Dilbert_X wrote:
I'm agreeing with you, I just don't see how you can legislate against CEOs of major corporations or the mega-rich from having massive political influence themselves or from passing it on to their offspring.
Limit political campaign spending, I don't know what else, reducing govt taxation and spending would limit pork-barrelling.
There are many ways to legislate against that sort of thing...governments are just pretty poor at it:
campaign finance reform laws
eliminate pork barrel spending/earmarks
enforce/investigate corruption/bribery
Again, politicians are not very good at this because it would require them to be self-policing. They would essentially be taking themselves off the moneytrain. The only time these laws are ever enforced are when the offenses are particularly egregious or the politician is on the outs with his party. Randall Cunningham and that guy from Louisiana come immediately to mind from the US...I'm sure there are examples from the UK and other countries, as well.