DeathBecomesYu wrote:
The point of my post was to point out that no matter who is president, we are not going to stop everything, large or small, even with a lot of intelligence. As far as blaming Rice for dropping the ball....did you see the report? I dont believe anyone here in this forum in privy to the reports that were circulating at that time. From what I understand, it was a general threat with no real names or targets associated to the threat.
Even now, I am sure there are threats of this or that happening...but which ones do they pursue, which ones do they take MOST seriously. If anyone is that smart, then we would never have attacks. As far as threats like the one Rice had about planes being used, that is a very old tactic that has been discussed for many years, even as early as the 1970's. It is not a new type of threat and didn't just appear out of nowhere when Bush became president. I wonder where all the warnings about all the stuff happening before Bush became president were. Someone other than Rice didn't drop the ball?????? It was a series of missed intel that wasnt linked together and that happens and will always happen. But to blame Bush is so ignorant on so many levels.
Also, I believe it says a lot about the security we had during the Bush years that we were not SUCCESSFULLY attacked. Don't you think? I think it is pretty telling that about 8 major attacks happened under Clinton and 1 major one under Bush during the same time spans of presidency. Now, in one year under Obama, there have been one major attack and one failed attack. Failed, not because we stopped it, because the device failed itself.
I still stand by my post, to come into this thread and bring up one major attack under the Bush watch and some how connect everything to that, regardless of the history before Bush or after Bush is absolutely moronic. That is what is wrong with our country, always looking to attack the other side, picking and choosing and changing actual history and forgetting that nothing will get done the way this country is run, regardless of Democrats or Republicans. It is sad to see the state of our government but I will not blame one man for everything, that is nonsense.
I agree with the general idea of your post, but you seem to be doing exactly what you consider moronic... the only difference is that you're doing it to Clinton instead of Bush.
I blamed Rice because she had more direct responsibilities with respect to security memos.
Still, if we're comparing attacks under administrations, 9/11 does dwarf all attacks under Clinton.