Interesting points... Although, I have to bring up an off-limit topic in and of itself.Dilbert_X wrote:
I'm not sure if people who turn to the church or other organisations to take their decisions are brain-lazy or just never learnt critical thinking.
Maybe this is why the developed countries are steadily lowering their educational standards, to dumbify the population so they unblinkingly consume and happily vote for one of the two identical parties.
With morality handed over to govt they can do anything - as long as a White House lawyer writes a memo approving it.
I've noticed different countries teach critical thinking differently, and each has topics which apparently are off limits for discussion or individual consideration.
Perhaps, the lowering of educational standards has more to do with immigration. Many countries throughout the world have to deal with populations that immigrate there that only possess a minimal proficiency with the local language.
We see this quite a lot in America. It's no big secret that some of our schools are heavily populated with students that speak English as a second language. The extra effort needed to teach these kids is burdensome to the system and detracts from the overall speed at which things can be taught curriculum-wise.
This is true not only of America, but of other countries as well. Several European nations have had to face these difficulties in their school systems. However, the mere suggestion that immigration poses problems for education is usually shouted down by accusations of racism.