
E^vo1 wrote:

When are they going to fix the huge 30 000 point gap between First Sergeant & Sergeant Major ???

i'm so happy, i've waited going for the AA ribon and veteran badge, it's so easy these days....

Last edited by doxy (2006-02-16 15:51:56)


Ryle wrote:

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Thankyou whining bitching little noobs for fucking up a perfectly good game.  Too bad EA didnt ask the expierienced players opinions...  The whole thing sucks...almost ruins my will to play.  I swear if flares are not effective anymore itll be over for me.  I gotta be able to stay up in a plane or its just pointless.
haha that fucking hilarious...

did a little aviator whore get owned by the new patch??? awww cry us a river Mr. 26000:3000 aviator.
Actually Ive been running some pretty good rounds lately...seems that Ive found a way to counter the all i do is fly around and kill everyone of them.  I still dont agree with everything the patch did...there are some that I do agree with.  However, even though the AA is extremely too accurate I have a counter and if any of you patch luvin AA whore even as so much touch an SAM site while im in the same server you can bet your bottom dollar youll be dead in t-minus 2 seconds.  Laugh it up...flame it up girls it still dont change the fact that the pilots will always win.
Mulchman MM
+0|7036|Virginia Beach, VA
Yeah, there's always been a simple way to dodge AA in an attack chopper (provided you're flying solo) ever since the game came out. When they eliminate this, the game will be dead.

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Ryle wrote:

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Thankyou whining bitching little noobs for fucking up a perfectly good game.  Too bad EA didnt ask the expierienced players opinions...  The whole thing sucks...almost ruins my will to play.  I swear if flares are not effective anymore itll be over for me.  I gotta be able to stay up in a plane or its just pointless.
haha that fucking hilarious...

did a little aviator whore get owned by the new patch??? awww cry us a river Mr. 26000:3000 aviator.
Actually Ive been running some pretty good rounds lately...seems that Ive found a way to counter the all i do is fly around and kill everyone of them.  I still dont agree with everything the patch did...there are some that I do agree with.  However, even though the AA is extremely too accurate I have a counter and if any of you patch luvin AA whore even as so much touch an SAM site while im in the same server you can bet your bottom dollar youll be dead in t-minus 2 seconds.  Laugh it up...flame it up girls it still dont change the fact that the pilots will always win.
you sir are an ass!!! plain and moan cos the patch makes it difficult for u to whore points as usual in ur invulnerable slick or jet then u brag about how u will / can kill anyone within 2 u call us AA whores? who the fuck used AA before this patch? no one basically....mainly cos shitheads like you with ur invincible air assets whored the whole map as soon as anyone got into a vehicle....i.e. big green box appears announcing our whereabouts...piss poor pre-patch AA either missed even when locked on or hit friendly assets when locked on to ur here calling us AA whores? same as the other bitching faggot calling peeps support whores...fuck sake no one moaned about these before the patch now were all whores cos u and ur kind are fucking losers...the only thing that saves u from being a total noob is the fact u have adapted in some way but otherwise its just a fucking game change ur attitude dude cos it sucks!!!...some that u do agree with? what would they be? noob tubers? bunny hoppers? bet u meet loads of them when ur in the air.....oh i forgot u lot TK each other for air assets so maybe thats what ur on about......just watched a real life documentary...guess troops or ground pounders can carry stinger missiles...shoulder mounted!!! and its fire n forget 1 stinger good-bye jet....none of this unbalanced BF2 shit...and M1 ABRAHAMS TANKS dont get damaged going over little bumps.......DCX had the balance...this game dont!!!!

Honey wrote:

Fuck You EA Fuck You
goodbye!!!! u wont be missed!!!

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

look everyone who hates the patch i dont think theres anything we can do. the noobs who sucked and got owned by us in the air and ground are just gonna win because there are too many talentless pussies against us. for the last time, this game was always balanced, its just that the skill wasnt. check the stats of the people who like the patch, they're stats are garbage because they got owned by us and had no choice but to bitch about it instead of trying to get better and own us back.
you ever tried playing as a ground troop? or driven a vehicle without wings?...maybe u just play on certain servers that are set up for aviator whores like you?...talentless pussies are we? bet u never even fired a rifle! how can u ass-wipes say this game was balanced? BF2 is totally unbalanced, i thought the guys who created DCX were involved in making BF2 i was wrong, DCX was balanced!! no one owned anyone in a jet or helo or tank, snipers were a minor inconveineince (spelling suxs) and anti tank guys had shoulder mounted stingers, which u never needed really...engys had mortar guns as well. Check whose stats? i just checked yours so what? it dont mean u got 11:07 k:d as a jet that dont give you jack shit to talk about anyone else's stats..and ur wrong there is something u and all ur cohorts can do about the patch....leave dont play BF2 anymore go play WOW or the wont be missed cos no fucker new you were there in the first us all a favour and fuck off! your the talentless garbage cos ur whinning about the patch and how it might affect ur stats...fucking hell your life must be worthless now ....ITS JUST A GAME!
This is very annoying: i cannot play a single round anymore without "connection problems" or just plain disconnects since i installed this patch 1.2.  I used the incremental patch  from 1.12 to 1.2.
This was never the case in previous patches the last months i  was online, so for myself i am convinced it has to do with the new patch.

EA/DIce may have addressed some issues considering gameplay, i find it most annoying to have connection hickups every other minute in game. Is it true they not officially support  64 player games anymore?
Either they did not test enough (again) or they rushed this patch to market .

Anyone else having considerably more connection hickups  with this 1.2 patch ?

Last edited by MajorHoulahan_MASH (2006-02-16 19:37:30)

Check your AA alarm...
+82|7107|Idaho, USA / Age 30

nobodyhasthisnameyet wrote:

to make it real simple....   IM NOT PLAYING THIS GAME ANYMORE   EVER.

fuck this. the only thing this community has ever done is whine about things they couldnt get good at themselves.
they still havent fixed noobtubes but they nerfed all other aspects of the game.  BYE BYE have alot of fucking fun with your noobfest.
OH my gosh.  And how old are you???  Grow a frikin bone man.  Just because they made it a little bit more complicated for you to get those easy kills doesn't mean you have to quit the game.  Seriously, it makes it a little bit easier for everyone to have a chance to get good at it.  And yes they fixed the noobtube you whiner.  Oh my gosh, can't anyone play something without whing and just enjoy it.  Guess not.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7107|Idaho, USA / Age 30

DonWanKiddick wrote:

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

look everyone who hates the patch i dont think theres anything we can do. the noobs who sucked and got owned by us in the air and ground are just gonna win because there are too many talentless pussies against us. for the last time, this game was always balanced, its just that the skill wasnt. check the stats of the people who like the patch, they're stats are garbage because they got owned by us and had no choice but to bitch about it instead of trying to get better and own us back.
you ever tried playing as a ground troop? or driven a vehicle without wings?...maybe u just play on certain servers that are set up for aviator whores like you?...talentless pussies are we? bet u never even fired a rifle! how can u ass-wipes say this game was balanced? BF2 is totally unbalanced, i thought the guys who created DCX were involved in making BF2 i was wrong, DCX was balanced!! no one owned anyone in a jet or helo or tank, snipers were a minor inconveineince (spelling suxs) and anti tank guys had shoulder mounted stingers, which u never needed really...engys had mortar guns as well. Check whose stats? i just checked yours so what? it dont mean u got 11:07 k:d as a jet that dont give you jack shit to talk about anyone else's stats..and ur wrong there is something u and all ur cohorts can do about the patch....leave dont play BF2 anymore go play WOW or the wont be missed cos no fucker new you were there in the first us all a favour and fuck off! your the talentless garbage cos ur whinning about the patch and how it might affect ur stats...fucking hell your life must be worthless now ....ITS JUST A GAME!
Hear!!  Hear!!  Way to give it to him Don.  I agree with you 100%.  All those jet whores can stop playing if they can't win anymore.   It is a Game to be played and have fun.  OH yeah and if you get first or second or even third All the better.  Way to put it man.  My hats off to you!!!
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7107|Idaho, USA / Age 30

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Ryle wrote:

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Thankyou whining bitching little noobs for fucking up a perfectly good game.  Too bad EA didnt ask the expierienced players opinions...  The whole thing sucks...almost ruins my will to play.  I swear if flares are not effective anymore itll be over for me.  I gotta be able to stay up in a plane or its just pointless.
haha that fucking hilarious...

did a little aviator whore get owned by the new patch??? awww cry us a river Mr. 26000:3000 aviator.
Actually Ive been running some pretty good rounds lately...seems that Ive found a way to counter the all i do is fly around and kill everyone of them.  I still dont agree with everything the patch did...there are some that I do agree with.  However, even though the AA is extremely too accurate I have a counter and if any of you patch luvin AA whore even as so much touch an SAM site while im in the same server you can bet your bottom dollar youll be dead in t-minus 2 seconds.  Laugh it up...flame it up girls it still dont change the fact that the pilots will always win.
Why don't you take it up the tail pipe man.   Because if I see you in plane and I got a Lock.  GOOD F-ing BYE My little Plane Whore.  Oh yeah, and I like it how you Plane Whores TK for plane.  All I have to say to you is I hope they come out with a patch that will ban you once you TK for the plane or Helo.  No matter if you are winning or not.  LOSER
you will all get used to tha patch soon enough
I'm a jet pilot when I can on air maps, but I also enjoy playing infantry on non-air maps.

I think they did a good job in beefing up the AA so jets are not completely dominating without fear of being shot down by AA, although missiles that do a number of 90 degree turns and then go off and TK is kinda stupid.


WTF did EA have to f*** up all other stuff??!! I'm sure I'm asking for a flame job, but my money says the majority of people that think this patch was well implemented are either new to the game or are not very good. There's more bugs in this patch than the Orkin man sees in a week, not to mention how "slow" the infantry feels now.

Whiners about dolphin diving/bunny hopping are just gonna find something new to bitch and moan about and EA will f*** something else up until this game is no longer playable.

I can already see the future post by EA on their website:

03/01/2008 - BF2 patch 6.45


-Players will no longer be able to run
-Players will no longer be able to duck
-All vehicles have been removed from the game because of pussies crying about "whores"
-1 bullet = kill, regardless of hit point
-Auto-aim has been fully implemented
-In certain instances, a mean look may be enough to take out the enemy soldier
-Each player in the game has a different color attached to their name. Up to 32,632 different color combinations are now possible.
-All skins have been eliminated and have been replaced by 1 skin just so we can f*** with you some more!

Our next patch will be our final patch for the game because we're sick and tired of reading posts from whiney-ass newbs that can't aim. The next patch will force both teams to line up in single file firing lines similar to 18th century combat tactics and shoot volleys at each other without being able to move.

Thank you for supporting EA Games, we appreciate your money, er, feedback.

Last edited by 2nDChancE (2006-02-16 21:34:11)

I've got eighty thousand global points, its outragous, bate and switch mother fuckers.  Heres what it takes to be a top flight player fellas, so you spend thousands of hours perfecting your craft.  Hundreds of hours on empty servers and against the computer thousands of points lost getting TK'd at the chopper pad.  You fucking ass holes cant change the rules now, who the fuck do you think you are, my time isn't yours to waste.  Change the rules in the middle of the game cause those who havent put in the time and effort dont like it finishing second?  Screw you EA take your online experiance and shove it into your tight little bean counting corperate asses.  Sold out every seriuos player, you dick sucking examples of the worst in corperate managent.  I'll never spend another nickle on a EA product, you half witted fucking mongeloids.  Die and rot in hell EA MOTHER FUCKERS..................
You know what my biggest complaint of the patch is?

Before the patch I had over 600 air-defense kills.

My air-defense stats...
Air Defense      16:43:23      630      359      1.75      92

Now... every tom dick and harry wants to line up to shoot down all of those talentless jet and chopper whores, and I don't get to personally make them squeal.  Ah well... we all must make sacrifices for the new patch, and get on with life.

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
Can all you morons just shut the fuck up about the friggin AA.

Isn't it funny how all those people who say:

Ryle wrote:

haha that fucking hilarious...

did a little aviator whore get owned by the new patch??? awww cry us a river...
are those people that are absolutly shit in aircraft:

BF2S:Ryle4tehwin wrote:

Aviator --- 00:05:29 --- 0 --- 9 --- 0.00 --- 0
From your stats, you spend most of your time at Karkand, playing medic and doing lots of reviving. Thats how you get points.

Take 1SFG-Hawk, while he has spent some time at karkand, if you look at the Aviator stats you will see something pretty impressive:

BF2S:1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Aviator --- 289:48:31 --- 26,615 --- 3,044 --- 8.74 --- 2,113
Around half his points have been gained through aviator. Personally, I take my hat off to that.

If you wanna take the piss out of someone cause they "got owned by the new patch", try flying once in a while.

Aspiring Objectivist
You all complained so much maybe your crys will be heard by god in the heavens...

LOL!  I love it your suffering is my joy.
I love the patch

Claymores, which take like 20 minutes to set in the mode used, and don't come with all the stuff to do it (for real)

at mines which are cool but hurt everyone equally

yielded me 37 kills with explosives on a (full) 64 player server on my first try

karkland had to think tactics for the first time

and that is why I love the patch

EA did a great job

Things are very much more balanced

mcminty wrote:

Around half his points have been gained through aviator. Personally, I take my hat off to that.
Thanks for realizing something most shows you have gained integrity in life... Makes me feel better about the world today.  No I did not have just the greatest time flying all those hours.  I spent many of them fighting for jets, getting tked for jets, getting shot down by AA...people knew how to use the old ones ohhh you bet they did.  Im sure some of the other top pilots in the game can contest that its not a walk in the park.   I would go on but I am tired...but thanks for saying something positive instead of being just another flamer.

Last edited by 1SFG-Hawk (2006-02-16 23:07:44)

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield

mcminty wrote:

Can all you morons just shut the fuck up about the friggin AA.

Isn't it funny how all those people who say:

Ryle wrote:

haha that fucking hilarious...

did a little aviator whore get owned by the new patch??? awww cry us a river...
are those people that are absolutly shit in aircraft:

BF2S:Ryle4tehwin wrote:

Aviator --- 00:05:29 --- 0 --- 9 --- 0.00 --- 0
From your stats, you spend most of your time at Karkand, playing medic and doing lots of reviving. Thats how you get points.

Take 1SFG-Hawk, while he has spent some time at karkand, if you look at the Aviator stats you will see something pretty impressive:

BF2S:1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Aviator --- 289:48:31 --- 26,615 --- 3,044 --- 8.74 --- 2,113
Around half his points have been gained through aviator. Personally, I take my hat off to that.

If you wanna take the piss out of someone cause they "got owned by the new patch", try flying once in a while.

Time to get off his teabags. So freakin' what. Maybe he don't like planes... He's doing something he's good at, just like your boy in planes. No harm there. Also while your boy is in planes he can't laugh anymore how he's raping people and can't be touched, now he can. They leveled the playing field. BTW flying isn't that hard, I don't like to fly planes, Since you like stats and I personally dont' care I'll tell you mine :have less than 9 hrs in one and played over 530hrs total, and the ratio is 2.37 with no singleplayer and never played FPS before, so judge me bitch.
(If you are a child under 18 do not watch the links)

Hello I'm zonterry and I'm a NOOB!!!

I love being a NOOB because now because of the new patch it does me great honor to blast that @ss. Oh how I wish I can see the look on your face.

No more jumping around like a fish out of the lake landing a lucky shot.
Funny I never jumped and shot when I served have any other of you other Vet or active’s out there I didn’t think so.

No more using a heli as a air sweeper I personally hated that.
Real choppers mask and unmask. But always kept there distance (ALWAYS).
Yes Blackhawks too. At most in and out in drop and out to station (cover) at a distance.

No more hidden UAV.
Every unmanned aerial I knew could be seen and shot down easy.

No more missing when you know you have the guy in your sights.
Dang I thought the game was trying to imitate the pros. Hmmmm last time I qualified I had to be at least a sharp shooter (160th) Ft. Campbell.

50m to 300m
23-29/40 - Marksman
30-35/40 - Sharpshooter
36-40/40 Expert

Tanks aren’t $hit with out infantry in the city or urban areas they are support 

And Yeah sniper are supposed to be a bitch (BITCH!!) WTF kinda of complaint was that.

First I have to say I loved reading you guys posts.

I may be a NOOB in EA’s Battlefield but not on Earth.

Watch and Learn…

1 shot 1 kill
What you do in a sniper attack! Get the f*ck down and shutup...

Are not invincible  they need the 11B (Much Respect to the 11B and all Infantrymen) and Support!!

Never saw it coming...
Never knew we were there.... LOL LMAO

EA you doing a great job and because of the patch change more "Real" Soldiers are coming...
We love the game

Starchild (68X) NewOld Skool

See You on the BF!!! (BITCH) thats for you non patch lovers...

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Are you kidding me?? If you don't like it play another game!! A freaking petition, big freaking cry babies. Notice most of it complained about the aircraft.

Dubs wrote: 

ROFL! 4 Total Signatures

make that 8, after  six more hours

Last edited by doxy (2006-02-17 07:45:44)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

mcminty wrote:

Around half his points have been gained through aviator. Personally, I take my hat off to that.
Thanks for realizing something most shows you have gained integrity in life... Makes me feel better about the world today.  No I did not have just the greatest time flying all those hours.  I spent many of them fighting for jets, getting tked for jets, getting shot down by AA...people knew how to use the old ones ohhh you bet they did.  Im sure some of the other top pilots in the game can contest that its not a walk in the park.   I would go on but I am tired...but thanks for saying something positive instead of being just another flamer.

imdead wrote:

Time to get off his teabags. So freakin' what. Maybe he don't like planes... He's doing something he's good at, just like your boy in planes. No harm there. Also while your boy is in planes he can't laugh anymore how he's raping people and can't be touched, now he can. They leveled the playing field. BTW flying isn't that hard, I don't like to fly planes, Since you like stats and I personally dont' care I'll tell you mine :have less than 9 hrs in one and played over 530hrs total, and the ratio is 2.37 with no singleplayer and never played FPS before, so judge me bitch.
Please write a coherent and logic statement next time.

BTW, I used the stats of 1SFG-Hawk to justify his "whining", and for that sake the whining of everyone that is good in jets. If you invest that much of you time in flying jets, honing your skills so that you can take almost anyone out, you have a right to "whine" if EA/DICE nerfs the AA so much, that any Tom, Dick and Harry can take you ouf of the sky with relative ease. (Thats relative to the skill required to fly the plane, if you didn't get that).

If you don't understand, all I got for now is . I'm off to bomb some AA emplacements .
Hate hate hate . SO gents what game shall I burn more money on
This on has costed my team and one special online friend over $2000 just to see it messed up ARRRRRRGGG
Where is the chill pill , I need one now!

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