Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Makes me look forward to the E-75 a lot more, people kept saying it sucks and I'm sure it's not helped by that pointless new front transmission relocation to make it catch fire from the front more.  I don't see how it could be that bad, it's just a faster, better armored and better gunned version of the Tiger II.
That Guy
+236|5347|Massachusetts, USA
Type 59 is on sale again. All aboard the rape train.

Just got 80k creds with it off of a loss. FUCK ITS AWESOME.

Last edited by UnkleRukus (2012-08-10 06:17:31)

If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

Makes me look forward to the E-75 a lot more, people kept saying it sucks and I'm sure it's not helped by that pointless new front transmission relocation to make it catch fire from the front more.  I don't see how it could be that bad, it's just a faster, better armored and better gunned version of the Tiger II.
It's pretty good, can be hard to make money on without premium though. Gets a lot better with the top 12.5 gun, 'cus the shells for 10.5 cost over a 1000 a piece and don't really have the pen and particularly the dmg to cover their cost half time, against tier 9 and 10's. Whereas the 12.5 shells cost only about 50 more credits and do a lot more dmg.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD

UnkleRukus wrote:

Type 59 is on sale again. All aboard the rape train.

Just got 80k creds with it off of a loss. FUCK ITS AWESOME.
Along with that new Tier VI Type 62 light tank.  That things seems shitty from what I've seen though, it's fairly nimble but it looks like it's maybe just the tiniest bit smaller than a Type 59 and it can't take damage very well at all.  A shot from my JagPanther's long 88 took one down to 64%

The Type 59 I've heard pretty much requires a wet ammo rack but I'm sure you'll figure out for yourself whether or not that's actually true, lol

coke wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Makes me look forward to the E-75 a lot more, people kept saying it sucks and I'm sure it's not helped by that pointless new front transmission relocation to make it catch fire from the front more.  I don't see how it could be that bad, it's just a faster, better armored and better gunned version of the Tiger II.
It's pretty good, can be hard to make money on without premium though. Gets a lot better with the top 12.5 gun, 'cus the shells for 10.5 cost over a 1000 a piece and don't really have the pen and particularly the dmg to cover their cost half time, against tier 9 and 10's. Whereas the 12.5 shells cost only about 50 more credits and do a lot more dmg.
That makes a lot of sense then, I figured the shells were more expensive than that for the 128.  I wish the devs would adjust the cost of 105s like they said they would, I would love to use it more on my JagPanther but I only break even with it so I have to use the 88.  Not completely looking forward to the Tiger II for that reason, I can still make money with my Tiger I half the time but the Tiger II disappoints me even on the test server, then again I also never got a chance to use the long 105 on it, it was always that shitty inaccurate first one.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

Type 59 is on sale again. All aboard the rape train.

Just got 80k creds with it off of a loss. FUCK ITS AWESOME.
Along with that new Tier VI Type 62 light tank.  That things seems shitty from what I've seen though, it's fairly nimble but it looks like it's maybe just the tiniest bit smaller than a Type 59 and it can't take damage very well at all.  A shot from my JagPanther's long 88 took one down to 64%

The Type 59 I've heard pretty much requires a wet ammo rack but I'm sure you'll figure out for yourself whether or not that's actually true, lol

coke wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Makes me look forward to the E-75 a lot more, people kept saying it sucks and I'm sure it's not helped by that pointless new front transmission relocation to make it catch fire from the front more.  I don't see how it could be that bad, it's just a faster, better armored and better gunned version of the Tiger II.
It's pretty good, can be hard to make money on without premium though. Gets a lot better with the top 12.5 gun, 'cus the shells for 10.5 cost over a 1000 a piece and don't really have the pen and particularly the dmg to cover their cost half time, against tier 9 and 10's. Whereas the 12.5 shells cost only about 50 more credits and do a lot more dmg.
That makes a lot of sense then, I figured the shells were more expensive than that for the 128.  I wish the devs would adjust the cost of 105s like they said they would, I would love to use it more on my JagPanther but I only break even with it so I have to use the 88.  Not completely looking forward to the Tiger II for that reason, I can still make money with my Tiger I half the time but the Tiger II disappoints me even on the test server, then again I also never got a chance to use the long 105 on it, it was always that shitty inaccurate first one.
On the Tiger II I just kept the long 88 until I researched the long 105, the short 105 just isn't worth the shell costs. And the E-75 is much better when you get the 12.5
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Yeah, I'm just now reading that on the wiki about the short 105, lol.  That kind of sucks but it's not a particularly fun gun to use anyway for some reason and the 88 fires faster on the Tiger II anyway than it does on the Tiger I.

Battle: Ruinberg Friday, August 10, 2012 8:16:31 PM
Vehicle: BDR G1B
Experience received: 1,422 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 21,197

Took out an M18 in two shots with my 90mm, first one brought it to 49%, 2nd one finished it off.  I LOVE this little money-making tank.  Got a 98% crew now after that match and I payed probably about 3 or 4K in maintenance after so it was quite the profit
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
This was a good one:
Battle: Airfield 11 August 2012 19:16:41
Vehicle: M4A2E4
Experience received: 2,470 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 35,958
Battle Achievements: Steel Wall, Confederate, Sniper

Only 3,000 on repairs and ammo. It is a "premium" tank but still.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
6 kills and Ace with the 105 Howitzer on a Somua

Battle: Abbey Monday, August 13, 2012 10:28:43 PM
Vehicle: Somua SAu-40
Experience received: 761
Credits received: 13,859
Battle Achievements: Top Gun, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"

I used to hate this tank but it's actually fun as shit one-hitting people with a 105 howitzer again like I used to with the Hetzer and it consistently makes about 7 or 8K a game too.  I'm at the 1.05 million mark right now, about 650K to go and then sell the Tiger I to get a Tiger II.



Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-08-13 21:11:28)

Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
X3 for first win for the Gamescon special event + free premium from the bonus code + 5 kills and scout =
Battle: Steppes 20 August 2012 03:01:14
Vehicle: M4A2E4
Experience received: 4,356 (x3 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 31,323
Battle Achievements: Scout

Vehicle M4A2E4 repaired successfully. You have spent credits:  1,041

The ammunition on vehicle M4A2E4 resupplied successfully. You have spent credits:  1,456

Last edited by coke (2012-08-19 20:21:51)

Vroom Vroom

Nice round there coke.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
FINALLY got my dumbass radioman at 100% on my JagPanther, no more not being able to see anything far away anymore and no more not having one crew member with no camo rating fuck up the average of all 4 other crew members who have 86% camo skill

Btw, 8.0 looks even more awesome now, not just the rendering improvements and new physics but also the ability to opt out of the new game modes and also a new camouflage system where the externally visible camouflage from 7.0 actually gives a 5% camo bonus and you can have three different ones that are automatically applied for whichever map the camo is specifically catered to for whether it's a Summer, Winter, or Sand map rather than having people with arctic camouflage in the sand and whatnot.

Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
Broke my record! Now I go all the way to 11!

Battle: Widepark 28 August 2012 15:56:39
Vehicle: PzKpfw IV
Experience received: 2,844 (x2 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 29,033 (compensation for damage caused by allies: 310)
Battle Achievements: Top Gun

Last edited by coke (2012-08-28 08:10:26)

Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Gotta love that L70 gun, that's what got me my 12 kills in the StuG, lol.  You can just machine gun sniper shots at people all day long
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

Gotta love that L70 gun, that's what got me my 12 kills in the StuG, lol.  You can just machine gun sniper shots at people all day long
I may actually cry when they remove that gun/turret combo from PZIV in the next patch...
Hopefully the improved standard turret and other gun will be ok. Or may have to see how much they charge for the premium version which will have the same setup.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Fuck, I didn't know they were doing that, that was pretty much the only benefit to having a PZ IV vs a III-IV and turns the German tank lines into a complete grind at Tier V now.  The L48 is an absolutely TERRIBLE gun
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

Fuck, I didn't know they were doing that, that was pretty much the only benefit to having a PZ IV vs a III-IV and turns the German tank lines into a complete grind at Tier V now.  The L48 is an absolutely TERRIBLE gun
They will be buffing the L48 , and the new turret will be the PZIV turret with spaced armour.
But it will still be shit.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
That actually sounds pretty cool but it also sounds like it won't really be able to be a slower-moving sniping platform anymore.  Not to say you can't make some good shots with the L48 from a distance but it's nothing like the L70 in terms of accuracy or damage.  I'm only expecting them to add more penetration to the L48 which, for its tier, is what it was lacking most and all that can really be improved on for the sake of historical accuracy afaik.  I just don't see them adding more damage to it at all even though it desperately needs it to be able to contend with the KV-1 without having the L70, maybe they'll add another .01 of accuracy though
That Guy
+236|5347|Massachusetts, USA
Murovanka Wednesday, August 29, 2012 6:51:30 PM
Type 59  Experience received: 1,036  Credits received97,998
Battle Achievements: Confederate

Fucking lol. T-59 is such a beast. Makes me bank to kit out my other tanks.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
It's a good thing they made it an occasional limited time gift exclusive, I can see why there were so many of them that they would be stacked five to a team before they got rid of them from the store back in February
That Guy
+236|5347|Massachusetts, USA
They had another sale back in August. For the medium madness weekend. It was ballin, thats when I got mine.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
That Guy
+236|5347|Massachusetts, USA
5x xp for your first game this weekend. Gonna get me a KV-1S, Jumbo sherman and kit out my KV-3 by the end of this weekend.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Gonna finally have the M36 Slugger unlocked if I don't get shitty X5 rounds with the Wolverine.  I still can't buy that or anything else yet because I have to get the Tiger II first.  I'll see if I can make another buck fiddy in one day with my JagPanther
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
X5 is from today until Monday night, so you got plenty of time.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Ended up having a pretty busy weekend so I was only able to get a few X5s in last night just before it switched over to the next day of X5s.  I was still able to unlock the Slugger but I'm just now realizing how valuable the X5s could've been for my Tiger crew to finally get to 100% repair, I'm at about 99% on the driver and 98% on the rest of the crew after the two X5s.  It's 9300 XP till 100% for my driver so about 13K XP left for everybody else at the most

I want to get repair to 100% on my German heavy crew before I transferred them over to the Tiger II and couldn't keep training secondaries for a while.  Budget-wise, I'm a hair over 1 million creds away from the Tiger II and after I strip the Tiger I and sell it, it should only be about 300K left after that.  Just a couple days or so of grinding with the JagPanther and it'll be mine .  My 2nd Tier VIII tank already
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Well, whadda you know.  The X5 is still in effect today, I forgot it was Labor Day, lol

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