I'm 29 years old and I've been battling depression for the last few weeks. I love life, I make good money, I can't really complain about anything socially or superficially but I feel like there's no future to the way I live. I work very hard, I take pride in what I do but I feel like I'm at an end. I am constantly disappointed with the peer interaction that I have. I work harder than my coworkers, I care more than they do (generally speaking) about my work and the overall direction of the company I work for, I put in time and effort but I am constantly put off by the lack of effort from everyone else. I have been working at my company for a little over 2 years and I have had 3 raises - but I don't care about that as much as I care that most of my peers don't give a fuck about what they are doing. I can't stand seeing and being around people that are ok with just doing enough to get by. It fucking eats at me every day.
Please prebuscent internet oracle, give me some transcendental advice.
Haven't read this thread but it sounds like you have a job you hate all together, with nothing really to do with everyone elses performance.
From what I read in your post, you are blaming your co-workers, for your misery. Truth might be, they have less to do with it, than the fact that your job is a paycheck and nothing more. You are not fulfilled, and you are not going find personal fulfillment in the performance of others.
Here are a few cliche's that really are steeped in truth and can be pitfalls. "The grass is not always greener on the other side", and "watch what you wish for, you might just get it".