishment working in your favor, for no other reason than you are gay. These things are wrong, being gay does not afford special considerations or treatment.
I feel the same way for handicapped people. They insist on being treated like everyone else, and treated equally and fairly. Ok fine, then you wait in line like everyone else, and you park your ass down the street like everyone else. Where is it that being handicapped grants you special privilege? Especially when the handicapped person parks his Mustang GT in his handicapped spot, and runs into the fuckin' store with a slight limp. Who gives a fuck if they have a limp? They're walking right? Get your ass in the back like everyone else. The only exception to this IMO is vans designed for carrying wheelchairs because they need the space to operate.
Now my disclosure before I get flamed for picking on the handicapped now
Lets be honest, how many times have you seen the handicapped spots being used by someone that really needed that spot?
Handicapped should not be a limp, fat, old, mental disabilities, missing arms etc.
Handicapped spots should be restricted to wheelchair bound individuals and the families that take care of them for obvious reasons, room to operate their systems and get the chairs on and off, and lessen the distance to operate the wheelchair, especially the battery driven ones. Other than this, everyone else is just lazy and found a loophole for special treatment.
Everybody and their special rights,
no group lacks the ability to take advantage of and abuse good intentioned laws meant to honestly help people. especially the "handicapped".