Hunter/Jumper wrote:
Bertster7 wrote:
11 Bravo wrote:
what the hell are you on? do you know how stupid that sounds? how is that even possible? she gave birth in the fire and they chucked the baby back in? if she was in the fire how did the baby get out of the fire? was her vagina a cannon? is there proof of this or just crap like bible?
It's well documented. Read Foxe's book of martyrs. It is available online. Here's a picture from it: … /1980w.jpgCatholic persecution of Protestants under Mary Tudor's reign was not pleasant.
You can find old books with pictures of Real Mermaids too !
again long long ago not "yesterday" Sh*t look at medical procedure back then.
PS "aliens among us ! " could be seen as " well documented "
I know you guys don't like it when you get shown stuff that contradicts your narrow view of the world, but contempary accounts considered reliable by all historians I've ever heard of are about as good as it gets from a historical standpoint.
There is far better evidence of this than there is that Jesus ever existed (there are no contemporaneous sources to confirm that he did).
I find your level of mistrust in mainstream academia quite amusing. There are always the nutty deniers, whether it be evolution/climate change/historical events (like this, like the holocaust, etc.) - just be aware that you're the crazy minority on this and that those who study these things certainly don't get taught your viewpoint.