Have been quite annoyed with journalists for some time, how they use war type headlines and run from disaster to disaster just to sell that extra copy or glue you to their newsflash service for an extra minute or two ...
The Media have for some reason come to be more reliable than facts in the eyes of many people, I have friends that have commented an incident seen on the news and have formed an opinion based on that alone ... this scares me, how little effort we put in to find the story behind the news.
Example: The Toyota incident, not quite finished investigated but the clue here is how media reacted and covered the story ...
This article from Forbes is a very good example of the Media vs Facts trend.
The Media have for some reason come to be more reliable than facts in the eyes of many people, I have friends that have commented an incident seen on the news and have formed an opinion based on that alone ... this scares me, how little effort we put in to find the story behind the news.
Example: The Toyota incident, not quite finished investigated but the clue here is how media reacted and covered the story ...
This article from Forbes is a very good example of the Media vs Facts trend.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................