want it to be small, light, thin, and not too expensive. i dont know shit about cameras, so i dont really know what to look for. i dont really want to spend much more than $200 on it, but i want it to be a nice one, so i will go over my budget if need be
I don't really think you can go wrong, so long as you stick to that sort of price range and go for the more well-known brands. How about scouting for one that'll do HD video? Might be a nice feature to have.
Just for party shots? Cause that's all you're really gonna get from $200. When spending that money you're mostly looking at features, not image quality, so go with what you think has the best features for your use.
yeah, good for the money.
I was looking at the Flip recently, that's pretty good value too. I think you can find them for under $300 too. Like finray said, at that value the key distinctions are ease-of-use and features that you personally will like. I recommend going to a camera/electronics store and testing a few out to see which one you prefer. It's not a big investment but you might as well buy something you like using. Consider it somewhat like a cell phone purchase - it's all up to the end user's preferences.
I was looking at the Flip recently, that's pretty good value too. I think you can find them for under $300 too. Like finray said, at that value the key distinctions are ease-of-use and features that you personally will like. I recommend going to a camera/electronics store and testing a few out to see which one you prefer. It's not a big investment but you might as well buy something you like using. Consider it somewhat like a cell phone purchase - it's all up to the end user's preferences.
got a canon sd1400. pretty sexy