teds ^______________________^
http://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/ne … 71/?ref=hs
E: embed
http://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/ne … 71/?ref=hs
E: embed
Last edited by Little BaBy JESUS (2013-01-27 22:42:06)
It's flooded you say? Better drop some acid and trim the hedge.
Just an opportunity to get it perfectly level innit.
baby adams
sup, babez
An image from space of the floods in Bundaberg.
Astronaut Chris Hadfield: "You can see the floodwaters pouring straight through Bundaberg and into the ocean. Keep safe and dry down there!"
8:15pm - 29 Jan 13
Astronaut Chris Hadfield: "You can see the floodwaters pouring straight through Bundaberg and into the ocean. Keep safe and dry down there!"
8:15pm - 29 Jan 13
Who does he think he is telling everyone what to do? Think's he's sooo cool just cos he's in space. Prick.
I hope he runs out of oxygen.
I hope his space station floods. Then we can tell him to stay dry and safe.
Geale vs. Mundine streaming live online - http://www.stopstream.tv/51/72/517222.html
Feels a bit like...
online poker tax evasion
Feels a bit like...
online poker tax evasion
oi jaekus, hows your internet?
I cant seem to load some pages e.g. facebook, and have found that a few others in QLD have the same problem... dunno if its just limited to bigpond or not though.
I cant seem to load some pages e.g. facebook, and have found that a few others in QLD have the same problem... dunno if its just limited to bigpond or not though.
I think it's bigpond. At my work this morning I could not load facebook or my yahoo mail. I even had to create a gmail account so I could email my assignment I'm working on to myself so I can continue at home.
Today we got Optus cable, been going great.
Today we got Optus cable, been going great.
ah righto.
I do wish the NBN would hurry up, but I looked on the map and my area isnt even shaded.
I do wish the NBN would hurry up, but I looked on the map and my area isnt even shaded.
So do I, unless of course Abbott gets in then he'll apparently just "tear it up".
Well, apparently not quite like that, but they're not supportive of rolling it out.
Can they actually pull the plug on something thats developed so far along? It would seem a bit detrimental would it not?
They said they won't cancel existing contracts nor remove infrastructure but they may not roll it out in full. Seems stupid.
I want it though.
sup kustav
bugz m80. about to have some mac n cheese. mmmmm delish.
I want mac and cheese