War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin

_j5689_ wrote:

If you're looking to buy a Type 59, get it while you can, they're about stop letting people buy them after tomorrow when they restart the servers.

http://worldoftanks.com/news/953-type-5 … e-removal/

Glad they decided to do SOMETHING about them, I was getting very tired of seeing a medium indicator and then rolling over the hill only to realize it was nearly a hopeless fight
I prefer the t44 over the type59 as t44 has a superior gun and acceleration while the max speed is close enough to the type 59. Anyway, if the devs want to make money, they better hurry up on the m103 as more people will just get the t34 which means less money for the devs.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

War Man wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

If you're looking to buy a Type 59, get it while you can, they're about stop letting people buy them after tomorrow when they restart the servers.

http://worldoftanks.com/news/953-type-5 … e-removal/

Glad they decided to do SOMETHING about them, I was getting very tired of seeing a medium indicator and then rolling over the hill only to realize it was nearly a hopeless fight
I prefer the t44 over the type59 as t44 has a superior gun and acceleration while the max speed is close enough to the type 59. Anyway, if the devs want to make money, they better hurry up on the m103 as more people will just get the t34 which means less money for the devs.
I think the M103 is due for 7.2 which will hopefully have a test patch out soon.

I wanna see what new crew skills they bring with it and how the existing ones work with the extra experience they give you in test servers.  I still haven't reached veteran on anything yet, thinking about playing the Tetrarch just to do that.
Vroom Vroom

Veteran? you mean crew 100% ?

If so I have my Marder II with all crew at 100% and their first skills at roughly 50%.  I love it too much to get rid of it haha
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD
That sounds pretty good, what skills did you choose?
Generally for tank destroyers, players choose camo first, then repair, and firefighting last.  Firefighting is the last skill to take for most tanks since players use fire extinguishers anyway.
Vroom Vroom

_j5689_ wrote:

That sounds pretty good, what skills did you choose?
Camo x2, and repair x1
Also got a camouflage net for it.

Edit:  If anyone wants to play sometime, I'm on the NA server.  username= Phatmatt

Last edited by Phatmatt (2012-01-16 09:27:41)

Aye up duck!
+440|7019|England. Stoke

Phatmatt wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

That sounds pretty good, what skills did you choose?
Camo x2, and repair x1
Also got a camouflage net for it.

Edit:  If anyone wants to play sometime, I'm on the NA server.  username= Phatmatt
I thought the skills only started working when every crew member is 100% on it. So really you need to have all the same members on the same skill, otherwise they don't do anything.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

coke wrote:

Phatmatt wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

That sounds pretty good, what skills did you choose?
Camo x2, and repair x1
Also got a camouflage net for it.

Edit:  If anyone wants to play sometime, I'm on the NA server.  username= Phatmatt
I thought the skills only started working when every crew member is 100% on it. So really you need to have all the same members on the same skill, otherwise they don't do anything.

From what that guide seems to say, I think you can have them each training a different secondary skill and it'll still be worth something but it'll be averaged against the 0% of the other crew members.

So for example if you have a crew of four each trained to 100% in a skill: 1 guy at 100% for camo, 2 guys at 100% for repairs, and 1 guy at 100% for firefighting, then you would be 25% more proficient in camo, 50% more proficient in repairs, and 25% more proficient in firefighting, this is as opposed to no bonus whatsoever from not being trained in secondary skills at all.

The advantage to training everybody in one skill at a time is that the bonus at 100% is much larger and more noticeable because it's completely maxed out as an average across your crew, but this is at the cost of not having improved any other skills in parallel that whole time.  You should also choose wisely about what you want a crew member to train on as the XP requirements per percentage get higher for each new skill:


I wonder if that will stay the same when they release the new skills that might be coming in 7.2 and then the curve will get even steeper, or if they'll even it out a bit more for each skill to fit all the new skills into that same range and then everything won't be as long of a grind for one skill.

Another cool thing I learned from that article is that once a crew member has maxed out a secondary skill, they can't lose it even if you retrain them for a different tank, the bonuses are always there once you have them.  Not sure how that works with the XP distribution though
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
I'd trade all the fucking armor on the b1 for a fucking decent cannon.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Aye up duck!
+440|7019|England. Stoke

War Man wrote:

I'd trade all the fucking armor on the b1 for a fucking decent cannon.
Yes the B1 was just a massively armoured hulk with a shitty short barrelled gun, it was a WW1 infantry tank to all intents and purposes.

As for the crew skills thing, thanks for clearing that up tbh I wasn't entirely sure myself, and had picked different skills for my elite crews, hoping I hadn't fucked it up! +1 for the info.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD
I actually like the B1, if the gun did just a little bit more damage I'd be pleased with it for its Tier but as it is, it's incredibly fun to pwn other tanks with it the way you can just sit there and have the gun consistently churn out a round every second and a half while they can't even punch through your front and when they do, you still have an assload of HP left so it doesn't matter that much anyway.  I'm glad they added it, it's a very fun new dynamic having a Tier IV Heavy.  I honestly tear them apart though in any of my other equal or higher tier tanks.

Still can't wait to try the BDR after it, I had just gotten it on the test server and was all played out and then saw that they were releasing 7.1 the next day anyway.  It gave me a pretty good run for my money in my 88 equipped VK3001(H), I think that 90mm you can put on them is pretty nasty

Tier V and up French tanks seem to be awesome in general, I've lost count of the amount of times an AMX 12t saved my ass from a heavier tank than me by suddenly hitting it from behind and distracting it.  Very glad overall that they added this line of tanks, they need to fix the lower tier ones though, especially the D1, they're nearly unusable.

And yeah np for clearing up the skill stuff, I was wondering myself how all of it worked

Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-01-16 18:55:19)

Aye up duck!
+440|7019|England. Stoke
I put in the code for the tetrarch, but don't seem to have got it
I do have the tier 1 french tank though in a new slot, is this slot permanent? If so I might give the french tanks a go. I've barely played for months (BF3 and other stuff) had a quick go the other night and will have to find time to play it more.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD
The code probably doesn't work anymore, it's been a little bit of a while now since they released 7.1

And yeah, the slot is free and permanent for the French tank, you're probably going to get tired of wasting time and money on the low tier tanks very fast but I'm pretty sure at some point around Tier V it'll be worth it for you
Aye up duck!
+440|7019|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

The code probably doesn't work anymore, it's been a little bit of a while now since they released 7.1

And yeah, the slot is free and permanent for the French tank, you're probably going to get tired of wasting time and money on the low tier tanks very fast but I'm pretty sure at some point around Tier V it'll be worth it for you
I did the code when you first posted it doesn't seem to have worked though oh well.
I'll just through blitz through the lower tiers like I always do
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
try adding eu instead of na. Code is unusable sometime in February.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin

_j5689_ wrote:

I actually like the B1, if the gun did just a little bit more damage I'd be pleased with it for its Tier but as it is, it's incredibly fun to pwn other tanks with it the way you can just sit there and have the gun consistently churn out a round every second and a half while they can't even punch through your front and when they do, you still have an assload of HP left so it doesn't matter that much anyway.  I'm glad they added it, it's a very fun new dynamic having a Tier IV Heavy.  I honestly tear them apart though in any of my other equal or higher tier tanks.

Still can't wait to try the BDR after it, I had just gotten it on the test server and was all played out and then saw that they were releasing 7.1 the next day anyway.  It gave me a pretty good run for my money in my 88 equipped VK3001(H), I think that 90mm you can put on them is pretty nasty

Tier V and up French tanks seem to be awesome in general, I've lost count of the amount of times an AMX 12t saved my ass from a heavier tank than me by suddenly hitting it from behind and distracting it.  Very glad overall that they added this line of tanks, they need to fix the lower tier ones though, especially the D1, they're nearly unusable.

And yeah np for clearing up the skill stuff, I was wondering myself how all of it worked
Or the devs could make make the 75mm howitzer in the hull usable like they said they would, while at it make the weak 37mm on the m3 lee usable as well to deal with low tier light tanks getting to your side. B1 isn't too bad, just the AMX 40 is vastly superior in combat than the b1, b1 may have more health and better acceleration than the amx 40 but amx40 has superior armor and firepower, also it has fewer weakspots than the b1 I believe.

Last edited by War Man (2012-01-16 21:47:25)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

War Man wrote:

Or the devs could make make the 75mm howitzer in the hull usable like they said they would, while at it make the weak 37mm on the m3 lee usable as well to deal with low tier light tanks getting to your side.
Multi-gun/turret isn't supposed to come till 7.5 or later, that's gonna throw a lot of shit out of balance too I think but it would nonetheless be interesting.  I've already just now thought of a perfectly usable system where if you're looking out of bounds of the front gun or if the front gun is reloading, then only the turret fires, or even better: They could have a weapon switching system with the number keys or somewhere else, there's enough unused keys to easily designate some for switching weapons, this way you could only use one at a time which is a reasonable trade-off and you're better able to capitalize on each gun's unique use without wasting ammo for the other.  Plus there's only one gunner/loader in a tank anyway and that would make the most sense if each gun were loaded sequentially and only one could be aimed at a time

If they implemented it that way, there wouldn't be too much of a need for rebalancing since the B1 is barely usable for most people, and almost everybody hates the Lee because it's basically just a shit-armored TD, the top gun would make it into an actual TANK rather than just a weak TD like it is now

Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-01-16 22:16:44)

Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

War Man wrote:

B1 isn't too bad, just the AMX 40 is vastly superior in combat than the b1, b1 may have more health and better acceleration than the amx 40 but amx40 has superior armor and firepower, also it has fewer weakspots than the b1 I believe.
One on one, yeah the AMX 40 usually wins against it and other similar or lower tier French tanks since it has such bouncy armor and the only weak point in those circumstances is really the underside of it if you can aim at that angle and keep it.  Couldn't comment on the gun as I haven't gone up the medium side of the French tree at all and I don't know what its options are.

Against anything other than French tanks though, I'll easily take the B1, I hear a LOT of bitching about the AMX 40 and comparably almost none now about the B1 other than in the first few days when people were just getting used to French tanks and didn't bother to realize that the B1 was actually the first one on its side of the tree that was actually worth using and with the maxed out engine/treads, it is actually noticeably faster than the D2 and the ULTRASLOW D1 before it.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
75mm on the AMX 40 is good, only the Lee and t28 rivals it in tier IV. Also is pretty damn good accurate for its tier, 0.4 accuracy like the lee has.

Despite the crappy acceleration, I prefer the AMX 40 over the B1 due to superior armor and firepower, acceleration on the B1 is nice but it can't help you enough.

Edit: Came up with a nickname for the amx 40, I dub it the "Turtle".

Last edited by War Man (2012-01-17 05:52:07)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Aye up duck!
+440|7019|England. Stoke

War Man wrote:

try adding eu instead of na. Code is unusable sometime in February.
That worked much obliged.

As far as the French tanks go, which is the best tree to go for heavy or medium?
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

War Man wrote:

75mm on the AMX 40 is good, only the Lee and t28 rivals it in tier IV. Also is pretty damn good accurate for its tier, 0.4 accuracy like the lee has.

Despite the crappy acceleration, I prefer the AMX 40 over the B1 due to superior armor and firepower, acceleration on the B1 is nice but it can't help you enough.

Edit: Came up with a nickname for the amx 40, I dub it the "Turtle".
I never would've guessed the AMX 40 could mount a 75mm, it must be a short barrel model or something

coke wrote:

War Man wrote:

try adding eu instead of na. Code is unusable sometime in February.
That worked much obliged.

As far as the French tanks go, which is the best tree to go for heavy or medium?
The Heavy side has the Tier X AMX 50B that has a top-speed of 65 KM/h and mounts a 120mm gun, I don't know anything else about it other than that.  And the Medium tree's Tier IX Bat Chatillon 25t hast the same top speed in a smaller package with a 90mm gun and potential to mount a 100mm, I've actually seen one of them in-game and it's INCREDIBLE seeing a tank that big move that fast, I got a chance to fire one shot that bounced off the side with my VK3001's L70 before it was out of sight and at our base, it must've been moving almost as fast as a T50

Here's both of them for comparison:
http://worldoftanks.com/encyclopedia/ta … 0_amx_50b/

http://worldoftanks.com/encyclopedia/ta … tillon25t/
Aye up duck!
+440|7019|England. Stoke
Almost on tier 3 of the mediums now, as I generally prefer playing them. But christ the rate of fire for those 2 is awful...

In fact all of them seem to have shit rof!

Last edited by coke (2012-01-17 09:27:27)

Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

coke wrote:

Almost on tier 3 of the mediums now, as I generally prefer playing them. But christ the rate of fire for those 2 is awful...

In fact all of them seem to have shit rof!
Pretty sure they use the same guns as the other side of the tree which don't have that bad of a rate of fire really for their tier, you're probably just feeling like that because it's soooooo hard waiting for that next shot when you just saw five of your shots in a row bounce from inadequate penetration so the gun couldn't possibly cycle fast enough, lol
Aye up duck!
+440|7019|England. Stoke

_j5689_ wrote:

coke wrote:

Almost on tier 3 of the mediums now, as I generally prefer playing them. But christ the rate of fire for those 2 is awful...

In fact all of them seem to have shit rof!
Pretty sure they use the same guns as the other side of the tree which don't have that bad of a rate of fire really for their tier, you're probably just feeling like that because it's soooooo hard waiting for that next shot when you just saw five of your shots in a row bounce from inadequate penetration so the gun couldn't possibly cycle fast enough, lol
I was referring to the 2 tanks you posted the wiki links to, all the high tier French guns seem to glacially slow reload times!

Edit: ah I see now! They have magazines of 4 rounds then a long reload time.

Last edited by coke (2012-01-17 17:06:23)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
Actually how it works is, the guns fire 4-6 shots, between those shots there is a 2-4 second delay. After the magazine empties then begins the very fucking slow reload that makes the 152mm gun on the kv seem fast.

Edit: Ah, you discovered before I finished posting.

Anyway the AMX40 can use the stock gun of the BDR G1B which is decent for a tier IV tank. The B1 bis will eventually be able to use a 75mm howitzer- which is likely the same as the AMX 40's- in its hull as well as the 47mm in the turret in battle. I seriously wish they hurry up on the duel gun function, especially for the b1 bis, m3 lee's gun would only be useful at dealing with low tier tanks trying to flank the lee.

Edit 2: And I finally got the BDR, so happy, just need the 90mm and it will be awesome.

Last edited by War Man (2012-01-17 17:12:39)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

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