+5|7000|Pennsylvania - Hershey!
LOL! think of all the kills you could get on mashturr city in the AA as MEC!!!!!!
Dutch Delight
Not much has changes at all, yes the aa is slightly better...
before you needed 20 missles to kill a bird, now you need 6 on average.
played with the new patch and did aa got killed 9 times in one round being aa, SO SHUT THE HELL UP FLY BOYS!! Gad damn pussies :-)

.nsm wrote:

Esker wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Alright, there were maps made with jets for a reason. not so they can get shot down by AA, btu so people who liek flying could *GASP* FLY! OH NOES CRIME!
If you don't like it, I point you to my other post "there are citymaps for infantry"
Nothin wrong with flying, but the guys on the ground should be able to have some kind of defense against the guys in the air.

Is that a crime?

According to you lot, yes...
Do you not read? Yes, we want you to have your defense, just not so it's fucking impossible for us.
Well we've had to put with AA not being powerful enough against enemy aircraft for a long time, it's only fair you're the ones who are now getting fucked over.

I don't know why you're all crying so much, EA will listen to you and fuck up AA for us again so you flyboys can enjoy a good game of flight simulator 2005.
+1|7060|Leighton Barracks, Germany

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

oh and its actually fun to dogfight. you should take the time to learn to get good at a jet and try it sometime instead of bitching about jets being too powerful. the game is balanced, its just the skill thats not balanced.
aint this the truth. yea it is fun to be on the ass of another jet and finally get the kill when the guy slips. i took time like a month and a half to practice flying, and i got a 8.18 kdr in a jet. how? practice, a word that seems to mean very little within the "BF2 community". the real anti-aircraft is another jet, not my fault your pilot wants to baserape and leave your ass open game. yea the skill is unbalanced, especially the intelligence. and this is comin from a guy who spent 400 out of 500 hours on the ground, only 30 in a jet

i was really looking forward to getting the aircombat medal, since its for ppl who like to fly (much like the armor combat for tank lovers), buts thats gone like alot of the shit that used to be in this game

Last edited by 4lter_3go (2006-02-14 10:53:58)


Ilocano wrote:

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

learn how to fly a fucking jet or helo and own the other jets and helos back. stop sticking to infantry only and learn aerial stuff as well. if your gonna only use infantry then take your bitch ass over to counter strike or some other infantry based game bitch
You should also learn how to use more than the C4 as infantry...
its a game and c4'ing is fun(the game is intended to be fun). i use my gun as well, but sometimes it gets boring using it over and over and over again. maybe if you knew how to c4 noob, youd know what i mean. if you wanna stick to just using your gun, then by all means, i dont give a shit but i use all aspects of the game. good gamers arent just good at one thing. i could use my gun all round long but it would be too boring. which is why patch 1.2 will get boring fast.

Esker wrote:

.nsm wrote:

Esker wrote:

Nothin wrong with flying, but the guys on the ground should be able to have some kind of defense against the guys in the air.

Is that a crime?

According to you lot, yes...
Do you not read? Yes, we want you to have your defense, just not so it's fucking impossible for us.
Well we've had to put with AA not being powerful enough against enemy aircraft for a long time, it's only fair you're the ones who are now getting fucked over.

I don't know why you're all crying so much, EA will listen to you and fuck up AA for us again so you flyboys can enjoy a good game of flight simulator 2005.
It wasn't the good pilots who screwed the infantry over, it was the point loving kids who raped bases for the pure fact they need points to live. Yet, the AA ruins the games for honest pilots.
Well that I can agree with as half the things in this game have been nerfed due to abuse.

Which sucks =/
Destroy Noob Cannons

Esker wrote:

.nsm wrote:

Esker wrote:

Nothin wrong with flying, but the guys on the ground should be able to have some kind of defense against the guys in the air.

Is that a crime?

According to you lot, yes...
Do you not read? Yes, we want you to have your defense, just not so it's fucking impossible for us.
Well we've had to put with AA not being powerful enough against enemy aircraft for a long time, it's only fair you're the ones who are now getting fucked over.

I don't know why you're all crying so much, EA will listen to you and fuck up AA for us again so you flyboys can enjoy a good game of flight simulator 2005.
You're whining right now.
Go play 24/7 Karkand and leave the pilots alone.

Last edited by Figge1 (2006-02-14 11:11:32)


=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Scorpian65 wrote:

For those who didn't catch it, that vid is single player. The single player always had killer AA that didn't miss.
You think that single player is different from multiplayeR? think again, joker.
No bloody way(not even in real life) will a missle hit at that angle. The missles seek so well, if you shake one, it goes past you and does a 180 and still hits you.
I see you have time in a plane so I'm not sure why you have the opinon of the existing multiplayer AA. In single player the AA almost never misses and quite oftend will kill you. In multiplayer I have some 200hrs plus in a plane and have been killed by AA less then 10 times. The vid link you posted is air to air not ground to air. Obviously air to air is going to become more challanging but, air to ground still remains to be seen.
+5|7000|Pennsylvania - Hershey!
Any one here know if you just turn as sharp as you can if the missles wont hit you?

Esker wrote:

.nsm wrote:

Esker wrote:

Nothin wrong with flying, but the guys on the ground should be able to have some kind of defense against the guys in the air.

Is that a crime?

According to you lot, yes...
Do you not read? Yes, we want you to have your defense, just not so it's fucking impossible for us.
Well we've had to put with AA not being powerful enough against enemy aircraft for a long time, it's only fair you're the ones who are now getting fucked over.

I don't know why you're all crying so much, EA will listen to you and fuck up AA for us again so you flyboys can enjoy a good game of flight simulator 2005.
You lot were never fucked over unless your one of the retards that presents themselves to planes and helicopters and then just bitched constantly because ye were either too lazy or inept to fly yourselves.
I havent played it yet but from what i read it will be impossible to stay in a helicopter now. It was never impossible for ye to play your way. If ye ever wanted a complete break from air vehicles there were maps to do that on. The one thing i enjoyed was flying helicopters or gunning in them, now its gone because of moaning kids. If i was rapinga  spawn or fighting other choppers i was happy if your retarded enough to spawn in the same place again or stand in the open you deserve it. If you couldnt take out a helicopter before the patch then your still going to be shit now, it was never hard. Enjoy.

-=THC_RU=- wrote:

in real life u cannot shoot down a plane like that, if u could, then no one would fly them

and regarding skill: it takes a lot of skill to be in the air and to kill others, now every n00b will be sitting in stingers and shooting and getting medals like crazy.

Thank you for making this game VERY unbalanced
In real life, planes are flying high when they drop their bombs... Fly at low altitude and you're dead. That, certainly, is the reality.
+18|6960|Baton Rouge, LA, USA

.nsm wrote:

Esker wrote:

.nsm wrote:

Do you not read? Yes, we want you to have your defense, just not so it's fucking impossible for us.
Well we've had to put with AA not being powerful enough against enemy aircraft for a long time, it's only fair you're the ones who are now getting fucked over.

I don't know why you're all crying so much, EA will listen to you and fuck up AA for us again so you flyboys can enjoy a good game of flight simulator 2005.
It wasn't the good pilots who screwed the infantry over, it was the point loving kids who raped bases for the pure fact they need points to live. Yet, the AA ruins the games for honest pilots.
hey, I'm an honest pilot..I'm not one of those extremely good pilots or "stick" pilots...I'm strictly keyboard and I still can get a good 15-20 kills depending on when I get the jet...

could it be that all you "hardcore pilots" are sooooo used to not having to worry about that beeping noise that now that you DO have to worry about it...you haven't adjusted yet???

yeah yeah yeah, we know you're good...but lets' be honest here...it's totally f-ing rediculous how an AA-lock would hit everything EXCEPT what you had a lock on...and a jet could still run straight at the AA and take him out w/o even getting scathed

I've been kicked from servers 4-5 times because i was in a stinger and I was going after an enemy jet...I lock on him...and I end up hitting a fully loaded friendly blackhawk all the way on the other end of the f-ing map
Destroy Noob Cannons

Scorpian65 wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Scorpian65 wrote:

For those who didn't catch it, that vid is single player. The single player always had killer AA that didn't miss.
You think that single player is different from multiplayeR? think again, joker.
No bloody way(not even in real life) will a missle hit at that angle. The missles seek so well, if you shake one, it goes past you and does a 180 and still hits you.
I see you have time in a plane so I'm not sure why you have the opinon of the existing multiplayer AA. In single player the AA almost never misses and quite oftend will kill you. In multiplayer I have some 200hrs plus in a plane and have been killed by AA less then 10 times. The vid link you posted is air to air not ground to air. Obviously air to air is going to become more challanging but, air to ground still remains to be seen.
I am talking about 1.2 patch ground to air. I've seen it with my own eyes, flown against it. actually, the ground to air is even better than air to air.
What's AA like when Friendly jets fly over? Do they do 180 degree turns and blow up them instead heh.

And I don't play 24/7 Karkand thanks

trucman wrote:

-=THC_RU=- wrote:

in real life u cannot shoot down a plane like that, if u could, then no one would fly them

and regarding skill: it takes a lot of skill to be in the air and to kill others, now every n00b will be sitting in stingers and shooting and getting medals like crazy.

Thank you for making this game VERY unbalanced
In real life, planes are flying high when they drop their bombs... Fly at low altitude and you're dead. That, certainly, is the reality.
game...its a game.

jjrp02 wrote:

.nsm wrote:

Esker wrote:

Well we've had to put with AA not being powerful enough against enemy aircraft for a long time, it's only fair you're the ones who are now getting fucked over.

I don't know why you're all crying so much, EA will listen to you and fuck up AA for us again so you flyboys can enjoy a good game of flight simulator 2005.
It wasn't the good pilots who screwed the infantry over, it was the point loving kids who raped bases for the pure fact they need points to live. Yet, the AA ruins the games for honest pilots.
hey, I'm an honest pilot..I'm not one of those extremely good pilots or "stick" pilots...I'm strictly keyboard and I still can get a good 15-20 kills depending on when I get the jet...

could it be that all you "hardcore pilots" are sooooo used to not having to worry about that beeping noise that now that you DO have to worry about it...you haven't adjusted yet???

yeah yeah yeah, we know you're good...but lets' be honest here...it's totally f-ing rediculous how an AA-lock would hit everything EXCEPT what you had a lock on...and a jet could still run straight at the AA and take him out w/o even getting scathed

I've been kicked from servers 4-5 times because i was in a stinger and I was going after an enemy jet...I lock on him...and I end up hitting a fully loaded friendly blackhawk all the way on the other end of the f-ing map
more than half my deaths are from aa or aa related. some ppl know how to use them and others dont. and even if the aa only gets one hit, the plane is left so very vulnerable to other jets that its ridiculously easy to get shot down by another jet with the mg only.
Destroy Noob Cannons

Esker wrote:

What's AA like when Friendly jets fly over? Do they do 180 degree turns and blow up them instead heh.

And I don't play 24/7 Karkand thanks
Some missles do go after friendly, but it's not nearly as often.

Maybe you should try it. I hear there's no jets?
+5|7000|Pennsylvania - Hershey!
Yay!  (offtopic) 5 minutes to go with my download! Gotta love fiberoptics!

(on topic) - This entire thing about AA should just seperate the good pilots from the bad.  It has been too easy for pilots already, so I ca'nt wait to see how this is for me, considering that my stats for aviator is excellant. ( i think)         
I'd love to but BF2 is uninstalled on this PC because I got owned by jets 24/7.

I'm not joking.

Really I'm not.


Last edited by Esker (2006-02-14 11:06:39)

+18|6960|Baton Rouge, LA, USA

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

more than half my deaths are from aa or aa related. some ppl know how to use them and others dont. and even if the aa only gets one hit, the plane is left so very vulnerable to other jets that its ridiculously easy to get shot down by another jet with the mg only.
I would hope that...

I'll admit that the AA seems to be a bit TOO good...but I'll take too GOOD rather than too BAD anyday

I'd rather get a rediculous # of kills with AA then have to cuss because I got kicked off the server for TKing

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

What about the legit pilots who were in it for the dogfighting? or the pilots who liked to bomb those tanks that you poor infantrymen are pinned down by and call out over and over? Sorry, Dice nerfed your air support. your KDRs will go down aswell.
Funny thing is that I never depended on air support to take down armor.  AT, C4, and TOW's works wonders.  Bombers will just have to learn to attack properly, via TV missiles.  Fighters will stick to dogfights.  Spec Ops will finally spend more time blowing up assets  and hard targets rather than ground pounders.  Snipers wil now be critical to winning the game.  Pure teamwork, instead of a single pilot getting the Gold all the time.
The real funny thing is, you have no idea what you're talking about.
A few comments:
AT is now slowly becoming the new noobtube, nobody uses it for armor anymore.
C4 is found useless to people now because they can't throw it like a grenade.
TOWs? Oh yeah, that seat made for commanders... or was it made for sniping infantry.
Bombers and TV missles? is this new?
Dogfights? wtf. no such thing anymore.
Teamwork will definitely win golds. knife, revive, knife revive, knife revive.... pistol, revive, pistol, revive, pistol revive... That's probably the most teamwork I see in BF2. Props, stat padders.
First off, let me commend you on your ground pounder skills.  Your ground to air kill ratio is reasonable. 

Now, speaking from my own experience.  I'm not a good pilot, but in the time I've flown, I've only been shot down by AA by friendly fire.  Afterburner and a sharp turn is all it takes to lose AA on the previous patch.

Regarding AT as a sniping tool, it takes skill to do that.  Splash damage is very minimal, and as such you can only really kill those who insist on staying prone.  Dodge and jump and the AT will miss you.   Albiet a few times I've been killed by AT missiles while frozen in amazement like a doe to incoming headlights.  AT bunnyhoppers should go away.

C4 shouldn't be thrown like grenades.  C4 traps still works wonders against fast moving vehicles.

TOW are defensive weapons.  Watch the mini-map and listen for the vehicles.   Once again, great for taking out fast moving vehicles.

Bombers and TV Missiles.  Nope, not new.  But now, you've got to wait for a gunner and fly high, like what bombers are meant to do.

But you are true regarding the medic/support point whores.  Look at my medic stats, I rarely play it.

(BRU)Timothy wrote:

Yay!  (offtopic) 5 minutes to go with my download! Gotta love fiberoptics!

(on topic) - This entire thing about AA should just seperate the good pilots from the bad.  It has been too easy for pilots already, so I ca'nt wait to see how this is for me, considering that my stats for aviator is excellant. ( i think)         
only time its easy(which i admit is most often) is when there is no skilled player to stop the aviators from owning them. its not our faults we take time in the air while the complainers take more time on foot. try both aspects of the game instead of flaming it off the bat.

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