Dilbert_X wrote:
Has any incoming President had that much to deal with before? Two wars, near economic collapse and ongoing severe terrorist threat?
Obama hasn't failed yet, and he is trying to fix the financial fiasco handed to him by Bush, maybe he's not doing it well but we'll see.
Better wait a bit more than a year though before we start getting excited and calling it.
I'd say antagonising the entire muslim world, attacking a country without a WMD program or links to terrorism and ignoring a country which does have extensive WMD programs and definite extensive links to terrorism could well be a big picture thing.
Clinton did pretty well economically though didn't he?
You do realize that the Democrats were in power 2 years before Obama became president? You do realize that Democratic leaders pushed and pushed for everyone to have a house and severely reduced the rules for home ownership? You do realize that Democrats stood side by side and even pushed for war against Iraq just as much as any Republican or Bush(See Al Gore Speech)? You do realize that Obama and his group have spent more money in one year than all presidents in the past COMBINED? You do realize that Bush inherited quite a few conflicts around the world and in fact, only shortly after his election did 9-11 happen?
To simply blame Bush with a broad stroke is completely ignorant. I see failure in our government on both sides and has for quite awhile. I wonder when you will post ANYTHING that is not anti-american or anti-bush. What I notice about you is that as soon as a story comes out in a negative fashion towards Bush or America...you are the first to find it, post it and promote it.
Obama has become a joke in almost every corner of this country, his policies are extreme and his tunnel vision is clearly taking its toll on him and his government. He cant get anything passed of any significance even with the majority he has and the super majority he had and no one can blame the Republicans for that...the only thing you can blame is stupid policies and unadulterated spending
I honestly wish you would grow up a bit, stop focusing so much on one side and see the big picture. Our government is a mess and because it has too many people like you in it.....blindfolded, single minded, tunnel visioned people who can not look past their hate for the other side. Obama needs to stop blaming and get to the meat of the problem and spending money that wont even be printed until my kids are fully grown is ridiculous on so many levels. To still blame Bush after a year of presidency and 3 years of Democratic government rule is laughable.
By the way, I think Palin is a tool in the harshest way possible. If she continually lets herself look this bad over and over, how in the hell can she be a good president. How many times has she fallen into positions where she is made to look like an idiot. It shows a lack of awareness, a lack of preparation and being very naive. If she runs for president...God help us!
Last edited by DeathBecomesYu (2010-02-10 22:37:19)