Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Last kill was 2 shots to the turret of a 38% KV that one of the arties was trying to block for me

Finally I have a suitable record for my stats, I actually like my Stug, my previous record was 9 kills with an AMX 38 and before that 9 kills with a 105mm Hetzer

I didn't even have my camo net or binoculars on for this round, I put them on the JagPanzer IV I finally got a few days ago and forgot to take them off so I only had a rammer, maxed out modules and a 100% crew with 77% camo.  My team was obviously shit too, so this officially makes me a game-changer
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
Get more camo nets and shit then now while they dirt cheap!
Also someone noticed this on the PR forum
Go to 25 secs

Look at number of nations on the tech tree!
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Well, the irony of it is that it's a round that I played without the camo is when I did the best although I'm not sure if camo in general made a difference for that game.  So I'm somewhat torn about buying it again for the Stug even at a discount, but we'll see what the budget allows for once I sell my Grille to get the Hummel I'll hopefully unlock after the next X5

Man, the new Russian tanks look so awesome, I wish they could add to the German tanks some more but it doesn't look like there's really much more planned for it other than the 2nd TD line and a tiny Tier II and III Panzer I line

Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-04-14 13:23:35)

Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

Well, the irony of it is that it's a round that I played without the camo is when I did the best although I'm not sure if camo in general made a difference for that game.  So I'm somewhat torn about buying it again for the Stug even at a discount, but we'll see what the budget allows for once I sell my Grille to get the Hummel I'll hopefully unlock after the next X5

Man, the new Russian tanks look so awesome, I wish they could add to the German tanks some more but it doesn't look like there's really much more planned for it other than the 2nd TD line and a tiny Tier II and III Panzer I line
Can't wait for the British tanks!
You on about the camp patterns or nets? If the nets just get another camo net they are only 50,000 at the moment, they can always be transferred about, I bought one and just stuck it on my new AMX13-75 just 'cus it was so cheap and I can always put in on something where it'll be more useful later. I've not bothered with camo "paint" doubt I will either tbh.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Yeah, I was talkin about the the nets, maybe you're right though, couldn't hurt I guess but I feel like maybe it's been affecting my performance lately because I always wait for the camo and binoculars to kick in and then try not to move after that.

This round I could just take a shot and keep moving and not have to worry about any of my equipment delays to kick in whenever I did anything.  Maybe the camo net was just training wheels till I had good enough camo skill by itself, then again this was also a Tier V match so it probably varies.  Fuck, I'll probably just buy the net again anyway but getting the Hummel while it's half-off is my first financial priority at the moment
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
The net's work well and at the price they are at the mo, are worth the money for sniping tanks/TD's.

I am being to get pissed off more and more with this game tho. Since the patch the amount of ridiculous bounces I'm getting combined with the shots where it says it penetrates and does no damage is fucking stupid! Particularly with the the top 10.5 gun that I just got for the Tiger 2, shells are over 1000 each, and in one game I fired 13 shots, 6 off which bounced off tier 5-8 mediums and another 2 hit and did no damage at all! I hit a VK2008 with 2% health straight on got "we hit 'em hard" and nothing happened its fucking stupid. Whether it's a bug I don't know, but it's seems more likely that they have programmed them in to make it even harder to make credits without, spending real money on the game to buy premium account/shells/tanks.

Shame 'cus I really do like this game but I don't do "pay to play".
Vroom Vroom

KV-1S or KV-3  ?

I know KV-3 is a shitload more expensive but is it worth it?

Phatmatt wrote:

KV-1S or KV-3  ?

I know KV-3 is a shitload more expensive but is it worth it?
Go for the KV-3 since you'll also get the T-150 in the 7.3 patch
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
And the KV-3 will instantly become a Tier VII, way more value in getting that first.  KV-1S can wait

Also keep your regular KV with the 2nd turret and you'll automatically get a KV-2 in addition to keeping your newly renamed KV-1
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7090|Great Brown North
basic common sense does not exist for players of this game

holy shit what the fuck is wrong with people?

krazed wrote:

basic common sense does not exist for players of this game

holy shit what the fuck is wrong with people?
5x event + weekend = horrible
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
All of yesterday was a grind because of that.  So many people just never listen and all go one direction and then the enemy happens to rush that direction with all of their heaviest tier tanks meanwhile our heaviest Tier tanks just suck so bad they get pwned by arty or smaller tanks with skills until there's one or two left that absolutely REFUSE to come back to base and help until it's too late
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
7.3 is released today. Finally can sell some of the new Russian tanks I received for more free slots, look forward to testing out the t10/IS8 as well as the IS4 in its current state(it will be my first tier 10 tank).
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
I'm lovin' the new IS8, feels like a proper predecessor to the is7(in game terms, not real life). IS4 was misplaced in the Russian heavy tank tree as it was the slowest most heavily armored of the IS tanks.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Finally got a Hummel but I had to get my skill up to be able to hit anything and it still overshoots or undershoots for no particular reason which pisses me off.  Hopefully it starts to get guaranteed hits at some point, the circle is only getting tighter as I inch toward my first 100% artillery crew.

Also just a few days ago I FINALLY got a Panther II(my first Tier VIII) which is fun enough I guess with the L100 since it's pretty much an up-armored faster version of the Panther.  I can't wait till I can get the L71 for it though like I did on the test server, that was REALLY fun.  Gotta get the turret first though and the treads before that to make sure I can actually fit it all.  I already absolutely schooled a Type 59 yesterday, it was soooooooooooooo fun.  It's amazing how much difference 15 extra front armor makes

And I tried the Tiger II on the test server as well, wasn't all that impressed although it was nice to finally have something bigger than just a fucking 88 on a German tank, I was taking 30% chunks out of T34s for once instead of only them doing it to me.  Nice to see that the HL 234 engine is still overkill for powering such a massive tank as well, I was expecting the Tiger II to be one of those tanks that was sluggish no matter what the case but I was immediately surprised to find out how speedy of a tank it is for its size and the aerodynamic shape instills a sort of placebo effect as well in that area, lol

And Overlord's blog is back with some very juicy details on 7.4:

http://overlord-wot.blogspot.com/2012_0 … chive.html

Overlord's blog wrote:

Extension of French tech tree
            Renault BS
            Lorraine 39 L AM
            AMX 105 AM
            AMX-13 F3 AM
            Lorraine 155 (50)
            Lorraine 155 (51)
            Bat. Chatillon 155 (features cassette reloading or autoloader)
            Renault FT AC
            Renault UE 57
            Somua Sau 40
            S 35 CA
            ARL V 39
            AMX AC de 100
            AMX AC de 120
            AMX 50 Foch
            Renault G1R
    New premium vehicles previously available only to supertesters:
        Soviet premium heavy tank of tier 8 Object 252/IS-6
        German TD of tier 8 JagdTiger mit 8.8cm KwK 43 L/71
    Two new maps:
        Wide Park. This map is based on Munich landscape and contains a large city part.
        Airport/Airfield. The map features airport located in the desert.

In addition to that we can expect a bunch of new premiums available for supertesters only until 7.5.

Also at this stage a lot of work is being done on the following stuff:

            multiple UI improvements, especially the design of tank trees
            new camo patterns
            new game modes - Assault and Counter battles, both entered the final production stage
            new sound effects
            improvements to the current team damage reimbursement mechanics

The updates of the 7.4 current status will be provided closer to its release date.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
That arty with the autoloader is gonna be fucking annoying. Also, why are they adding the Sau 40 when they haven't even started on adding the multi turret/gun function of tanks? That's the thing that has always pissed me off, 37mm on the lee would be shit, but it is enough to handle low tier lights tracking and flanking you at least. Plus, how are people in the b1 supposed to kill the amx40 when it can't use its hull gun?

Oh well, congrats on your first tier 8 man. I officially have my first tier 10(IS 4, lol), haven't even tryed it yet but may do so. We should game together sometime.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
I've now researched T-54.
About 20,000 off E-75.
About 10,000 off BL-10 for my ISU-152, then grind for Object.
Fully upgraded AMX 13-90, needing about 80,000 for Lorraine. Although this shouldn't stupidly hard as this tank seems to rake in the XP and cash in good rounds.

Plus I have premium (gift tanks) M4A2E4 and Tetrarch. And PZ IV and T-34-85 elites as money makers.

Around 27,000 free XP.
But only have 1 million credits (I bought a few equipment modules while they were half price ready for when I upgrade my tanks) so I still need to get about another million to afford the T-54.By which time I will get the 18,000 or so XP I need to research the 120mm gun I'm not going use on the T-44 to get it elite.

Never had premium except for the bonus codes etc.

Last edited by coke (2012-05-09 20:39:31)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
Nice tanks coke.

I had an awesome round in my m103, all 15 of my teammates survived and the entire enemy was annihilated. Funny thing is, one of the Tiger P on our team said we were gonna lose at the start of the round

Last edited by War Man (2012-05-09 22:05:30)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
The 13 90 looks like one of those tanks you wanna keep even once you get a Lorraine.  If I remember correctly, there's not really any other Tier VII light tanks around, especially not magazine-loaded ones.  It can take several hits from an 88 and it's still a light tank, that's just absurd to me, lol

The new French premium arty looks pretty promising too actually, it fires fast and accurate and has 60 armor on all sides, which is impressive for a Tier IV arty.  That little Tier III TD is garbage though, I annihilated it with one shell to the front from my BDR's 90mm, which I also LOVE now after I got the rammer for it.

Also got the turret for the Panther II today and thus the L71 88mm for it so now I FINALLY have a Panther that can make powerful long range hits instead of just harassing people with the L100 75mm.  This tank even makes enough money now that I would actually make about 4 or 5K if I didn't always have to entirely repair it because the shitty teams I get fucked with lose all the time, but I just about break even with it now if I don't make a small 1 or 2K gain.  Even decently skilled Type 59s are about even or slightly worse than me now and I nearly killed a n00b Patton earlier all by myself.

Safe to say that this game is no longer just "announced."
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

The 13 90 looks like one of those tanks you wanna keep even once you get a Lorraine.  If I remember correctly, there's not really any other Tier VII light tanks around, especially not magazine-loaded ones.  It can take several hits from an 88 and it's still a light tank, that's just absurd to me, lol
Yeah it's a pretty sweet tank, once you get used to the 40 second magazine reload time. I may actually keep it and maybe sell my T-34-85 to make room for the Lorraine. I was probably gonna sell it anyway once the British tanks are released, but god knows when that'll end up being.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
I'd expect British tanks are late summer or early-mid fall if they come out this year at all.  Sucks, cuz I can't wait to drive a Cromwell, lol.

At least 7.4 will make the French a full basic tree, I'm personally waiting on the 2nd German TD line but who knows when that'll be if it's not 7.4 or 7.5
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
As of now, I just bought the Tiger, AMX M4 1945, and AMX 13 90. All 3 I had a shit first round with, the Tiger being the worst(got this tank last) and AMX 13 being the least bad(got this tank first). Ah well, can't have a lucky first round in a vehicle. I sure as hell love my AMX 13 though.

Last edited by War Man (2012-05-10 13:49:46)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Vroom Vroom

Just got done 2 rounds with KV-1 with the 85mm and I love it. It's a beast now.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
Back down to 800,000 credits and spent about 5,000 free XP because I simply couldn't stand playing the ISU-152 with the 152mm gun any more (it was good on the SU-152, but with step up into higher tiers it just didn't cut it). So got the BL-10 on it now hoping it'll play a bit better...

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