lowing wrote:
Bertster7 wrote:
lowing wrote:
Yes my parents paid for my education it is called taxes, I now pay for my kids education, it is called taxes. Problem is, even those that pay no taxes still are "ENTITLED" to public education. This is not me, mine has been paid for by me.
So you didn't pay for it? It was handed to you on a plate?
School is free for children and paid for by the prospect of future higher tax revenues generated by them earning more as a result of it. Why? Because there are tangible benefits to the nation as a whole for having it. The same can be said of most (not all, there are some stupid ones) social programs.
lowing wrote:
Why is it selfish to expect all able bodied people to get off of their ass and work?
Because not everyone can. Why only able bodied anyway? There are lots of valid reasons for people not to be in work.
lowing wrote:
No it is the govts. job to ensure our freedom to take care of ourselves, NOT to take care of you. the right to life liberty and PERSUIT of happiness is all you are "entitled" to
It's the governments job to protect the rights and interests of its citizens.
BTW - if you're going to capitalise a word to draw attention to it like that, it would be best to spell it right. That spelling is only marginally more accurate than your definitions. I take it English was not your strong suite at school.
School isn't free, well for those of us that actually pay for it it isn't free. Probably free for you and your kids however.
Of course it's free. All public services that are free at point of use are free. They are free because there is no obligation to pay for them. No one directly pays for these services. People pay the contribution they can afford into the system for the benefit of their countrymen. Your objection to this overall notion is what I find most selfish.
Personally, I pay a heck of a lot of taxes. Mostly on my investments - capital gains is a bitch.
lowing wrote:
Not every able bodied person can work? Really? Please explain that one.... I ask because a Mexican can come here illegally and have a job in minutes, so it should not be so hard for a legal citizen who speaks english to find one. I also notice that there are no American citizens standing on the corner waiter for a day job. Don't tell me there is no work.. What you mean is, there is no work for lazy fuckers.
There are loads of reasons. There are also loads of reasons it is easier for illegal immigrants to find low paid work, because for employers it is so damn cheap and there is no tax burden for them.
One example could be someone highly skilled in a specialised field being made redundant and it taking them quite a while to find a new job. Tying themselves down to another job they are not skilled in could lead to them missing opportunities for work in their field. Supporting that person while they try and find a
suitable job is in the governments best interest, since long term they will get a return from the investment in that person.
There are many more examples. Allowing people with prospects to fail and be pushed into a downward spiral of unsuitable employment is not a good idea. Supporting people through difficult patches is a good thing.
lowing wrote:
Sorry for the mis-spelling I am not as quick to run spell checker as you are I guess. I am however, smart enough to know what is free and what is not, and your entitlement is not free.
I don't use spellcheckers - what I do is re-read my posts before hitting submit. I suspect your 2nd assertion there is even more incorrect than your 1st.