Now Now Now children.. let a true (anal)yzer do the real work here for yah..
First things first this is a VIDEO GAME for 8 damn months Nothing in this game to me was broken I found a counter to all things ( except igla it was mostly useless ) and ( blackhawks with the ability to just mad cap flags and own at the same time ) however to me personally the blackwhoring was never an issue but thats in the past!  Now after 8 damn months they remove the signature gameplay that made this game mostly for the hardcore ( the way it should be ) and more accessible to everyone ( the way it shouldnt be ) and I will tell you why.   A chopper is a damn hard thing to fly. In my own personal opinion in this game it requires at least 50 hours of training in battle against human opponents to become profficient enough to destroy and be surgical with your missles. I can deal with an added pack of 8 rockets as opposed to 14 in a single pack. I can deal with slightly powerful IGLA ( and yes no matter what you say IT IS UNGODLY NOW IF YOU MISS A TIMED FLARE ) what I cant deal with is a Single Shot Eryx and a PKM mowing down a heli.. WTF!? This out of all vehicles requires the most attention to detaiil and to me personally really good eye hand coordination. The ability to read and adjust your alttitude, attitude. and power for precision movement and crash saves is what seperates it into a class in itself.  Yes I am a helo whore.. but joe shmoe private first class can get in ANY JET and after my first flare I am toast.  A j-10 banking hard left with afterburners doing a barrel roll or loop after a missed flare has NO CHANCE. However I am suited and have played proficiently as all classes, in all vehicles, in all group categories ( squad, s/l, commander) and found an effective way to counter everything in the game except Operation Clean Sweep Bomber rape.. which could be based on two things.. 1. do we have an experienced pilot to shoot them down.. and 2. is iour plane stolen.. Which usually one or both of those things were not being performed.

ok Airpower imho Way overnerfed. 

New sniper rifle.. NO COMPLAINTS.. personally i think this is the way and the rifle that should have been in this game since the beginning. It is everything I wanted and is one of the best additions to the game.. I have 100 hours as a sniper give or take and I am very very glad about this addition.. I thoroughly, thoroughly play tested it yesterday for 8 hours.  On mashturr, On shanghai, on op clean sweep.. Simply brilliant.. Awesome gun and Makes me very very happy.

p90- Faster ROF please. not too bad otherwise..

AntiTank is a superior class now..

Machine guns are WAY WAY too overpowered ( damn near sniping ) which brings me to my next rant..

Now, I have no problem with dolphin diving being gone.. Dolphin diving is unnatural and despite being a video game is quite ridiculous. I only dolphin dived to avoid fire not engage and for the most part i could dodge tanks which was quite useful. But I am glad its gone no matter how many times it saved my life.
The ability to jump and shoot completely removed is RETARDED.. No matter what you noobs complain and whine about it.. it is period. There are several instances to which i want to throw things farther and harder than what a standing shot can provide and i will provide examples..  Strike at karkand.. I wnat to throw Medic bags over walls, Throw medic bags from distances.. the same for Ammo Resupply and c4 over walls.  I want to be able to shoot a grenade launcher over the walls and a primary example of this is where the usmc spawn closest to the Hotel.... Now as the usmc hill meets the street and the first building that has that aluminum wall wtih the 3 pipes in the middle i can jump up and see the hill.. Now i cant jump up and fire? lame. What they should have done is allowed jumping and shooting but ONLY based on stamina at a minimum of 5 stam bars per jump or more.. Or a maximum allowance of 3 jumps in a row before a timer or a rebuild of stamina was put in effect.  WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT? for us to stand there and look at you while you shoot at prone with the support class while we have no ability to dodge? I dont understand it ? you want us to behave like single player i do believe which is retarded.. The exceptional players who have a great eye-hand coord level and who have reflexes of a god damn mongoose have to sit and allow changes that Greatly Greatly inhibit there style of playing.. Now i believe there is a balance that could have been achived without catering entirely to either side of the pros or the Non-Pros which like in life Outnumber the exceptional amount.

I find the delay on Prone Recovery to be asinine and unneeded.. I like the ability to go prone AND QUICKLY QUICKLY get up.. not as if i now have arthritis in my entire lumbar system.. This is retarded. The delay on M203 firing is unneeded and needs to go as well. Assault is my most played class and it should be. ITS ASSAULT i am supposed to go in first clean out the people and pave the way for the rest of the team/squad. I die more I kill more and thats the way it supposed to be. Its the heart and soul of infantry and now my 203 has a delay.. Jumping and diving is gay i agree but i never did it.. I jumped and shot for 2 reasons. 1 it allows a better beat on things and to adjust a more accurate shot.. And 2.  less damage at close range.. Now a shotgun and me and at close range have a great chance of both of us winning but a rapid fire weapon will most certainly lose.  But unlike most people who play with it I CAN ACTUALLY HIT HTE LONG BOMB.. I have over 6000 kills with it and an accuracy of 62% which means if i miss you the first time I wont the second.  I considered it a skilled based weapon except for short range but then if anyone could use it at short range why didnt they?  oh wait they couldnt and anyone for the most part that I seen usually died first.   However there is a balance that could have been achived and now they catered it to non pros only.   

NO matter what you say prone and Support class is not skill.. and its these people the most who bitch about every other class who take them out.. well kiss my ass noobs...  Personally i think anyone who gets in armor at strike at karkand is a noob.. if karkand had no armor it would be the perfect map. just a few jeeps and vodniks. I hate armor and never use it.. 

Anyways I have no problem with damage and radius to the m203, the problem lies therein balancing it for both sides of the coin.. COmpletely being not able to jump and shoot w/o some balance is dumb, a delay on firing m203 my reflexes is circumvented now so a g36e and myself almost always die together is dumb,  a delay on prone recovery is dumb for the most part everyone hates that.

Here is the greatest thing.. the developers other than chopper whoring felt 1.03 was perfect and other than bomber domination I agree with them. that is why the game has been for the last 8 months was as it was. This patch is a bitch and moan patch period used to silence the cry babies and yet YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING NEW TO BITCH ABOUT IT.. and if you bitch about my sniper rifle I WILL SLAY YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!  But lastly THIS IS A VIDEO GAME PEOPLE.. I enjoyed the vehicles being as they were.. I Enjoyed the blend of Realistic and Arcadey action... But you noobs want it purely realistic and ONLY TO CATER TO YOUR PLAYING STYLE AND NOONE ELSES.. so its basically down to

P90 needs to have a faster rate of fire. 

l96A1 is beautiful and perfect.. only if it was armor piercing hah.

AA is overpowered period.. I missflared barrel loop roll with afterburners still gets hit.. wtf?  A tunguska destroys and murders ALL AIRCRAFT...

I liked a blend of air/land combat there was a balance for every map except op clean sweep and gulf of oman.  but now its catered mostly to ground with MG'ers and Armor whores.

Red bug exists but still less frequent oh well..

Prone delay needs to go..  I think it should be limited but not delayed.

Limit jumping and firing to consecutive jumps or stam based.

Dolphin diving gone thank goodness..

A HELO SHOULD BY ALL ACCOUNTS DOMINATE EVERYTHING ON THE MAP THAT IS GROUND BASED AND REQUIRES A VERY HIGH LEVEL OF SKILL TO DO SO.. leave my helo alone.. its people without flight sticks or who just suck with them that cant compete..  Heres a goal if a helo is giving you a hard time why dont you communicate to your team on bringing it down? ask someone to help you? is that too much to ask? you can ask anyone and everyone and use voip but yet you still refuse to do so? 

m203 firing delay should be gone.. There isnt one in real life as many of you assholes would point out.

the ability to shoot down Uav is the tits and is well received on all ends.

TVGS shorter range is welcomed yet lame at the same time.. AT least the helo has to get in igla ranges in order to hit you from sharqi now heh

Hit points should be reduced for tanks as well.

Shock paddles reloading when not in use is greatly welcomed.

sprint exploit and the tank turret spin in graphic bug fix is awesome.

Flash bang reduction is great.

Thats about it for me..   

whats your opinions?
Patch Is Wank, Programmers Wasted Their Fucking Time Complying To Bitch Ass Noobs Who Couldn't Press 2 Buttons At Once Cos They Were Spasticated Or Some Shit

Not One Decent Idea From The Improvements Section Of This Forum Made It Into The Fucking Game,

They Have Killed It

When's The Good Mods Gonna Be Done, By Proper Programmers Who Know What They Fucking Doing
just like to say a few words to all the newbestards that have bought the game and "CAN'T" play thanks for ruining the best game i ever bought all this dvd is worth now is to wipe my ass on so thanks again you bunch of moaning tw=ts you call yourselfs soldiers i call you all pollitions now i wish you would all feckoff  and play the real game you were mean't to play like scrabble but saying that you would want the rules changing in that so just feckoff.......................................... but there word means more to ea than ours who has had the game since it came out and waited for the dam game to come out for months i mean i was no god at the game and i didn't have a higher score to the likes off a$$kicka with over seventy tho or blazinuk with over two hundred but i know when i see a good game when i see one and this was a war game die or get dead and just cus you get dead more than kill you get them to change the rules i was really shit when i started the all idea is to get good not moan like a baby ( so my views on these changes is that it should be on switches so we get no cry babys in the game) (no jumping while shooting ok was pissed off when someone did it to me but when i got them back i gave my self a good laugh ...............in war shit happens )   i think alot of people will agree some mod are good but some have fucked a game up agood game now i'm off to play agood good good game (mine sweeper) cheers.............................................m-killa ................................................
+1|7048|79605, TX
the 90* AA missle shit is just...shit..

and why the hell did they weaken the choppers armor?!
+-2|7019|England, UK

M-killa wrote:

just like to say a few words to all the newbestards that have bought the game and "CAN'T" play thanks for ruining the best game i ever bought all this dvd is worth now is to wipe my ass on so thanks again you bunch of moaning tw=ts you call yourselfs soldiers i call you all pollitions now i wish you would all feckoff  and play the real game you were mean't to play like scrabble but saying that you would want the rules changing in that so just feckoff.......................................... but there word means more to ea than ours who has had the game since it came out and waited for the dam game to come out for months i mean i was no god at the game and i didn't have a higher score to the likes off a$$kicka with over seventy tho or blazinuk with over two hundred but i know when i see a good game when i see one and this was a war game die or get dead and just cus you get dead more than kill you get them to change the rules i was really shit when i started the all idea is to get good not moan like a baby ( so my views on these changes is that it should be on switches so we get no cry babys in the game) (no jumping while shooting ok was pissed off when someone did it to me but when i got them back i gave my self a good laugh ...............in war shit happens )   i think alot of people will agree some mod are good but some have fucked a game up agood game now i'm off to play agood good good game (mine sweeper) cheers.............................................m-killa ................................................
lol. have to agree.
Most of the patch is ok. Its the airforce f over thats taken the wee wee.
Beatdown Patrol

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Sort of agree but I was gunning down heli's with .50's anyway. Plus there's hopefully someone else firing AT. Spot the chopper so your airforce can take action. Get in the AA if there is one nearby. And that's my point. AA improvement was all that was needed really. I will accept the 14 to 8 missiles and maybe the TV range reduction. But with the hit point reduction aswell its now, imo, too unbalanced against the heli's. How the hell noobs are going to get on with the learning curve for air vehicles i don't know. But i'm sure i will adapt. And I like being an Imperial Star Destroyer!
1 person with a .50 cal can NOT drop a helo unless it has already been damaged by something else or the pilot is a clown.  Any pilot worth their salt will immediately blast you to smithereens or leave the area and blast you from distance.  I have killed plenty of helo's with the .50 as well...but unfortunately more times than not, they pilot would get away or kill me for all the effort I put into it.

AA turrets do not move and a good pilot knows where they are so they steer clear.  On some maps, there is no AA turrets even near the area where the combat is being fought. Besides, how is that going to help anybody on the ground when the AA is destroyed...usually the first thing to go with a good pilot/gunner.  So ground troops are ass-out again on a counter.

Your biggest counter is going to be making sure that you stay low, stay at distance, and keep moving instead of hovering over a flag and blasting anything that pokes their heads out.

I like being an Imperial Star Destroyer as well....but against a target that can defend itself, not against a bunch of Ewoks with spears.  It might be sadistically fun to blast holes in things that can't defend themselves, but fair or satisfying?  No.

- Beatdown

STOP bitching and whining ALL you wanna-be-pilots. The days of all too easy point farming with stupid and silly bombing-runs and heli-circling are definitively gone - period. And that's excellent, EA/Dice should have done this stuff even 3 month ago. Then we would not have in the top-100s vehicle list only smacktards and prickfaces claiming how good they are...
Every time i read how "decent or excellent" one is able to fly, then my little-devil ROFLed to hell. You retarded ego-psychopath wake up - LOL. If you are claiming to know good how to fly in BF2 then shut the fuck up and do your work.
Else learn somthing about flight-tactics, adapt it towards BF2, learn to deal with the specialities and requirements in BF2 and have fun - or play SF.

Yesterday and today i made lots of points/kills in jets, got damaged, got killed by AA. Noob-pilots fucking my ass with AAs shot towards me at unreal angles - shit - never ever had so much fun and excitement.
Got Whiskey?
+63|7105|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'

[GDC]SinnFein wrote:

-=THC_RU=- wrote:

I am a fighter pilot dude, I fly Mig-31.
U can see when there is a missile going to shoot u down, u have a radar to see that, so u can take evasive actions.
Nice man! What are you driving? I drove the 31FE, actually was a knockoff, post bloc 31BM. If your in the B, I'd like to know your thoughts on the new/somewhat new; 723 Nav sys?
Hmmm...You have been on the forums today, somewhat curious as to why you have chosen not to reply bud. Tell you what, I shall send you a PM. Yeah, that's the ticket! Surely a reply will be prompt then:)
Angry Player
+0|6964|A house...

nobodyhasthisnameyet wrote:

to make it real simple....   IM NOT PLAYING THIS GAME ANYMORE   EVER.

fuck this. the only thing this community has ever done is whine about things they couldnt get good at themselves.
they still havent fixed noobtubes but they nerfed all other aspects of the game.  BYE BYE have alot of fucking fun with your noobfest.
I agree with him......THE PATCH SUCKS

Is it me or has the patch caused lagg?

It makes jumping and proneing all jerky and slow.. wtf is the point in having c4 iof you cant chuck it....you already throw like a wimp! RUNNING TO A TANK, PLANTING C4 ON IT AND  RUNNING OFF IS ALREADY HARD ENOUGH, THE TANK ALWAYS GETS YOU!!! LEAST YOU COULD JUMP AND CHUCK IT FURTHER!

Some stuff has been fucked around with e.g Chopper Missles, and armour...GAMEPLAY NOW SUCKS!


Thanks a lot n00bs for being saw fucking losers and moaning that your dieing!!!!

Last edited by Angry Player (2006-02-15 13:23:00)

+-2|7019|England, UK

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Sort of agree but I was gunning down heli's with .50's anyway. Plus there's hopefully someone else firing AT. Spot the chopper so your airforce can take action. Get in the AA if there is one nearby. And that's my point. AA improvement was all that was needed really. I will accept the 14 to 8 missiles and maybe the TV range reduction. But with the hit point reduction aswell its now, imo, too unbalanced against the heli's. How the hell noobs are going to get on with the learning curve for air vehicles i don't know. But i'm sure i will adapt. And I like being an Imperial Star Destroyer!
1 person with a .50 cal can NOT drop a helo unless it has already been damaged by something else or the pilot is a clown.  Any pilot worth their salt will immediately blast you to smithereens or leave the area and blast you from distance.  I have killed plenty of helo's with the .50 as well...but unfortunately more times than not, they pilot would get away or kill me for all the effort I put into it.

AA turrets do not move and a good pilot knows where they are so they steer clear.  On some maps, there is no AA turrets even near the area where the combat is being fought. Besides, how is that going to help anybody on the ground when the AA is destroyed...usually the first thing to go with a good pilot/gunner.  So ground troops are ass-out again on a counter.

Your biggest counter is going to be making sure that you stay low, stay at distance, and keep moving instead of hovering over a flag and blasting anything that pokes their heads out.

I like being an Imperial Star Destroyer as well....but against a target that can defend itself, not against a bunch of Ewoks with spears.  It might be sadistically fun to blast holes in things that can't defend themselves, but fair or satisfying?  No.

- Beatdown
Get in a jeep on Kubra, drove up a hill and into some bushes and unloaded the .50 on unsuspecting heli's and especially attack heli's. I've gunned down 5 or 6 attack heli's in one round. Just one example. I've AT'd and .50'd many a chopper and on countless times, when their vehilce health is half way down, they feck off. Sometimes I get owned though. Plus with teamwork, i'm proberly not the only person trying to take the fecker down. Unless the team is full of noobs.
+0|6986|Richmond VA
All you losers cring about AA and hopping and diving and shit, should go play DOOM, or Unreal.  It wouldn't break my heart if you bitches never came back to BF2.       HAHAHAHAH bitches

Last edited by cullenjackcullen (2006-02-15 12:55:11)

+-2|7019|England, UK
I agree with the AA inprovement. Its the attack heli's TV range reduction, 14 to 8 missiles, hit point reduction aswell as the AA improvement. That the problem. A good patch would be 8 missiles, a hit point reduction of between this new patch setting and the original setting. Keep TV's as they were as this will counter the new uber AA. Also jets hit points should be increased slighty as the AA is deadly.
Why did all you fuckers buy a game with helicopters/planes in if you were just gonna whine about them until they made them fucking useless ?????
Pulls out gun, Watch him run
Ok grenade launching has just took the final straw at least keep the radius for god sake, Put it this way a grenade launcher in real life hits a hard object it would blow on impact, now a nade thrown at an object should realistically bounce off before it blows. The effects of the grenade launcher also looks crap it puts me off firing it looks almost like water is coming off it hahaha no wonder its got so crap. What advantage do the assault have now um let me think nothing!!! grenade launchers were the aspect of the assualt they fulfilled what an assault person would do in the game!!! further patches best fix this up at least it should be stronger!!!
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize on behalf of the 1SFG squad for the conduct of two of our members who have posted in this thread. Their presentation was unnecessary, unproductive and not representative of the squad. I am aware that the general consenus for the 1.2 patch has not been very positive, and this holds true for the membership of 1SFG. These members obviously felt compelled to vent their frustration, but crossed over the line when they engaged in their tirade with others. Again, I apologize on behalf of the 1SFG.

Thank you.
+-2|7019|England, UK

1SFG-LD50 wrote:

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize on behalf of the 1SFG squad for the conduct of two of our members who have posted in this thread. Their presentation was unnecessary, unproductive and not representative of the squad. I am aware that the general consenus for the 1.2 patch has not been very positive, and this holds true for the membership of 1SFG. These members obviously felt compelled to vent their frustration, but crossed over the line when they engaged in their tirade with others. Again, I apologize on behalf of the 1SFG.

Thank you.
LOL. Well funny. Which member's have disgraced your outfit?
Beatdown Patrol

comet241 wrote:

you know, a stinger kit like they had in bfv wouldn't be so bad, as long as hp was increased a little from the post 1.2 position. in a response to an earlier remark about helo's being imperial star destroyers... i say that being imperial star destroyers was their whole purpose in the game. it took teamwork to take one down, just like it takes teamwork to destroy a tank. sure, a skilled or lucky stinger could nail a helo, or a c4 chuck could take out a tank, but that was the way it was supposed to be.... use teamwork to take out the star destroyers, ie the tanks  and helos, then proceed forward with your own star destroyers (tanks and helos).... i think ea destroyed a little of the teamwork needed to earn a win by doing what they did to the helo's. now instead of who can get a helo to hover over a base and rape while taking the flag, it's gonna be who can get a tank sitting on the flag and rape while taking it, because nothing is going to be there to stop it now.
Dude...now that just isn't true.  In general, it does not require teamwork to kill armor the exception being if there is a supply crate beside the tank.  One AT soldier still has the ability to take out a lone Tank or at least deny them a piece of real estate.  One AT soldier can EASILY take out an APC.  One Spec Ops can take out a Tank/or APC.  Jets and Helos can take out armor with absolutely no warning to the driver.  On open maps, TVGMs blow me to heaven from out of the blue.  Helos like to hover at range and wait until somebody jumps into the armor and then blasts them a TVGM before they can finish turning the key on the ignition.  Absolutely no...chance...at...all for the Tanker to defend, evade, escape.

Helos had no reliable counter and there are numerous indicators to that being a fact...including that people regularly TK to get them.  To say that Helos were intended to be untouchable forces of destruction across the battlefield is crazy not only from a real world scenario, but a practical one as well.

comet241 wrote:

as far as your comments about iraqistan and the wars over there, yes, this game is not perfect as far as realism for urban warfare with choppers goes. but in a perfectly realistic game, my m95 would blow your flippin' arm off, even if i didn't get the headshot i was going for and just winged you. balance is good, yes. but this now unbalances the game towards tanks and apc's to rule from the ground. i would like the next patch to increase armor on helo's or increase the effectiveness of countermeasures, those dont do anything now that 1.2 is out. 14 to 8 missiles is fair, shortened tv is fair, but the rest of it goes a little too far. thats all im saying
...and again, I am not asking for realism, just balance.  I think that the M95 SHOULD kill a human in one hit, but at a reduced range and less accuracy due to the weight of the bullet.  I also think they should kill ground vehicles in 3 hits and Helos in 3 hits.  If Helos were as devestating in real life as they are in this game, there would be no NEED for armored ground vehicles.  And for the record, I never had one problem with Helo offensive power....it is their defensive power that was the greatest issue.  I say, give the chopper pilots back their 14 missiles and let the TVGM stay at the intended range, but the reduced hitpoints and AA tracking should stay.

- Beatdown
Beatdown Patrol

1SFG-LD50 wrote:

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize on behalf of the 1SFG squad for the conduct of two of our members who have posted in this thread. Their presentation was unnecessary, unproductive and not representative of the squad. I am aware that the general consenus for the 1.2 patch has not been very positive, and this holds true for the membership of 1SFG. These members obviously felt compelled to vent their frustration, but crossed over the line when they engaged in their tirade with others. Again, I apologize on behalf of the 1SFG.

Thank you.
Wow...uh...I am seriously impressed by this.  Apology accepted and appreciated.  Seriously.  I am partially to blame for "taking the bait" by engaging your two clan mates in a discussion that got out of hand.  However, I really did feel as if I was being personally targeted for fair comments that I made and hence felt the needs to defend myself.   In doing that, I guess it can be said that I lowered myself to their level but I ended the conversation with them after coming to that realization.  Even still, I will extend an apology to the forum as well.

- Beatdown
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, This is your death
AA static and mobile shoot missiles at random they'll track any air craft! congrats your top of the scorebord! By fireing missiles at random.... skillful! Really... NOT! Thanks EA screwed up YET again! Need another patch to fix this patch which was supposed to fix the patch that you released before this patch! WOW you know what your doing dont you! GRRRR

I cant fly my F- 15 with out being shot down by some tom dick or harry on AA half way across a map think im safe NOOOOOOO! WTF!! flares dont work out flying them dont work as AA still hits me!

As for dolphon diving and bunny hoppers people still hope around like idoits just this time not fireing..... Any point really? Did u address the t00b whores noooo did u think about how many people were going to be pissed off by your lack of Intelligence.... NOOO! idiota!

P- 90 WTF DID YOU DO! nuff said really on that

as for the sniper rifle im nota  sniper so not botherd by it!

so my message to EA is....

I WANT TO FLY AND TO BE FREE!!! TO DROP MY BOMBS UPON TANK WHORES (which i am one of and proud of it) I DO NOT WANT TO GET IN TO A FLYING COFFIN!!! OF WHICH I CAN NOW USE TO TAXI TO THE AA GUNS AND COME FIRST BY DOING BOLLOKS ALL. THE ACTION IS GONE!!! (my caps lock button seems to be stuck) BRING BACK THE BUNNY HOPERS SO I CAN KILL THEM AND LAUGH AND POINT AT THEM AS THEY CALL ME A HACKER BECAUSE I AM BETTER THAN THEM!!! AND FFS DO IT THE RIGHT WAY NOT THE EA WAY (EA way the wrong way only 50x worse) SO FUCKING SORT IT OUT YOU BUNCH OF TARDS! Christ i want more coffee! lol. but seriously all you noobs out there that fucked over this game and now say its ruined ITS YOUR FAULT YOU RUINED IT SO FUCK OFF! actually dont il pawn you all later as you cry about the guy who shot you! That you think was impossible as you were hideing behind a log with your legs sticking out of the back...... idiots!

<finished bitching>


<leaving now>
Is it me or has the patch caused lagg?

Thats the same feeling i have. I was playing on a server with a very low ping and i had the feeling everything went 1 second later.

I was just sitting in a blackhawk and now its almost impossible to kill someone. I also think its fucked up that you cant throw c4 anymore. Oh know everybody is statspadding nowdays in Karkland(my favo map) for this c4 badge, but this is rediculas, though i can understand why they do it with the granades and launchers. Maybe they can reduce the number of kills you need for explosive badge.

As till now i miss the BF2 feeling, i had untill i installed this patch. its very unbalanced. Tanks and APC's are strong, chopers and jets are week.

I hope, with no real expetations, that they retrieve this patch. For me the fun is gone. And thats pretty fucked up for a game I was addicted 2.

BF2   R.I.P.
+-2|7019|England, UK

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

comet241 wrote:

you know, a stinger kit like they had in bfv wouldn't be so bad, as long as hp was increased a little from the post 1.2 position. in a response to an earlier remark about helo's being imperial star destroyers... i say that being imperial star destroyers was their whole purpose in the game. it took teamwork to take one down, just like it takes teamwork to destroy a tank. sure, a skilled or lucky stinger could nail a helo, or a c4 chuck could take out a tank, but that was the way it was supposed to be.... use teamwork to take out the star destroyers, ie the tanks  and helos, then proceed forward with your own star destroyers (tanks and helos).... i think ea destroyed a little of the teamwork needed to earn a win by doing what they did to the helo's. now instead of who can get a helo to hover over a base and rape while taking the flag, it's gonna be who can get a tank sitting on the flag and rape while taking it, because nothing is going to be there to stop it now.
Dude...now that just isn't true.  In general, it does not require teamwork to kill armor the exception being if there is a supply crate beside the tank.  One AT soldier still has the ability to take out a lone Tank or at least deny them a piece of real estate.  One AT soldier can EASILY take out an APC.  One Spec Ops can take out a Tank/or APC.  Jets and Helos can take out armor with absolutely no warning to the driver.  On open maps, TVGMs blow me to heaven from out of the blue.  Helos like to hover at range and wait until somebody jumps into the armor and then blasts them a TVGM before they can finish turning the key on the ignition.  Absolutely no...chance...at...all for the Tanker to defend, evade, escape.

Helos had no reliable counter and there are numerous indicators to that being a fact...including that people regularly TK to get them.  To say that Helos were intended to be untouchable forces of destruction across the battlefield is crazy not only from a real world scenario, but a practical one as well.

comet241 wrote:

as far as your comments about iraqistan and the wars over there, yes, this game is not perfect as far as realism for urban warfare with choppers goes. but in a perfectly realistic game, my m95 would blow your flippin' arm off, even if i didn't get the headshot i was going for and just winged you. balance is good, yes. but this now unbalances the game towards tanks and apc's to rule from the ground. i would like the next patch to increase armor on helo's or increase the effectiveness of countermeasures, those dont do anything now that 1.2 is out. 14 to 8 missiles is fair, shortened tv is fair, but the rest of it goes a little too far. thats all im saying
...and again, I am not asking for realism, just balance.  I think that the M95 SHOULD kill a human in one hit, but at a reduced range and less accuracy due to the weight of the bullet.  I also think they should kill ground vehicles in 3 hits and Helos in 3 hits.  If Helos were as devestating in real life as they are in this game, there would be no NEED for armored ground vehicles.  And for the record, I never had one problem with Helo offensive power....it is their defensive power that was the greatest issue.  I say, give the chopper pilots back their 14 missiles and let the TVGM stay at the intended range, but the reduced hitpoints and AA tracking should stay.

- Beatdown
Yep. A deal can be done with the noobs for the attack heli's:

-8 missiles
-TV range original setting to counter new patch uber AA
-Hit points set at between new patch setting and original setting
-Keep the uber AA as it does deal with the jets and HELPS deal with attack heli's(experienced players will understand and know the hardware and teamwork needed to counter the attack heli prior to this new patch).

The AA upgrade was long overdue. Maybe its too good though. Time will tell.


Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-02-15 14:02:37)

+3|7026|England, UK
You know.. I just finished a round on Sharqi playing mostly using the heli, and to be honest I didn't have much trouble. Flying around is definately not as relaxing as it was before, as I have to constantly watch out for Hummers and AA sites, but I still finished top alongside my copilot. I class myself as a fairly decent pilot, and the guy I fly with is a great copilot, very fast to react to stuff, and we survived just fine.

It's interesting that noone seems to have mentioned that even though AA has been improved accuracy wise, and Helicopters have had HP reductions, one AA missile only seems to take 1/3 of your health, which means the damage done by AA has been reduced. Maybe I was just lucky, can anyone clarify?

The one thing I did notice was that it took 2 flare drops to lose one missile. I was flying full speed over the open parts of Sharqi, in 3rd person mode to watch how AA worked, and it followed me like a hawk, right past the first flare drop, and it almost hit me after I dropped the second. I think AA just needs a minor tweak and it will be perfect, because it really does act like it's on steroids at the moment.
Angry Player
+0|6964|A house...
FFS will someone just tell Ea or dice and noobs to stop being......well......noobs! And put the game back the way it was because right now I feel like shoveing the game up their arse!

The patch sucks, no experianced players likes it, it ruins BF2, FINAL!

Last edited by Angry Player (2006-02-15 14:25:22)

Well i finally dled the patch and tried it out......whats the point of beign any class besides support now...they kill everything in 1-2 hits....more accurate then all the other guns and can take out a chopper.....absolutly gay..i hope ppl are complaining in EA forums to chg it back.....i dont mind the choppers being weaker, but the AA should nto have been improved if they were going to weaken the chopper....this patch needs to be BOYCOTTED.....whos with me?
Angry Player
+0|6964|A house...

Rellim83 wrote:

Well i finally dled the patch and tried it out......whats the point of beign any class besides support now...they kill everything in 1-2 hits....more accurate then all the other guns and can take out a chopper.....absolutly gay..i hope ppl are complaining in EA forums to chg it back.....i dont mind the choppers being weaker, but the AA should nto have been improved if they were going to weaken the chopper....this patch needs to be BOYCOTTED.....whos with me?
Im with you on most things except weakening chopper.

But do you think they will change it back if anyone is moaning like hell? I BLOODY HOPE SO!

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