War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
I have 11,902 xp on the tank and Nearly 40k free xp.

I can spend all the gold I have left to get 16250 more free xp.

I need 191,100 xp to unlock the the t30. I hardly earn much xp in the t34 as it just is such an easy target. Only reasons for me to want the t30 unlocked is the free tank slot and the fact I get a TD automatically. Purchasing a tank slot costs 300 gold versus the 650+ gold I'd have to spend to get more free xp to research the t30 in time. It really is counterproductive and not worth wasting time, credits, and gold over it.

Edit: I'm really willing to grind all the way to the TD line to get the T30 if I really want it, besides I was planning on buying a Hellcat anyway to try it out.

Last edited by War Man (2012-01-24 18:09:38)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
Oh well, I would like to know what the differences between the t25 and t25-2 is.

As for the introduction of the t28 prototype, lol. The t28, t28 prototype, and t95 are all the same fucking tank/tracked vehicle yet they are separate vehicles in this game. Developers are quite laughable at times, I can only imagine what World of Warplanes and Battleships will be like.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

firebolt5 wrote:

Plus the T34 grind is possibly the worst in the game.  For its tier, the 105mm is garbage and you'll have to grind a ton of XP just to get the 120mm, and even then the tank is still a piece of shit.  I got my T34 a while ago and played like 6 matches until I said, "fuck it, I'll wait until it goes premium."
Smart decision, it's supposed to automatically receive the 120mm when it becomes premium, and then all the XP you had on it will be transferred to the M103 which takes its place.

You get to keep the T34 and then you're given a brand new M103 in its place that I think comes with with 100% crew.

That's what's supposed to happen with the IS-4 when it gets turned into a Tier X in 7.3

Another heads up for 7.3 for is that if you have a KV, make sure it's equipped with a KV-2 turret("upgraded" slower moving turret pretty much only useful for equipping the derp and getting rid of the gun mantle critical hit spot on the back of the stock turret) when that patch is about to be officially released, and then you get a free KV-2 and get to keep your KV slot.  I feel like I might've mentioned that one already though

And just to show how crucial of a weak spot it is: I did an interesting test with somebody one time where he let me hit him all over his KV with the short barrel 105 on my Hetzer loaded with AP, and I couldn't penetrate or ram anywhere at all on the tank from an equal level, then I looked around and noticed a green spot on the machine gun mantle on the center of the back of the turret so I fired a shot which got deflected, I centered the shot a little more to adjust for being so close and fired again and brought him from 100% to 32%.  I then tried again from a more realistic combat range of about 75mm and on the first try the shot went right through and finished him off
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
Don't forget about the KV-3 becoming tier 7 and getting replaced by a different tank.

By the way, seeing as the kv will no longer have the bigger turret for the bigger gun, do you think the kv1 will end up being able to equip the 85mm gun the t28 medium tank has? It would make reasonable sense and wouldn't be overpowered.

Last edited by War Man (2012-01-24 19:36:49)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD
You can get a free T-127(Tier III Russian light tank) and a free day of premium by entering your e-mail here, just don't check the box otherwise they'll send you spam.

http://www.computerbild.de/gutscheinakt … n=register

Just copy the code they give you and paste it into the code place where you put the code for the Tetrarch on the WoT website.  If it doesn't work, then just do it again for another code, a bunch of people were abusing it by getting multiple codes and stacking the T-127s and selling them for the free slots, but then Wargaming fixed that, although because people horded codes, some of them don't work apparently

Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-01-26 13:18:50)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
Who's fucking genius idea was to put the engine in front of a tank's turret? I constantly get my engine blown and the tank can't go fast in reverse so I can go backwards instead, damn amx12t

Last edited by War Man (2012-01-26 15:10:54)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

War Man wrote:

Who's fucking genius idea was to put the engine in front of a tank? I constantly get my engine blown and the tank can't go fast in reverse so I can go backwards instead, damn amx12t
Because putting the engine in front is actually a very good idea because it provides protection for the crew, look at the Merkava.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD
If it's that bad, get a small repair kit for it.  It's a Tier V so it's a money maker anyway
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin

coke wrote:

War Man wrote:

Who's fucking genius idea was to put the engine in front of a tank? I constantly get my engine blown and the tank can't go fast in reverse so I can go backwards instead, damn amx12t
Because putting the engine in front is actually a very good idea because it provides protection for the crew, look at the Merkava.
Except the amx12t's engine is right next to the driver on the side, no useful protection for the driver. Plus the armor is too low to be any useful. Only nice thing about the engine being in front is when you want to fucking run away from the enemy you don't have to worry about it getting blown up when retreating

_j5689_ wrote:

If it's that bad, get a small repair kit for it.  It's a Tier V so it's a money maker anyway
Just 'cause it's tier V does not mean it's a moneymaker. Look at the chaffee, vk2801, and t50-2.

Also, repair kit is a waste of money for a tier V(exception applies to the 3 tanks i just mentioned above)
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
I heard engines were built in the front of the tank so the crew could easily move inside the tank.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

firebolt5 wrote:

I heard engines were built in the front of the tank so the crew could easily move inside the tank.
I find it hard to believe that that was ever of utmost priority in any World War II tank, especially not to the point of repositioning the engine in a tank's design and figuring out how to get it to work just for that
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin

_j5689_ wrote:

firebolt5 wrote:

I heard engines were built in the front of the tank so the crew could easily move inside the tank.
I find it hard to believe that that was ever of utmost priority in any World War II tank, especially not to the point of repositioning the engine in a tank's design and figuring out how to get it to work just for that
AMX 12t was a post world war 2 tank, developed in 1946.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

War Man wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

firebolt5 wrote:

I heard engines were built in the front of the tank so the crew could easily move inside the tank.
I find it hard to believe that that was ever of utmost priority in any World War II tank, especially not to the point of repositioning the engine in a tank's design and figuring out how to get it to work just for that
AMX 12t was a post world war 2 tank, developed in 1946.
I don't think one year of peace would've changed their design philosophy very much either

Btw, now I'm seeing some people(not devs) on the forums saying that they're planning on slightly nerfing some of the French light and medium tanks in 7.2 so you better get your grind on to whichever one comes after the AMX 13 90, cuz I'm almost positive that the 12t, 13 75 and 13 90 are the primary tanks destined for that nerf.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin

_j5689_ wrote:

War Man wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

I find it hard to believe that that was ever of utmost priority in any World War II tank, especially not to the point of repositioning the engine in a tank's design and figuring out how to get it to work just for that
AMX 12t was a post world war 2 tank, developed in 1946.
I don't think one year of peace would've changed their design philosophy very much either

Btw, now I'm seeing some people(not devs) on the forums saying that they're planning on slightly nerfing some of the French light and medium tanks in 7.2 so you better get your grind on to whichever one comes after the AMX 13 90, cuz I'm almost positive that the 12t, 13 75 and 13 90 are the primary tanks destined for that nerf.
.............Fucking idiot devs, can't fucking balance tanks properly. the French tanks are fine, the Chaffee, jumbo, and easy 8 can beat the shit out of french lights too not to mention. Anyway I have the amx 13 75 now and bought it for half the cost thanks to the special sale that ends tomorrow.

Last edited by War Man (2012-01-30 14:18:20)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD
Hmmm, I gotta see if I can get myself a JagPanzer IV before that sale goes up if it's for everything

_j5689_ wrote:

War Man wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

I find it hard to believe that that was ever of utmost priority in any World War II tank, especially not to the point of repositioning the engine in a tank's design and figuring out how to get it to work just for that
AMX 12t was a post world war 2 tank, developed in 1946.
I don't think one year of peace would've changed their design philosophy very much either

Btw, now I'm seeing some people(not devs) on the forums saying that they're planning on slightly nerfing some of the French light and medium tanks in 7.2 so you better get your grind on to whichever one comes after the AMX 13 90, cuz I'm almost positive that the 12t, 13 75 and 13 90 are the primary tanks destined for that nerf.
Now that I remember, a lot of players asked about tank engine locations on the WoT forums and I remember reading that the transmission was in the front of the tank and the engine in the back.  So it makes sense the transmission is in the front with the driver.

Before the French tanks came out, I said to myself I wouldn't bother with them because of their crap armor.  Since their release though, the tanks do look fun, but I doubt I'll go down the French line any time soon.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
Oh wait, the devs didn't specifically say they are gonna nerf the French tanks in 7.2? Alright, that leaves some hope.

_j5689_ wrote:

Hmmm, I gotta see if I can get myself a JagPanzer IV before that sale goes up if it's for everything
Yep, the T29, T20, and both Tier 6 Shermans for USA; Stug, Jagdpanzer IV, and Jagdpanther for Germany; KV, kv3, and IS for USSR; and finally AMX 12t, AMX 13 75, and AMX 13 90 for France. All those tanks listed as well as equipment and tank slots at half price.

Rebought the old KV in preparation for 7.3, amx 13 75, and an extra tank slow in reserve for the turreted American tank destroyer line.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD
Here's a look at some of the new tanks and the new physics in play(the tanks fly off of cliffs and also go in the water):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … binMG1dYU0

Somebody even translated on the forums for it:

Some Russian dude wrote:

Actually after watching the video, I haven't heard them say ANYTHING about the possible release date for 7.2

What they did say was that american TD line still had "a lot of work" which would imply the patch to be delayed further.

They did say that T30 will lose HP, speed, mobility, view range and etc, but will still have the gun AND get slightly better accuracy.

And the fact that Hellcat will be the new best TD with 72kph top speed and 90mm high-pen gun:D 

Hellcat is the thing I can't wait for..
7.1.1 is also in public testing right now, and it will bring about a new file compression system which will make the maps load faster and generally improve performance.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
I definitely need to learn German and Russian, I think it would be handy. Me learning Italian isn't as necessary, just figured I'd learn it as well.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD
I just bought the Tiger for sale half-off yesterday and I think I like it better than I like my Panther, but it makes me wish I'd gone through the 3601 so I'd have the better engine.  The 650HP upgraded engine makes the Tiger true to life, and that's obviously not good for in-game efficiency, the lack of speed consistency on this tank is getting me killed more than any other aspect of it.

But nonetheless I'm going to either get the suspension or the turret first, more likely the turret since I can't stand the way the default one looks and I need every bit more firing speed I can get out of the L56 since the rammer for a heavy tank is 500K.  I'm going for the 750HP engine with my Panther right now which is a much easier grind since I bought the L100 a few hours ago, now I can reasonably penetrate tier VIII and IX tanks and I can pretty consistently make money with my Panther now.

War Man wrote:

I definitely need to learn German and Russian, I think it would be handy. Me learning Italian isn't as necessary, just figured I'd learn it as well.
Why the hell would you learn italian.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin

aerodynamic wrote:

War Man wrote:

I definitely need to learn German and Russian, I think it would be handy. Me learning Italian isn't as necessary, just figured I'd learn it as well.
Why the hell would you learn italian.
I have Italian ancestry and possible relatives in Italy, thought it'd be nice to learn.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Wow, i got invited to the world of warplanes closed beta.

aerodynamic wrote:

Wow, i got invited to the world of warplanes closed beta.
You mean closed alpha?  Careful what you say and post, NDA applies, they posted the name's of people who showed off screenshots/gameplay and they banned them for life
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

aerodynamic wrote:

Wow, i got invited to the world of warplanes closed beta.
Did you actually apply for it or was it completely random?

firebolt5 wrote:

aerodynamic wrote:

Wow, i got invited to the world of warplanes closed beta.
You mean closed alpha?  Careful what you say and post, NDA applies, they posted the name's of people who showed off screenshots/gameplay and they banned them for life
Looks like it really is the beta and not the alpha anymore:

http://forum-na.worldofwarplanes.com/in … a-testing/

Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-03-06 10:15:09)

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