Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

lowing wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

So lowing - if I were to contact one of the top experts on fascism in the world and get their opinion on whether Obama's administation is fascist, would you accept that as evidence?

Would an email from one of the very top experts in the field sway your opinion?
About as much as any expert I cited that his actions were fascist would convince you.

How about the experts that claim Islam is intolerant and violent, are they convincing you?
So if I email one of the top academic experts on fascism and ask whether Obama's administration could be called fascist, would you accept their opinion?

Someone like Roger Griffin from Oxford who specialises in defining and examining fascism? Would that be sufficient?

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

Yet you have not shown one thing showing we are at war with Islam.
More like Islam is at war with the west. WHat exactly are you looking for as proof, if not the body count, the actions, the words and the teachings of Islam?
I would venture to say that our predominatly christian army has kille more muslim's then muslims have killed westerners. I would also argue that Christians are not against killing in the name of god. Is christianity a violent religion? No. But using your logic, yes. You said we were at war wih Islam, I would like the declaration of war as proof we are at war. Many muslim's are involved in the war on terror, on our side, so that declaration is not the one I want.

Uzique wrote:

lowing wrote:

Uzique wrote:

lowing there is a sociological phenomenon on the internet known as something like 'virtual balkanization' or the like.

basically you are the textbook example of this bizarre social effect: when one's surfing habits frequent a number of similar websites, and a person becomes a 'casual' browser of 'x' genre of website- they surround themselves with 'information' and 'content' that starts to increasingly co-align with their own personal (world)views and attitudes. eventually you are so surrounded in your every-day surfing experience by websites, opinions, content and, indeed, other users in the same situation- that your own beliefs become so confirmed and concrete that you cannot see out of the box you have just sealed yourself in.

break out of the sociological, pathological narrowmindedness. you do realize that people looking to find 'information' on 'islam: the religion of peace' could just as easily utilize google to find pro-Islam sites, right? you do realize that there are communities, forums, information-websites and countless blogs out there that promote islam as a peaceful co-existing religion in our modern world? you seek out the negative critique that compliments your own world-view and then further drown yourself in the false knowledge that your opinions are right; and, furthermore, are the only version of 'right' that exists.

i cannot believe that a grown man can delude himself into such absolute stupidity.
That would be great if, none of what is posted is true, none of what is reported is true, if sharia law didn't exist, if the koran could not be quoted, if the Islamic leaders couldn'e be quoted, if.............

fact is, the internet is not the end all and be all of opinion on Islam. It is a media outlet one of many, and they all say the same thing.

But let me guess, it isn't Islam right? It is the media.
unless you can tell me that you have been out and have engaged, interacted and exchanged views with real muslims, real preachers and real academics in the REAL world- then yes, it is the media. the cultural productions of the world's media are all broadcast through coloured-filters: this isn't rocket science, now. our nation's media broadcast to us that which is especially interesting, controversial and exciting- the 'big stories', in other words. news agencies and papers love to have arching 'meta-stories' that they can continually refer back to time-and-time again for guaranteed repeat sales and renewed interest in their publication/broadcasting. the 'war on terror' has been that meta-narrative in the occidental world since the bush administration and 9/11. the media 'face' given to terrorism, as a broadly-defined global atrocity (not all linked)? the arab. the muslim. the middle-east. 'them' against 'us'. it's a very basic social force at work, again. the uniting and coming-together of 'us' against the defined 'other'; it's orientalism at its most brutal and discriminative. have you read anything on orientalism during your many hours of enthusiastic internet-research and media-browsing? i'm guessing not.

the western world frequently likes to paint the near and far east as some alien, hostile and barbaric world. it has been occuring since the very first explorers, sociologists and philologists started mapping the area. the distinction between a civilized, better-us and a barbaric, other-worldly them began as far back as napoleon's conquest of egypt during the early era of empire. none of these narrowminded views are anything new: you are very much spouting the example of a textbook orientalist/nationalist, a view that has existed for about 500 years. not unfounded you would say? well, the massive wealth of 'academia', 'information' and 'scholarship' that does exist on the subject was all started with a legacy created by ultimately bias, racist and imperialist individuals themselves. de sacy, renan, caussin, quinet, michelet... all of these philosophers, sociologists, philologists, archaelogists etc. all 'founded' and established a field of research that was paradoxically built upon the axis of 'us' and 'them' and all the associated views of supremacy, imperialist-annexation and ethnocentric race prejudices. you are just perpetuating a worldview and an attitude that has, frankly, been outruled as archaic and wrong in the modern, post-colonial era.

islam is not a brutal religion. the middle-east is not full of human-rights atrocities. they are normal human beings that have developed with an entirely different culture, spirituality, world-view and society to ours; but that does not make them inherently 'wrong' and us 'right' by default. co-existence whilst realizing our fundamental differences is the constructive way forward; retreating into right-wing conservatism, the dangerous rhetoric and narrowmindedness of nationalism and then decrying the 'other' as beasts, criminals, terrorists, inferiors etc. is contributing further to nothing other than the outside world's increasing view of you as a product of yesterday. your worldview is wrong, plain and simple. within 2-3 generation's time the implicitly colonialist, occident/orient division will, hopefully, be blurred enough for us to start putting feet forward in the 'new' era of progress. the neo-conservative, christian-outlook of your previous administrations has done massive injury to this noble effort, though. bush and the masses of poorly-educated, narrowminded and innocently-ignorant americans have made sure that the neo-colonialist efforts of america in the 21st century, as the natural inheritor of britain and france's former imperial might and ideology, continue to perpetuate the first-generation inequalities and paradoxes.

i suggest you read that post very carefully. i have suggested many serious names for you to incidentally look into, if you have any genuine interest in furthering your knowledge and acquiring a genuinely well-informed view on the subject. please do not insult me by replying with yet another link to one of those laughably-bigoted websites that, overall, offer no more than a confirmation of my aforementioned summary of orientalist beliefs and anti-arabic, ill-founded sentiments.
Ummmmm after all of this, you do not deny what is cited as a lie. I dare you.  Also as far as the media goes. It is the leaders of Islam that use they very media that you loathe as an outlet to get their message across. You do realize this don't you?

Also my time in Iraq I have spoken with many Muslims, I have found them friendly and respectful. Unfortuantely I am speaking of individuals. THeir religion however is violent and intolerant. 

By the way, have you been to the ME?

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

Yet you have not shown one thing showing we are at war with Islam.
More like Islam is at war with the west. WHat exactly are you looking for as proof, if not the body count, the actions, the words and the teachings of Islam?
I would venture to say that our predominatly christian army has kille more muslim's then muslims have killed westerners. I would also argue that Christians are not against killing in the name of god. Is christianity a violent religion? No. But using your logic, yes. You said we were at war wih Islam, I would like the declaration of war as proof we are at war. Many muslim's are involved in the war on terror, on our side, so that declaration is not the one I want.
Our Army is not a CHristian army, it is the US army made up of many people from many vackgrounds and religions.

soldiers do not kill in the name of god, they kill to save themselves and or their buddies.

There was not declaration of war in Korea or Vietnam, yet like it or not, they were wars.

Yes I know, their was a Muslim in the US Army at FT. Hood fighting the war on terror as well.
it is the figureheads of extremist islam that use the media - in the manifest forms that you see, clearly - to get THEIR point across. not the entire, globe-spanning religion's point. it's like a peaceful, average-domestic muslim tuning in to some of the crazy-broadcasts you get in middle-america: the evangelist preachers, the jehovah's witnesses predicting the end of the world, the god-drunk mormons spouting all sorts of rubbish; or perhaps even the likes of the westboro baptist church... they are extremist christians and they have a media presence as well. how would you feel if the middle-east had the position of us, the occident, and we the subservient position of the orient. if the middle-east looked down upon us as savages with a backwards system of spirituality and political ideology, because their news-networks were beaming the angry-faced, placard-holding signs of the westboro baptist church to all of the near-east? that would be a fair and elucidatory example of us now, wouldn't it?

the fact that you have engaged with real muslims and found them - after all, to your surprise no doubt - to just be ordinary people living in different circumstances... yet then come home and accept the spoonfed media-view and american-spin that islam is evil and must be eradicated... again, blows my mind. social/virtual balkanization, recycling of orientalist ideas and views, and an actual stubborn refusal to even admit that which you have seen, first-hand in your own personal experience. you are beyond all help lowing, beyond all help.

i have been to several arab-muslim countries in the northern african continent, yes. the post-colonial nations that are struggling to overcome the iniquities we placed on them - practically and ideologically - in our own colonial era. the 'us' and the 'them', trying to somehow find a middle-ground and learn to co-exist and prosper peacefully. people like you aren't doing their (democratic) efforts much good, really. a real shame.

i have read this extensive book recently and find it very helpful and relevant, actually. watch the videos if you want to see a perspective that differs, for once, from the little virtual and media-based world you have specifically and selectively surrounded yourself with.

a very smart man.

Last edited by Uzique (2010-06-30 06:59:23)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

it is the figureheads of extremist islam that use the media - in the manifest forms that you see, clearly - to get THEIR point across. not the entire, globe-spanning religion's point. it's like a peaceful, average-domestic muslim tuning in to some of the crazy-broadcasts you get in middle-america: the evangelist preachers, the jehovah's witnesses predicting the end of the world, the god-drunk mormons spouting all sorts of rubbish; or perhaps even the likes of the westboro baptist church... they are extremist christians and they have a media presence as well. how would you feel if the middle-east had the position of us, the occident, and we the subservient position of the orient. if the middle-east looked down upon us as savages with a backwards system of spirituality and political ideology, because their news-networks were beaming the angry-faced, placard-holding signs of the westboro baptist church to all of the near-east? that would be a fair and elucidatory example of us now, wouldn't it?

the fact that you have engaged with real muslims and found them - after all, to your surprise no doubt - to just be ordinary people living in different circumstances... yet then come home and accept the spoonfed media-view and american-spin that islam is evil and must be eradicated... again, blows my mind. social/virtual balkanization, recycling of orientalist ideas and views, and an actual stubborn refusal to even admit that which you have seen, first-hand in your own personal experience. you are beyond all help lowing, beyond all help.

i have been to several arab-muslim countries in the northern african continent, yes. the post-colonial nations that are struggling to overcome the iniquities we placed on them - practically and ideologically - in our own colonial era. the 'us' and the 'them', trying to somehow find a middle-ground and learn to co-exist and prosper peacefully. people like you aren't doing their (democratic) efforts much good, really. a real shame.
strange, the extremists of Christianity you speak of, have been stiffled, KKK never really amounted to much other than a punchline. Same thing with all of the evangelicals you speak of. I guess more than anything else, the teachings of Christ does not lend support to their bullshit. They are in fact a joke.

Islam is different, the leaders of Islam speak of, and the Koran teaches, violence and intolerance and as such it is practiced.
You also seem to forget that I am not only speaking of us against them. I also spwak of them against them. You seem to be dismissing sharia law all together. That culture is violent and intolerant in words and in practice. Really no denying that.

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

More like Islam is at war with the west. WHat exactly are you looking for as proof, if not the body count, the actions, the words and the teachings of Islam?
I would venture to say that our predominatly christian army has kille more muslim's then muslims have killed westerners. I would also argue that Christians are not against killing in the name of god. Is christianity a violent religion? No. But using your logic, yes. You said we were at war wih Islam, I would like the declaration of war as proof we are at war. Many muslim's are involved in the war on terror, on our side, so that declaration is not the one I want.
Our Army is not a CHristian army, it is the US army made up of many people from many vackgrounds and religions.

soldiers do not kill in the name of god, they kill to save themselves and or their buddies.

There was not declaration of war in Korea or Vietnam, yet like it or not, they were wars.

Yes I know, their was a Muslim in the US Army at FT. Hood fighting the war on terror as well.
Our army is PREDOMINATLY christian. Christians kill in the name of god all the time. Look into the abortion clinic bombings. Ft. Hood was 1 guy, there are thousands of muslim's fighting the war on terror, on "our" side. I just want proof that we are in a war agains the Islamic religion.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

lowing wrote:

Uzique wrote:

it is the figureheads of extremist islam that use the media - in the manifest forms that you see, clearly - to get THEIR point across. not the entire, globe-spanning religion's point. it's like a peaceful, average-domestic muslim tuning in to some of the crazy-broadcasts you get in middle-america: the evangelist preachers, the jehovah's witnesses predicting the end of the world, the god-drunk mormons spouting all sorts of rubbish; or perhaps even the likes of the westboro baptist church... they are extremist christians and they have a media presence as well. how would you feel if the middle-east had the position of us, the occident, and we the subservient position of the orient. if the middle-east looked down upon us as savages with a backwards system of spirituality and political ideology, because their news-networks were beaming the angry-faced, placard-holding signs of the westboro baptist church to all of the near-east? that would be a fair and elucidatory example of us now, wouldn't it?

the fact that you have engaged with real muslims and found them - after all, to your surprise no doubt - to just be ordinary people living in different circumstances... yet then come home and accept the spoonfed media-view and american-spin that islam is evil and must be eradicated... again, blows my mind. social/virtual balkanization, recycling of orientalist ideas and views, and an actual stubborn refusal to even admit that which you have seen, first-hand in your own personal experience. you are beyond all help lowing, beyond all help.

i have been to several arab-muslim countries in the northern african continent, yes. the post-colonial nations that are struggling to overcome the iniquities we placed on them - practically and ideologically - in our own colonial era. the 'us' and the 'them', trying to somehow find a middle-ground and learn to co-exist and prosper peacefully. people like you aren't doing their (democratic) efforts much good, really. a real shame.
strange, the extremists of Christianity you speak of, have been stiffled, KKK never really amounted to much other than a punchline. Same thing with all of the evangelicals you speak of. I guess more than anything else, the teachings of Christ does not lend support to their bullshit. They are in fact a joke.

Islam is different, the leaders of Islam speak of, and the Koran teaches, violence and intolerance and as such it is practiced.
You also seem to forget that I am not only speaking of us against them. I also spwak of them against them. You seem to be dismissing sharia law all together. That culture is violent and intolerant in words and in practice. Really no denying that.
Army of God, Lambs of Christ, Olympic Park Bomber, Lords Resistance Army, Russian National Unity, Sons of Freedom.

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

I would venture to say that our predominatly christian army has kille more muslim's then muslims have killed westerners. I would also argue that Christians are not against killing in the name of god. Is christianity a violent religion? No. But using your logic, yes. You said we were at war wih Islam, I would like the declaration of war as proof we are at war. Many muslim's are involved in the war on terror, on our side, so that declaration is not the one I want.
Our Army is not a CHristian army, it is the US army made up of many people from many vackgrounds and religions.

soldiers do not kill in the name of god, they kill to save themselves and or their buddies.

There was not declaration of war in Korea or Vietnam, yet like it or not, they were wars.

Yes I know, their was a Muslim in the US Army at FT. Hood fighting the war on terror as well.
Our army is PREDOMINATLY christian. Christians kill in the name of god all the time. Look into the abortion clinic bombings. Ft. Hood was 1 guy, there are thousands of muslim's fighting the war on terror, on "our" side. I just want proof that we are in a war agains the Islamic religion.
You are being s smart ass. You know what I referred to whan I said that. There is a war of ideologies and it is playing out all over the world.

lowing wrote:

Uzique wrote:

it is the figureheads of extremist islam that use the media - in the manifest forms that you see, clearly - to get THEIR point across. not the entire, globe-spanning religion's point. it's like a peaceful, average-domestic muslim tuning in to some of the crazy-broadcasts you get in middle-america: the evangelist preachers, the jehovah's witnesses predicting the end of the world, the god-drunk mormons spouting all sorts of rubbish; or perhaps even the likes of the westboro baptist church... they are extremist christians and they have a media presence as well. how would you feel if the middle-east had the position of us, the occident, and we the subservient position of the orient. if the middle-east looked down upon us as savages with a backwards system of spirituality and political ideology, because their news-networks were beaming the angry-faced, placard-holding signs of the westboro baptist church to all of the near-east? that would be a fair and elucidatory example of us now, wouldn't it?

the fact that you have engaged with real muslims and found them - after all, to your surprise no doubt - to just be ordinary people living in different circumstances... yet then come home and accept the spoonfed media-view and american-spin that islam is evil and must be eradicated... again, blows my mind. social/virtual balkanization, recycling of orientalist ideas and views, and an actual stubborn refusal to even admit that which you have seen, first-hand in your own personal experience. you are beyond all help lowing, beyond all help.

i have been to several arab-muslim countries in the northern african continent, yes. the post-colonial nations that are struggling to overcome the iniquities we placed on them - practically and ideologically - in our own colonial era. the 'us' and the 'them', trying to somehow find a middle-ground and learn to co-exist and prosper peacefully. people like you aren't doing their (democratic) efforts much good, really. a real shame.
strange, the extremists of Christianity you speak of, have been stiffled, KKK never really amounted to much other than a punchline. Same thing with all of the evangelicals you speak of. I guess more than anything else, the teachings of Christ does not lend support to their bullshit. They are in fact a joke.

Islam is different, the leaders of Islam speak of, and the Koran teaches, violence and intolerance and as such it is practiced.
You also seem to forget that I am not only speaking of us against them. I also spwak of them against them. You seem to be dismissing sharia law all together. That culture is violent and intolerant in words and in practice. Really no denying that.
hey brainiac, most muslims (i.e. the ones that aren't in war-torn, strife-ridden areas of the world, thus driven to extreme views) also denounce the fanatics as "a joke". considering that their entire area is often ridden with war (of which we are aggravators and/or indirect causes) the ideological levels of fanaticism are pretty unsurprising, when they do crop up. christian partisans have been driven to extreme actions and deeply-embedded radical views too, in the face of civil unrest and political instability. these things happen. the goddamn nazis were a product of such turbulence.

you have been shown by muslims on these very boards time-and-time again that your wrongly-spoonfed interpretations and views of the Koran and Shariah are wrong. every example, passage or fundament you have (mis)quoted, a dilligent and more-patient member here has told you why you are wrong in exact and precise terms. im not going to argue with you about shariah and the Koran because i cannot deny the fact that my own knowledge of it is purely academic and learned (in the bookish sense), anyway. but there are islamic scholars, followers and people that know much more than you (and any of your balkanized, based-in-fantasy, inane little websites) who will keep coming back to gladly point you in the right direction every time, should you wish to actually ever follow it.

i imagine, ironically, that in areas where there is a kneejerk reaction to christianity from islam (e.g. extremist circles) that there are so-called 'scholars' and 'experts' on christianity that will be quoting bible passages and purposefully skewing christian principles to arm themselves ideologically, also. i guess all religion is predicated upon a certain assumption of blind-ignorance, by its very nature.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Bertster7 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Uzique wrote:

it is the figureheads of extremist islam that use the media - in the manifest forms that you see, clearly - to get THEIR point across. not the entire, globe-spanning religion's point. it's like a peaceful, average-domestic muslim tuning in to some of the crazy-broadcasts you get in middle-america: the evangelist preachers, the jehovah's witnesses predicting the end of the world, the god-drunk mormons spouting all sorts of rubbish; or perhaps even the likes of the westboro baptist church... they are extremist christians and they have a media presence as well. how would you feel if the middle-east had the position of us, the occident, and we the subservient position of the orient. if the middle-east looked down upon us as savages with a backwards system of spirituality and political ideology, because their news-networks were beaming the angry-faced, placard-holding signs of the westboro baptist church to all of the near-east? that would be a fair and elucidatory example of us now, wouldn't it?

the fact that you have engaged with real muslims and found them - after all, to your surprise no doubt - to just be ordinary people living in different circumstances... yet then come home and accept the spoonfed media-view and american-spin that islam is evil and must be eradicated... again, blows my mind. social/virtual balkanization, recycling of orientalist ideas and views, and an actual stubborn refusal to even admit that which you have seen, first-hand in your own personal experience. you are beyond all help lowing, beyond all help.

i have been to several arab-muslim countries in the northern african continent, yes. the post-colonial nations that are struggling to overcome the iniquities we placed on them - practically and ideologically - in our own colonial era. the 'us' and the 'them', trying to somehow find a middle-ground and learn to co-exist and prosper peacefully. people like you aren't doing their (democratic) efforts much good, really. a real shame.
strange, the extremists of Christianity you speak of, have been stiffled, KKK never really amounted to much other than a punchline. Same thing with all of the evangelicals you speak of. I guess more than anything else, the teachings of Christ does not lend support to their bullshit. They are in fact a joke.

Islam is different, the leaders of Islam speak of, and the Koran teaches, violence and intolerance and as such it is practiced.
You also seem to forget that I am not only speaking of us against them. I also spwak of them against them. You seem to be dismissing sharia law all together. That culture is violent and intolerant in words and in practice. Really no denying that.
Army of God, Lambs of Christ, Olympic Park Bomber, Lords Resistance Army, Russian National Unity, Sons of Freedom.
Never heard of'm ( olympic park bomber?).....must not be much there.
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio
so...entire muslim countries still opress women, let girls burn in a school, throw acid on women, etc........and yet lowing can't say "masses?"  i r confused then.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
LRA is worse than the Taliban IMO, al-Qaeda etc. By miles.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
they won't have heard of these christian factions because fox news, cnn and anti-islam websites don't want to talk about them.

the 'war on terror' and the 'terrorist network' does not encompass honest, good and free christians, of course.

and get real marine - as if the states hasn't just had a 100 year social war for feminist rights and race-equality. you don't have a high-horse to ride on. your skewed view of the middle/far east is textbook.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

lowing wrote:

Uzique wrote:

it is the figureheads of extremist islam that use the media - in the manifest forms that you see, clearly - to get THEIR point across. not the entire, globe-spanning religion's point. it's like a peaceful, average-domestic muslim tuning in to some of the crazy-broadcasts you get in middle-america: the evangelist preachers, the jehovah's witnesses predicting the end of the world, the god-drunk mormons spouting all sorts of rubbish; or perhaps even the likes of the westboro baptist church... they are extremist christians and they have a media presence as well. how would you feel if the middle-east had the position of us, the occident, and we the subservient position of the orient. if the middle-east looked down upon us as savages with a backwards system of spirituality and political ideology, because their news-networks were beaming the angry-faced, placard-holding signs of the westboro baptist church to all of the near-east? that would be a fair and elucidatory example of us now, wouldn't it?

the fact that you have engaged with real muslims and found them - after all, to your surprise no doubt - to just be ordinary people living in different circumstances... yet then come home and accept the spoonfed media-view and american-spin that islam is evil and must be eradicated... again, blows my mind. social/virtual balkanization, recycling of orientalist ideas and views, and an actual stubborn refusal to even admit that which you have seen, first-hand in your own personal experience. you are beyond all help lowing, beyond all help.

i have been to several arab-muslim countries in the northern african continent, yes. the post-colonial nations that are struggling to overcome the iniquities we placed on them - practically and ideologically - in our own colonial era. the 'us' and the 'them', trying to somehow find a middle-ground and learn to co-exist and prosper peacefully. people like you aren't doing their (democratic) efforts much good, really. a real shame.
strange, the extremists of Christianity you speak of, have been stiffled, KKK never really amounted to much other than a punchline. Same thing with all of the evangelicals you speak of. I guess more than anything else, the teachings of Christ does not lend support to their bullshit. They are in fact a joke.

Islam is different, the leaders of Islam speak of, and the Koran teaches, violence and intolerance and as such it is practiced.
You also seem to forget that I am not only speaking of us against them. I also spwak of them against them. You seem to be dismissing sharia law all together. That culture is violent and intolerant in words and in practice. Really no denying that.
hey brainiac, most muslims (i.e. the ones that aren't in war-torn, strife-ridden areas of the world, thus driven to extreme views) also denounce the fanatics as "a joke". considering that their entire area is often ridden with war (of which we are aggravators and/or indirect causes) the ideological levels of fanaticism are pretty unsurprising, when they do crop up. christian partisans have been driven to extreme actions and deeply-embedded radical views too, in the face of civil unrest and political instability. these things happen. the goddamn nazis were a product of such turbulence.

you have been shown by muslims on these very boards time-and-time again that your wrongly-spoonfed interpretations and views of the Koran and Shariah are wrong. every example, passage or fundament you have (mis)quoted, a dilligent and more-patient member here has told you why you are wrong in exact and precise terms. im not going to argue with you about shariah and the Koran because i cannot deny the fact that my own knowledge of it is purely academic and learned (in the bookish sense), anyway. but there are islamic scholars, followers and people that know much more than you (and any of your balkanized, based-in-fantasy, inane little websites) who will keep coming back to gladly point you in the right direction every time, should you wish to actually ever follow it.

i imagine, ironically, that in areas where there is a kneejerk reaction to christianity from islam (e.g. extremist circles) that there are so-called 'scholars' and 'experts' on christianity that will be quoting bible passages and purposefully skewing christian principles to arm themselves ideologically, also. i guess all religion is predicated upon a certain assumption of blind-ignorance, by its very nature.
fair enuff. I challenge any Islamic expert to deny or call a lie anything posted on

I challenge any "expert" to expalin away sharia law as accepting and tolerant.

Last edited by lowing (2010-06-30 07:47:13)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

lowing wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

lowing wrote:

strange, the extremists of Christianity you speak of, have been stiffled, KKK never really amounted to much other than a punchline. Same thing with all of the evangelicals you speak of. I guess more than anything else, the teachings of Christ does not lend support to their bullshit. They are in fact a joke.

Islam is different, the leaders of Islam speak of, and the Koran teaches, violence and intolerance and as such it is practiced.
You also seem to forget that I am not only speaking of us against them. I also spwak of them against them. You seem to be dismissing sharia law all together. That culture is violent and intolerant in words and in practice. Really no denying that.
Army of God, Lambs of Christ, Olympic Park Bomber, Lords Resistance Army, Russian National Unity, Sons of Freedom.
Never heard of'm ( olympic park bomber?).....must not be much there.
The Olympic Park Bomber blew up some abortion clinics and set off a bomb at the '96 Atlanta Olympic games killing a couple of people and wounding hundreds.

Because you haven't heard of them doesn't mean they don't exist.
The LRA is accused of widespread human rights violations, including murder, abduction, mutilation, sexual enslavement of women and children, and forcing children to participate in hostilities.
Army of God (AOG) is a Christian terrorist anti-abortion organization that sanctions the use of force to combat abortion in the United States.

Go ahead, just keep your eyes closed.
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio

Uzique wrote:

they won't have heard of these christian factions because fox news, cnn and anti-islam websites don't want to talk about them.

the 'war on terror' and the 'terrorist network' does not encompass honest, good and free christians, of course.

and get real marine - as if the states hasn't just had a 100 year social war for feminist rights and race-equality. you don't have a high-horse to ride on. your skewed view of the middle/far east is textbook.
last time i checked we evolved, the ME hasnt.  took us way less time also considering how long they have been around.  if it wasnt for westerners finding oil for them, they would all be nomads still.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

lowing wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

lowing wrote:

strange, the extremists of Christianity you speak of, have been stiffled, KKK never really amounted to much other than a punchline. Same thing with all of the evangelicals you speak of. I guess more than anything else, the teachings of Christ does not lend support to their bullshit. They are in fact a joke.

Islam is different, the leaders of Islam speak of, and the Koran teaches, violence and intolerance and as such it is practiced.
You also seem to forget that I am not only speaking of us against them. I also spwak of them against them. You seem to be dismissing sharia law all together. That culture is violent and intolerant in words and in practice. Really no denying that.
Army of God, Lambs of Christ, Olympic Park Bomber, Lords Resistance Army, Russian National Unity, Sons of Freedom.
Never heard of'm ( olympic park bomber?).....must not be much there.

Lords Resistance Army is much higher on the fucked-up scale. Just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean they don't do anything, LRA routinely abducts entire villages and massacres them in the most horrific ways.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio

Spark wrote:

lowing wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Army of God, Lambs of Christ, Olympic Park Bomber, Lords Resistance Army, Russian National Unity, Sons of Freedom.
Never heard of'm ( olympic park bomber?).....must not be much there.

Lords Resistance Army is much higher on the fucked-up scale. Just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean they don't do anything, LRA routinely abducts entire villages and massacres them in the most horrific ways.
i wouldnt hang your hat on anything in africa if you are trying to prove a point.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

11 Bravo wrote:

Spark wrote:

lowing wrote:

Never heard of'm ( olympic park bomber?).....must not be much there.

Lords Resistance Army is much higher on the fucked-up scale. Just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean they don't do anything, LRA routinely abducts entire villages and massacres them in the most horrific ways.
i wouldnt hang your hat on anything in africa if you are trying to prove a point.
True but I'm trying to say... they exist. And boy are some of them nasty.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

11 Bravo wrote:

Uzique wrote:

they won't have heard of these christian factions because fox news, cnn and anti-islam websites don't want to talk about them.

the 'war on terror' and the 'terrorist network' does not encompass honest, good and free christians, of course.

and get real marine - as if the states hasn't just had a 100 year social war for feminist rights and race-equality. you don't have a high-horse to ride on. your skewed view of the middle/far east is textbook.
last time i checked we evolved, the ME hasnt.  took us way less time also considering how long they have been around.  if it wasnt for westerners finding oil for them, they would all be nomads still.
you have a pretty piss-poor understanding of geopolitics and world-history, if that is your honest view of how things happened.

also what's with the 'evolutionary' talk? none of that is supported by darwin, evolutionists or sociologists. we are on the same rung of the biological and mental ladder, put the supremacy talk away, there's no place for it here. watch the 8 minute video on orientalism i posted, it pretty much sums up everything i'd like to explain to you about your worldview, only without me having to waste my time typing it to someone that probably won't listen, anyway.

our western occidental world has for the last few centuries been developing with the process of self-identification relying on 'another' to reinforce our own ideas and beliefs. we've always viewed the middle/far-east as somehow being 'inferior' because of its huge difference to our own society and way of our... but that is simply, categorically untrue. i admit that europe is a little bit ahead of america in the post-colonial era, and we've had a little bit more time to look back on that period and engage with its troubling discourses. america still seems very much involved in a form of neo-colonialism, so i expect that view of asia and the middle-east are still very much along the lines of "we are superior to them", because that's what functionally does the job of motivating and perpetuating an ideological conflict of that kind. it's so backwards, though. really poor.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio

Uzique wrote:

evolve as in evolve as a society.  if you are going to dismiss what muslim countries still do to women and gays then fine by me.

Last edited by 11 Bravo (2010-06-30 07:29:47)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

11 Bravo wrote:

Spark wrote:

lowing wrote:

Never heard of'm ( olympic park bomber?).....must not be much there.

Lords Resistance Army is much higher on the fucked-up scale. Just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean they don't do anything, LRA routinely abducts entire villages and massacres them in the most horrific ways.
i wouldnt hang your hat on anything in africa if you are trying to prove a point.
Christians are Christians.

It is very solid evidence of Christian organisations doing extremely fucked up stuff. If evidence from Africa condemning Islam is okay to use, then why is evidence that condemns Christianity coming from Africa not acceptable?

That is the only example in the list I gave that is from Africa.
our societies are only ahead of theirs in the western-tinted evaluation: we have a better style of '(western) democracy'. well, no shit.

that's not to say that their model of society is 'inferior' or 'wrong'. that's a pretty arrogant approach to have.

also a whole range of geopolitical, colonialist, ideological and economical factors are involved historically in keeping the near/far east repressed and in the role of subservience to western-interests. there's way too much history there to go into but if you cannot look at the period from 1700-2000 and see exploitation of the non-occidental world by western imperial forces (most notably france, britain and now america) then you're really missing an education. it's sort of grim the way that we like to firmly keep africa and the middle-east / far-east as a playground for western ideas and interests, whilst at the same time denouncing them as 'savages' and 'backwards'. we've never given them the chance to properly come forwards. but that's an ancillary point, really, to the basic fact that our perceptions of the middle-east and far-east are biased from the beginning by the inbred notion that the way we do things is 'right', and the way the 'others' do things is somehow comparatively 'wrong'.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio

Bertster7 wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

Spark wrote:


Lords Resistance Army is much higher on the fucked-up scale. Just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean they don't do anything, LRA routinely abducts entire villages and massacres them in the most horrific ways.
i wouldnt hang your hat on anything in africa if you are trying to prove a point.
Christians are Christians.

It is very solid evidence of Christian organisations doing extremely fucked up stuff. If evidence from Africa condemning Islam is okay to use, then why is evidence that condemns Christianity coming from Africa not acceptable?

That is the only example in the list I gave that is from Africa.
everything in most of africa is fucked up.  ive been there a few times and it has fuckall to do with religion.  and you know it.

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