I've got a pic of a French Gendarmie car, I'll post it later.

We have unmarked cars, but I'm talking black and whites but instead of that square lightbar on top all the flashing lights are integrated so you cant see them, this sucks because when I identify police vehicles I look for the lightbar, so when they have the sun behind them you cant tell.PrivateVendetta wrote:
Either troll, or someone doesn't know what an unmarked car isAdams_BJ wrote:
don't see the issueGodFather wrote:
Hey are any of you guys's cops getting integrated lightbars?
I heard here in my area that they are putting them behind the windshield up high, as in you CANT SEE THE COP LIGHTS UNTIL THEY LIGHT YOU UP!
I think it's bullshit, that light bar is what lets me know there are cops in that vehicle.
I'm not breaking the traffic laws, I would just like to know when I am in the company of a police officer in a marked police car, but I really cant tell anymore.
That's the purpose of them not being marked, so you don't know they are police.
I must be getting trolled. meh
I must be getting trolled. meh

which is gay, and my pointPrivateVendetta wrote:
so you don't know they are police.
Wait, is this a reverse troll? Like if it is fucking bravo you had me going
Victoria have deez:

Which is effectively an SUV shell on

Which is effectively an SUV shell on

My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
here's the Gendarmie vehicle.

tryin to blend in

tryin to blend in

Ford announces they will redesign their cop cars

I like how the police in white rises from the bottom into the black. The push bar lights are nice too.