Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD

War Man wrote:

As of now, I just bought the Tiger, AMX M4 1945, and AMX 13 90. All 3 I had a shit first round with, the Tiger being the worst(got this tank last) and AMX 13 being the least bad(got this tank first). Ah well, can't have a lucky first round in a vehicle. I sure as hell love my AMX 13 though.
I actually had a good first round with Tiger but it wasn't a great tank until I got the 2nd engine upgrade and the L71.  The L56 just wasn't quite accurate enough nor does it penetrate well but on the Tiger it makes a lot more sense to use than the L70 75mm, plus the L70 just doesn't look right at all on a Tiger.  The opposite is true for the Panther which just isn't a close range tank at all for the type of armor it packs so it's better off with the longer range accuracy and slightly higher penetration of the L70 than just the sheer damage of the L56

The VK3002DB is the best close-range brawler of all three regular German Tier VIIs, having a front mounted turret and very sloped front/side armor means the tank is all about peeking around corners in cities, and it's one of the very few German tanks that mounts a diesel engine(15% chance of fire vs 20% for gasoline engines) when upgraded so it has a little extra insurance for not being able to cover your rear as well due to the frontal bias.

coke wrote:

Back down to 800,000 credits and spent about 5,000 free XP because I simply couldn't stand playing the ISU-152 with the 152mm gun any more (it was good on the SU-152, but with step up into higher tiers it just didn't cut it). So got the BL-10 on it now hoping it'll play a bit better...
Looking at the stats vs the first 152mm for the ISU-152, I'd be surprised if the BL-10 didn't make that tank simply magical.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin
DB is a nice tank, will miss it when I have to sell it to research Panther. As for Tiger, I've had the second engine for it already, got it with the vk3601 awhile back. I definitely can't wait for the L71 though, but I've dealt with the 90mm and 100mm on the respective T29 and IS heavy tanks so I can handle the l56 on the tiger.

AMX m4 is a real bitch though, such a fragile fucker and the worst to grind with. Wish it was the ARL 44 that was tier 7 as that has nice front plate armor. At least I don't have to deal with the ridiculous aim time of DCA45, once I get the track and turret upgrade, on the m4 as I had to with my ARL. Aim time is more annoying than the reload speed of its guns with the ARL 44.

No complaints on AMX 13 90, definitely is a nice tank. I did hear awhile back that the lorraine is like a t50 on steroids once you get the upgrade engine on that thing, it cruises. This was before patch 7.2 though, so I am not sure if they nerfed the Lorraine.

Phatmatt wrote:

Just got done 2 rounds with KV-1 with the 85mm and I love it. It's a beast now.
Always wanted the 85mm cannon on the KV, made no sense that only the t28 and kv3 had those guns, plus it is more balanced with the other tier 5's with 85mm. I kicked more ass in my kv3 with the 85mm than with the 107mm when it was tier 6. It's a nice cannon and partly the reason why I love the t28 medium(favorite tier 4 tank for me).

coke wrote:

Back down to 800,000 credits and spent about 5,000 free XP because I simply couldn't stand playing the ISU-152 with the 152mm gun any more (it was good on the SU-152, but with step up into higher tiers it just didn't cut it). So got the BL-10 on it now hoping it'll play a bit better...
I don't why you didn't get any of the 122mm cannons, that's what I would of used on my SU 152 and later the ISU 152 until I got the bl 10, but that's just me.

_j5689_ wrote:

plus the L70 just doesn't look right at all on a Tiger.  The opposite is true for the Panther
Well considering that the L70 is the Panther's actual gun used in real life, of course it would look right on a Panther.

Last edited by War Man (2012-05-11 00:22:22)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
I perhaps should have gone with 122mm on SU-152. But on the ISU-152 most people say your best of sticking with 152mm as in terms of aiming reload etc. it's very similar to the BL-10 so you have a dramatic change in the way the gun plays when you get the BL-10, and in the ISU-152 a lot of times you'll facing a fair few tier 10 and 9 and apparently the 122mm just doesn't have the penetration and damage you need.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
So after a bad start using the BL-10 (I got one shotted by arty after not even being able to a get shot at anything).

After about 5 or 6 rounds yeah the gun fucking awesome, got some random bounces and misses, but one shotting stuff left, right and centre. The first hit I got with it took a Jagdpanther from 100 to 4% lol.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
That's the thing about high-tier slow-moving TDs, they make for very good artillery targets
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin
I missed the first few days of the patch when there was little to no arty, usually shitty low tier arty at best. Matches were much better, artillery seriously ruins this game. I have personally used artillery before as well, sure there is some satisfying moments of owning, but really it is just irritating and stupid. World of Tanks? Doesn't seem like a world of tanks to me, sure I can accept tank destroyers but SPG's I was not exactly happy to hear when I heard of this game.

coke wrote:

I perhaps should have gone with 122mm on SU-152. But on the ISU-152 most people say your best of sticking with 152mm as in terms of aiming reload etc. it's very similar to the BL-10 so you have a dramatic change in the way the gun plays when you get the BL-10, and in the ISU-152 a lot of times you'll facing a fair few tier 10 and 9 and apparently the 122mm just doesn't have the penetration and damage you need.
Which people did you hear this from?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

War Man wrote:

I missed the first few days of the patch when there was little to no arty, usually shitty low tier arty at best. Matches were much better, artillery seriously ruins this game. I have personally used artillery before as well, sure there is some satisfying moments of owning, but really it is just irritating and stupid. World of Tanks? Doesn't seem like a world of tanks to me, sure I can accept tank destroyers but SPG's I was not exactly happy to hear when I heard of this game.

coke wrote:

I perhaps should have gone with 122mm on SU-152. But on the ISU-152 most people say your best of sticking with 152mm as in terms of aiming reload etc. it's very similar to the BL-10 so you have a dramatic change in the way the gun plays when you get the BL-10, and in the ISU-152 a lot of times you'll facing a fair few tier 10 and 9 and apparently the 122mm just doesn't have the penetration and damage you need.
Which people did you hear this from?
Yeah I've played arty in the beta a fair bit tbh, but I found it boring, it does really help farm credits and XP though, but still I agree it really does go a long way in ruining this game at times.

Several threads on the WOT forums in the Russian TD section. As I say I played the 152mm all the way through with the Su-152 and on that tank it was a good gun, although a lot of people said the top 122mm is a good gun on it, I stuck with 152mm because firstly of that advice that it will get you used to the BL-10 (and I agree it does, the only really difference in aiming/reload time is it's more accurate and your shooting AP into the weakspots rather than hoping to hit them with HE, and when you hit you do a really serious amount of damage).
And from looking at the stats of the 122mm gun without having used it, I can definitely see that it wouldn't be powerful enough against a lot of the tanks you come up against in the ISU-152, as you simply wouldn't be able to penetrate their armour frontal which most of the time is how you're going to be meeting them.

Edit: Just realised in the post you quoted it should say "so you DON'T have a dramatic change in the way the gun plays...). Because having played the 2 guns now, I can you tell you the BL-10 and the 152mm are quite similar, whereas the 122mm is more of a "fast" firing sniper gun, the Bl-10 is a huge damage/penetration gun with a ~16 second reload time, and not amazing accuracy so very similar to the 152mm .

Last edited by coke (2012-05-11 17:08:15)

Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Well, I can confirm the Panther II now does make money usually on wins, anywhere from 5 to 11K and breaks even on losses unless I repaired a module or had a shitty game.  Not what I consider my primary money maker but if you can still make O.K. money with your highest tier non-premium tank, that's still pretty damn good.  This is one of the funnest tanks I've ever played, it's amazing what 170 more horsepower, 15 more front armor/20 more side armor, sideskirts and a long range 88 will do vs the older Panther.  I eat Type 59s for breakfast, I can keep up with them and outmaneuver and outshoot them easily now and half the time they can't penetrate my front armor while I can to theirs.  I also finally took out a KV-5 all by myself.  Lower tier tanks can't touch my front armor even with HE, nor can upper tier tanks with weak guns, I consecutively bounced a 76mm T29 shot and then a Tiger I 88mm shot.  I can often hit targets with the 88 while I'm moving(without auto-aim) which I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do with the slightly decreased accuracy of the L71 vs the L100 but it actually hits more often than not and I don't even have a vertical stabilizer or 100% crew yet.

Waiting to get a Tier VIII was totally worth it, I felt like the Panther II might not be up to it being what I thought was just a slightly revised & improved Panther design with the long 88 of the Tiger or that maybe I just had lucky rounds with it on the test server but it turns out it is DEFINITELY a great tank and well worthy of being a Tier VIII.  I personally don't see myself having anywhere near this much fun with the Tiger II once I get it going off my experience on the test server.  I think I was just meant to be a medium player, lol.  Can't wait to see what the E-50 is like with the 105mm L52B and even more armor and engine power.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-05-11 23:14:13)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin
One of the reasons the type 59 was and currently now is(thanks to the fact that more people bought it recently at the gift shop) very popular is because it was the only premium medium tank to buy. Speedy tanks are fun to drive compared to heavy tanks which are just boring in comparison, I don't hate heavy tanks but I prefer mediums and lights as they suit me more. Speed and firepower is generally my preference.

I did hear the old T23 is gonna be a tier VIII premium, which is nice that they are bringing it back. Sad it will be premium though.

I kinda feel the t20 is the worst tier 7 medium, it isn't bad but it isn't exactly good. All the other tier 7 mediums are fine and have their purpose, just the t20's only real good purpose is as a support tank, which the other tier 7 mediums can do as well or even better.

Last edited by War Man (2012-05-12 00:38:41)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
I don't know about that, I used to think so at first and then I noticed T20s with the 90mm are pretty nasty and the sloped armor is kind of a bitch too for lower penetrating guns.  I always had lots of trouble with them one on one in my Panther and Tiger to be honest.  They seem to have good penetrating guns against other Tier VIIs with damage to back it up.  I still have yet to bitch a T20 with my Panther II but I'm sure it's more than up to the task when I get that opportunity, it's all about flanking with them and the Panther II does wonders at that for aforementioned reasons.

Part of the reason I think I prefer mediums is because I've only played German tanks and the Tiger I being the first and only higher tier heavy that I've started with is statistically the worst Tier VII heavy, it can't mount anything bigger than the 88mm L71 and that just doesn't cut it when American and Russian Tier VII heavies can both mount slightly lower penetrating but MUCH higher damaging 100+ mm guns.  The Tiger hits for 240 with the L71 while the T29 with 105 hits for 320 and the IS with 122mm hits for a whopping 390 damage.  This alone all but completely negates the extra 150-200 HP the Tiger has over the other two tanks in addition to the fact that all of its hull armor is perfectly flat(its front already being the thinnest of all three) and therefore just about useless against the others unless the tank itself is angled correctly.  As for the turret, it has the same 100mm frontal thickness as the IS but unlike it is perfectly flat on the front and with the thinner 80mm side and rear not being sloped enough to make a difference.  And obviously it can't even compare to the T29 with its nigh-impenetrable T-series heavy turret.

TL;DR = I like mediums because the Tiger I is a comparably shitty heavy for its tier with virtually no armor value at all and not quite enough alpha damage

And keep in mind I'm only comparing it to other Tier VII heavy tanks.  To a higher-tiered heavy tank, it's pretty much just a shoebox with a .22 on it, long-range and accurate but not quite as damaging as it needs to be.  Hopefully my opinion of heavies will change when I get to play more extensively with the Tiger II.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin
Well, it's kinda split between tiger and AMX M4 for me on worst tier 7 heavy. M4 has the shittiest armor despite it's frontal being sloped(not really that good anyway for a slope), M4 has the option of a 105mm cannon that is far worse than the t29's 105mm if you truly want damage on a gun, and aim time on the m4's guns are terrible compared to counterparts.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Vroom Vroom

Just got my best game in over 1000 games,  8 kills with my KV-1 with the 85mm.  I know 8 kills for you guys probably isn't that much but my best before was 6.  I love the KV-1 after the new patch, Sold my KV-2.

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin
I believe 8 is the record kills I've ever achieved in a round(people like stealing kills), and it was with the old KV with 107mm cannon. Congrats
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
As you saw before, I had 9 in my Hetzer, 9 in an AMX 38, and then more recently I topped that with 12 on my StuG

I can tell you from experience that 8 is no simple feat for any tank in any round and I don't know that my rounds were actually more skill than luck.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
10 is my best with SU-152, pretty sure I done the same with Tiger II. Done 8 a few times but still it's very good.

My best XP is 1780 with the AMX-13 90.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Now that I think about it, I'm glad they nerfed the AMXs, before 7.2 EVERYBODY had one and you always knew you were completely and utterly fucked when you found one if you were anywhere within one tier of the particular one you had encountered.  Now people use them about as much as any other tank and there's a decent chance that the battle goes either way, and they still look pretty fun and have their uses as higher-tier light tanks; same goes for the high tier medium and heavy versions although I must say that the 50B seems to have become extremely rare lately.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin
They just nerfed the guns for the AMX tanks, they weren't the only guns that got nerfed. Many tank guns got nerfed for all the factions. Anyway, I fucking hate the commonality of the type 59, so annoying seeing stacks of up to 8 on a team and usually 2 on my team. More pissed off at the lack of variety in tanks.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Contrary to popular belief, they didn't nerf a bunch of tanks, they just calculated the way stats display to reflect 100% crew skill instead of 136% or whatever number once you stack every little extra benefit possible like vents and commander bonus and premium food and all that

I don't so often see Type 59 stacks anymore either, just every once in a while.  Although I did hear that they were in the gift shop now, whether or not that is permanent I'm not sure.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin

_j5689_ wrote:

Contrary to popular belief, they didn't nerf a bunch of tanks, they just calculated the way stats display to reflect 100% crew skill instead of 136% or whatever number once you stack every little extra benefit possible like vents and commander bonus and premium food and all that

I don't so often see Type 59 stacks anymore either, just every once in a while.  Although I did hear that they were in the gift shop now, whether or not that is permanent I'm not sure.
They were, and I have seen type 59 stacks at least 1-3 times a day. Yes they did actually did nerf accuracy, rate of fire, and aim time of some of the guns, I know that for a fact. For example, the Chaffee's upgraded gun had a rate of fire of a little over 21 rounds a minute, I remember that very number on the chaffee, check how its 76mm gun is on the Chaffee now.

Last edited by War Man (2012-05-13 21:01:39)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Vroom Vroom

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin

Phatmatt wrote:

British tanks are coming!!

Meh, it makes Commonwealth players happy at least. Thing is, what play style are the British gonna have that is unique compared to other factions?

Last edited by War Man (2012-05-29 16:23:25)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
That Guy
+236|5347|Massachusetts, USA
French tanks are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

UnkleRukus wrote:

French tanks are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow.
The early ones are, but the higher tiers all have good speed.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Yeah the beginning ones are but wait till you get to the top tier mediums that move like T-50s with large caliber magazine-loaded guns

D1 and D2 were the worst grinds I've ever had to go through in the game though.  Had a lot of fun with the Hotchkiss and kicked a bunch of ass for no reason at all with the AMX 38, I haven't started on the AMX 40 yet.  I actually liked the B1 a lot, it was faster than the D1 and D2 with the top engine and took hits like a champ as a Tier IV both from the armor and health of a Tier V, qualities that carry over to that new premium artillery based off of it as well.  I can't wait to return to it one day when they enable that howitzer on the front of the hull as they plan to.

I love the BDR B1G now that I have the 90mm on it, if you can find weak spots or same and lower tier tanks, it hits for the same 240 points of damage as the Tier VIII-rated long 88, very impressive from a little slow-moving Tier V tank.  It's a very good money maker: If you don't die in it, you can make 11 or 12K per round easily after any repairs + ammo.  The thicker turret is definitely worth it, makes the tank very bouncy even against unexpected things like Type 59s.  I'm gonna keep this one even when I get the ARL 44

Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-05-30 10:03:37)


_j5689_ wrote:

Yeah the beginning ones are but wait till you get to the top tier mediums that move like T-50s with large caliber magazine-loaded guns

D1 and D2 were the worst grinds I've ever had to go through in the game though.  Had a lot of fun with the Hotchkiss and kicked a bunch of ass for no reason at all with the AMX 38, I haven't started on the AMX 40 yet.  I actually liked the B1 a lot, it was faster than the D1 and D2 with the top engine and took hits like a champ as a Tier IV both from the armor and health of a Tier V, qualities that carry over to that new premium artillery based off of it as well.  I can't wait to return to it one day when they enable that howitzer on the front of the hull as they plan to.

I love the BDR B1G now that I have the 90mm on it, if you can find weak spots or same and lower tier tanks, it hits for the same 240 points of damage as the Tier VIII-rated long 88, very impressive from a little slow-moving Tier V tank.  It's a very good money maker: If you don't die in it, you can make 11 or 12K per round easily after any repairs + ammo.  The thicker turret is definitely worth it, makes the tank very bouncy even against unexpected things like Type 59s.  I'm gonna keep this one even when I get the ARL 44
The D1 and D2 grinds for me were quick and easy.  I only had 27 battles between the two.
B1 was awful and shitty.
BDR was fun.
ARL was decent.
AMX M4 45 was a pain in the ass.
AMX 50 100 is pretty good.

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