
i rest my case.    all you little fucking whiners can go play your pathetic cry baby game.

+0|7082|West Coast
played it for a few hours.. loved the AA vs. Aircraft.. in a long round of wake.. I was in the essex on the AA gun.. only saw 3 enemy attacks on the carrier.. 2 of them ended in me killing the jets.. the round before I was chinese.. and I must have wasted the US helicopters 3 times my self.. and saw them completely owned by others.. love it... heh...

  The new sniper rifle is WAY overpowered.. it seemed like half the people on the maps i was playing were using it.. that thing is OMG powerful.. yet the Barrett .50 is better.. but not as powerful.. makes no sense.. the M-107 thich is the semi auto .50 will turn your freaking head into an exploding tomato at 3/4 mile....

  LMG's are awesome now.. loved them before.. but more accurate now..

  on 2 rounds of Karkand.. I was tubed a lot from maybe 10 feet.. still sucks.. but whatever.. 40MM HEDP has a minimum arming distance of 15 meters.. guess DICE IS too chickenshit to make the grenade launcher somewhat correct... whatever.. get over it...

Red name bug seemed really bad on a few maps but ok on others... I mean it was super bad on a few rounds.... 

so far i like it.. now only the peeps with REAL skill in the AIR will survive.. lol.. I love it.. after being raped from the air round after round of wake and Dragon Valley.. i feel vindicated.. heh...

Last edited by Agwood69 (2006-02-14 02:54:27)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX

AdamEcks wrote:

The worst thing I have seen about this patch so far is the amount of complaints from people who bunny hopped/plan whored/dolphin dove/etc for their entire time playing BF2. Now they are left with no skill and nothing left to do. There are more compalints from the people that do all these things already than there ever were from people complaing about these things.

In 2 weeks, after all these guys clear out, BF2 will be a MUCH better place.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Ron Jeremy Apprentice

AdamEcks wrote:

The worst thing I have seen about this patch so far is the amount of complaints from people who bunny hopped/plan whored/dolphin dove/etc for their entire time playing BF2. Now they are left with no skill and nothing left to do. There are more compalints from the people that do all these things already than there ever were from people complaing about these things.

In 2 weeks, after all these guys clear out, BF2 will be a MUCH better place.
I hear you bro! Totally agree.

I'm a ground pounder myself and this patch is great for me. My fave map is Sharqi and it was a total waste the times you played as USMC and the MEC chopper kept raping the TV Tower. But now - with 8 missiles - this and other maps where you got killed at least 10+ times by a raping chopper will hopefully help.

Also, I love the bunny-hopping and dolphing-diving fixes! Draw your guns and meet me face-to-face with my DAO you bitch; don't just jump, prone or use the launcher.

I love to see you air-whores being bitter as hell. Think you're all that because you rake up 40 kills in a round with bombs. That don't impress me.

Some of you who's "losing" on this patch argues that the bunny-hopping and noob-toobing is a part of the game and those of us complaining about it should shut up because "this is how it is". Well, this is how it is NOW so draw your guns and let's see who's the last man standing.
when Hell is full...
fuck this!

they made my wife (AH1 Cobra) a little helpless girl! this patch will seperate the good pilot from the bad!
no more blackhawk raping with the TV on long ranges! something died in me..... whine....

hope they will make the reloadtime of thet fu stingershit longer! go and die stingerwhores!
Usque Ad Finem

TeK||drake666 wrote:

fuck this!

they made my wife (AH1 Cobra) a little helpless girl! this patch will seperate the good pilot from the bad!
no more blackhawk raping with the TV on long ranges! something died in me..... whine....

hope they will make the reloadtime of thet fu stingershit longer! go and die stingerwhores!
Hey bro did you ranked up to Sergeant Major of the Corps?
I like the patch. When I checked the stats at the end of a round there were always some guys with 40:2 ratio and .... what a surprise they flew helos or planes. IMO this was unfair.
On the other hand I think the helos are too weak now, with a Linebacker I got most of them in the former version and now they are nearly helpless, but airplanes are ok, before, there was quite no chance to get them down.
What I don't like is the good sniper rifle. I hope Sharqui won't become Sniper only.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

I just got a score of 46 on a wake while being gunner in the cobra... it took WAY more concentration than normal, quickly finding out which AA site was the source, deplying flares at the perfect moment, and getting enough time for me to gun them down.

Got shot down about 4 times total... which is 4 more times than usual. I definatelly like these new AA sites. Make good challenge, and I SAW NO ONE RACING FOR THE COBRA THIS TIME. Guess all the skillless chopper whores decided to back off.

However I did witness TKing to get into an AA site... when was the last time you saw that!
Well... I do love the patch... no more helowhores but copter pilots with skill... no more jet whores who play bomb-reload... no more noobtubers running at you jumping like they are screwing the hell out of their girl and using a GL, no more C4 chucking noobs who throw a charge app. 5m and detonating it....snipers are now a force to be reckoned with... With all those winers who say, they will leave the game because they are pawned.... good riddance... bye bye... hasta luego... auf wiedersehen... ciao...
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

I am @ work, so I haven't had the opportunity to download and install the new patch, but from what I hear around the forums, this patch will indeed separate the good pilots from the bad. No more bombing runs over enemy bases without having to worry about AA. And maybe people will finally start to use those AA emplacements now.

btw, in any real conflict the first thing the Air Force does is attack the enemy's AA assets to make sure they have air superiority. For those who complain about AA being to strong now I suggest you simply change your tactics and take out the AA before you do your bombing runs.

For those who like the ground game ( like I do ) it's a great thing that you can actually do something about those jets and helos now, even without having decent pilots on your team.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

GotMex? wrote:

I just got a score of 46 on a wake while being gunner in the cobra... it took WAY more concentration than normal, quickly finding out which AA site was the source, deplying flares at the perfect moment, and getting enough time for me to gun them down.

Got shot down about 4 times total... which is 4 more times than usual. I definatelly like these new AA sites. Make good challenge, and I SAW NO ONE RACING FOR THE COBRA THIS TIME. Guess all the skillless chopper whores decided to back off.

However I did witness TKing to get into an AA site... when was the last time you saw that!
lol....I second that. I for sure won't be trying to fly choppers now. I don't even own a joystick...

It's only the good pilots now. Just as it is supposed to be.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7037|Melbourne, Australia
ok guys i will test out the 1.2 patch on sat.. untill den id liek to no .. could a normal gun (lets say .. the ak101) could it pose a threat to a helo or wat?
EBC Member
+56|6973|Cambridge, England
i think it is great those that can fly will always get a chopper as the newbies that cant will have no reason as they will keep dieing, i dont know why they didnt just make choppers and jets harder to fly.
+22|6982|England, UK
Uh-Oh.. I'm only 86% done on downloading the patch.. and things look bad already! Please tell me there still point in flying choppers n' jets!?

The majority seem to think the patch sucks, but i'm hoping i will disagree, *fingers crossed*.

I'll give you my feed back in a short while.
+0|7082|West Coast

I.M.I Militant wrote:

ok guys i will test out the 1.2 patch on sat.. untill den id liek to no .. could a normal gun (lets say .. the ak101) could it pose a threat to a helo or wat?
Didnt try it.. but I am sure it will cause some damage.. in the past I was able to bring down smoking helos with my pkm..AK101 uses a pretty small caliber 5.45x39.5 round.. it is a spritzer round designed to devestate human flesh.. the AK47 with its 7.62x39 has better tactical penetration and "should" be better for helo hunting.. if thats what you want to do..I have seen firsthand what a 47 round will do to a real blackhawk.. and it isnt pretty....
+-2|7018|England, UK
Don't agree with lowering the attack heli's abilities but accept the range deduction for the TV's, although I hope its no less than 500m. Attack heli's can be difficult to battle but saying that, a 5 second burst from a .50 on a jeep etc or one AT rocket gets them smoking. I think only the noobish players or players with no AA abilities have been moaning about this one.
+3|7026|England, UK
Great, so aircraft have been weakened so that people on the ground can have a better gaming experience. I guess it doesn't occur to a lot of people that for some players, aircraft is all they can do. Some people only enjoy flying aircraft, others enjoy ground work.

Sure, aircraft are powerful, but flying a chopper or plane around on a heavily populated server without being shot down is difficult. If a jet is whoring on a map, it generally has nothing to do with the game mechanics. It's because your pilots aren't doing their fucking job. If a jet is dominating the skies, get in your jet and give him some grief. Don't moan that aircraft are overpowered if you aren't even attempting to hinder their whoring. Some people talk about aircraft as if only one team get them. Both get the same vehicles.

uber73 wrote:

=SA=VaSSiLi wrote:

Basically, I hate this patch.  So much. Like, the hate is beyond words.  IMO, being able to jump and prone and fire really fast was such a big part of the game.
muhuahahahahahhahaahahahhaah, IMO, the patch must work then, cuz cockmasters like u are now hobbled!
suck it dude.
My words exactly.. But I must agree with all of you that nerfing the helo is a big mistake by EA.. The choppers have never been overpowered!
[=TLC=]Space Rat
Ahem..... true that we got to re-install all these intro- and background-movies? I removed them for memory & load times reasons and read somewhere that I'll get messages about modified files?!
+10|7030|Isle of Man, next to England.

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Don't agree with lowering the attack heli's abilities but accept the range deduction for the TV's, although I hope its no less than 500m. Attack heli's can be difficult to battle but saying that, a 5 second burst from a .50 on a jeep etc or one AT rocket gets them smoking. I think only the noobish players or players with no AA abilities have been moaning about this one.
Have to disagree, Yes a 5 second burst from a .50cal will get them smoking, but how often do you get the chance to sit there for 5 seconds and shoot at an alert chopper pilot? Normally the scenario plays out a little like this:

A, .50cal gunner open up.

B, Chopper pilot locates gunner, health still over half.

C, Chopper either releases salvo of rockets or a TV missile.

D, .50cal gunner dead, chopper may or may not be smoking, but what does it matter because pilot can just go and repair anyway.

AT rocket scenario often plays out like this:

A, AT troop launches rocket.

B, Rocket hits, chopper may or may not be smoking. Or Rocket misses (More frequent) chopper intact

If Rocket hits: Chopper pilot locates AT troop and creams him with gun while At troop is desperately wishing his launcher would reload.

If Rocket misses pilot conitnues on his merry way often getting out of practical range for another go with the AT rocket.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand chopper pilot's frustration, but I often find myself going up against an attack chopper, completely defenceless because whatever weapons I have are simply not doing a decent amount of damage to the chopper. Look at it from the other player's point of view. If a chopper is getting damaged he can fly away at great speed to get repaired, if a ground troop is getting damaged he can pretty much start wriitng his will if it is a chopper doing the damaging.

The point of this long post? Choppers needed their Hitpoints reducing in my view. Please note this is all based on my expereinces in the game, yours may (and probably have) differ due to the face you're all probably much better than me.
+3|7026|England, UK

Fschwang wrote:

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Don't agree with lowering the attack heli's abilities but accept the range deduction for the TV's, although I hope its no less than 500m. Attack heli's can be difficult to battle but saying that, a 5 second burst from a .50 on a jeep etc or one AT rocket gets them smoking. I think only the noobish players or players with no AA abilities have been moaning about this one.
Have to disagree, Yes a 5 second burst from a .50cal will get them smoking, but how often do you get the chance to sit there for 5 seconds and shoot at an alert chopper pilot? Normally the scenario plays out a little like this:

A, .50cal gunner open up.

B, Chopper pilot locates gunner, health still over half.

C, Chopper either releases salvo of rockets or a TV missile.

D, .50cal gunner dead, chopper may or may not be smoking, but what does it matter because pilot can just go and repair anyway.

AT rocket scenario often plays out like this:

A, AT troop launches rocket.

B, Rocket hits, chopper may or may not be smoking. Or Rocket misses (More frequent) chopper intact

If Rocket hits: Chopper pilot locates AT troop and creams him with gun while At troop is desperately wishing his launcher would reload.

If Rocket misses pilot conitnues on his merry way often getting out of practical range for another go with the AT rocket.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand chopper pilot's frustration, but I often find myself going up against an attack chopper, completely defenceless because whatever weapons I have are simply not doing a decent amount of damage to the chopper. Look at it from the other player's point of view. If a chopper is getting damaged he can fly away at great speed to get repaired, if a ground troop is getting damaged he can pretty much start wriitng his will if it is a chopper doing the damaging.

The point of this long post? Choppers needed their Hitpoints reducing in my view. Please note this is all based on my expereinces in the game, yours may (and probably have) differ due to the face you're all probably much better than me.
So by your logic, what you basically want is the ability for one ground troop to take out a military helicopter? If so, that's a bit selfish. If you want to take down a chopper, spot it out for your squad members and tell them to attack it. Battlefield was designed as a team based game, if you correctly use a well managed squad, you will dominate. However, all these whiners simply want an easy game, I am in no way saying you are whining however I find it stupid that you think one ground troop should be able to single handedly take down a chopper.

I find it really disappointing that people just want easy frags. If people would just work as a team to take down stronger units there would be no need to weaken them. This patch just allows aircraft to be taken down single handedly, which practically ruins the game for pilots.

Ah well.

alien-DSW-Gen wrote:

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Thankyou whining bitching little noobs for fucking up a perfectly good game.  Too bad EA didnt ask the expierienced players opinions...  The whole thing sucks...almost ruins my will to play.  I swear if flares are not effective anymore itll be over for me.  I gotta be able to stay up in a plane or its just pointless.
Since I have more points I sir, can call you a noob. You are a noob for you statement and from it, you haven't played on the patch. Why the hell are you posting without anything to back it up with? Guess you another jackass who uses the word noob like you know what the hell you are talking about... typical. Most noobs use the word like they have a clue.
who the fuck does this kid think he is?? HAHA... and since you have more time, that just makes you the bigger loser.  I have a higher score than you and a few hundred hours less you tool bag fuck.  He has all the right to have an opinion about the patch before playing it because he was on teamspeak as i was teesting it out bitching.  You act like you have harnessed the game talking about the key to AA and shit... I read through your stats and it just goes to show... Someone CAN play this game for almost 1000 hours of their life and stilll suck at it....
the only people that like this game now are the ones that suck at any vehicle...  and what the fuck... Nothing changed against armor????  hahaha....  the biggest whore of a vehicle in the game... i should know, im up there in it...  yet they make it so you cant fly a helo 10 feet without dieing.... why didnt you just remove it from the game EA... so all i say is fuck this...

uk.solidsnake wrote:

Fschwang wrote:

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Don't agree with lowering the attack heli's abilities but accept the range deduction for the TV's, although I hope its no less than 500m. Attack heli's can be difficult to battle but saying that, a 5 second burst from a .50 on a jeep etc or one AT rocket gets them smoking. I think only the noobish players or players with no AA abilities have been moaning about this one.
Have to disagree, Yes a 5 second burst from a .50cal will get them smoking, but how often do you get the chance to sit there for 5 seconds and shoot at an alert chopper pilot? Normally the scenario plays out a little like this:

A, .50cal gunner open up.

B, Chopper pilot locates gunner, health still over half.

C, Chopper either releases salvo of rockets or a TV missile.

D, .50cal gunner dead, chopper may or may not be smoking, but what does it matter because pilot can just go and repair anyway.

AT rocket scenario often plays out like this:

A, AT troop launches rocket.

B, Rocket hits, chopper may or may not be smoking. Or Rocket misses (More frequent) chopper intact

If Rocket hits: Chopper pilot locates AT troop and creams him with gun while At troop is desperately wishing his launcher would reload.

If Rocket misses pilot conitnues on his merry way often getting out of practical range for another go with the AT rocket.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand chopper pilot's frustration, but I often find myself going up against an attack chopper, completely defenceless because whatever weapons I have are simply not doing a decent amount of damage to the chopper. Look at it from the other player's point of view. If a chopper is getting damaged he can fly away at great speed to get repaired, if a ground troop is getting damaged he can pretty much start wriitng his will if it is a chopper doing the damaging.

The point of this long post? Choppers needed their Hitpoints reducing in my view. Please note this is all based on my expereinces in the game, yours may (and probably have) differ due to the face you're all probably much better than me.
So by your logic, what you basically want is the ability for one ground troop to take out a military helicopter? If so, that's a bit selfish. If you want to take down a chopper, spot it out for your squad members and tell them to attack it. Battlefield was designed as a team based game, if you correctly use a well managed squad, you will dominate. However, all these whiners simply want an easy game, I am in no way saying you are whining however I find it stupid that you think one ground troop should be able to single handedly take down a chopper.

I find it really disappointing that people just want easy frags. If people would just work as a team to take down stronger units there would be no need to weaken them. This patch just allows aircraft to be taken down single handedly, which practically ruins the game for pilots.

Ah well.
The people that just want easy frags are usually in the aircraft, not on the ground shooting at them.  You have to admit that it is alot easier to get kills from helo/plane, and you can do that solo, no squad coordination.
New AA = Seperating the men from the boys

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