
Poseidon wrote:

What the Island is
What Jack's destiny is
What the Flash Sideways timeline was


Of course they weren't going to answer all the questions. Wtf would be the point of them answering every single mystery. They want to leave you questioning the show even years after it's over, just like with Dallas. You have to really lack an imagination to want them to answer every individual question.

The only question I have that I would've liked answered are this:

Why wasn't Walt in the church? I know Michael's ghost was stuck on the Island, but Walt was good...

And why was Ben able to work with The MiB so closely (aka summoning him when Alex was shot in Season 4 I think it was)?
i thought that ben said that it was never him summoning the smoke monster, it was the monster summoning him.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
+1,339|6488|Sydney | ♥

Walt was already good and thus didnt need purgatory
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6533|Phoenix, AZ
Fuck I just typed up an entire summary for you guys. FUCK. Here we go again.

I've seen every episode and understand it pretty well.

Spoiler (highlight to read):


What happened on the island, everything, all of it was real. It was NOT a dream.

When Sawyer held juliet after she detonated the bomb she said, "It worked! It worked!" Then she died.

We now understand that she was referring to this sideways universe. The bomb helped create this sideways universe.

The sideways universe is purgatory, the explosion provided the means. Purgatory was essentially created by the people on the island themselves. In their heads they created a place that they could ALL exist, TOGETHER. You only go to this place once you die though.

Jack's father said, "Nobody does it alone" which makes sense in the end because in the end everybody found somebody. Everybody had problems with their lives. Once they came to the island, the island created infinite possibility. Like John Locke walking, Charlie being tested (heroin or a girl with a child), Kate getting a new start in a place she wouldn't have to fear police. Jacob brought them all there because there was nothing for them on the outside (he even said that). But everything is possible on the island.

In the end everyone found somebody. Jack and Kate, Sawyer and Juliet, The physics guy and the redhead, Hurley and his girlfriend etc. If you examine all characters you will see EVERYONE FOUND SOMEBODY. Now even though a lot of people died, they were destined to be together so their minds created a place where they could find each other after loosing each other. People dying all the time was sort of a joke on Lost. We all thought that that's the best way to create drama and plot movement, but in reality nobody ever lost anybody. Even though they knew each other in real life for a short while, they created bonds that would last an eternity. (like hurley and his girlfriend). I believe that Jacob was some type of God, or Jesus, or Savior. He saw all these people that had troubles, all these people who were alone. Jacob set up the first dominoes to help these people. He helped them figure out who they were by a series of trials and events. And again, in the end they were not alone and had formed timeless bonds with each other.

An example of this trial was Jack trying to save Boone. He realized he couldn't save Boone's life, something difficult for Jack in the beginning of the series to understand. In the final scene we see Boone approach jack with a look on his face like, "I forgive you for not being able to save me, It's okay, I accept my death" and they embraced each other in this purgatory.

Before jack died, the dog came and lay next to him. Driving in the point of the show, nobody does it alone I THINK the dog was the spirit of his father. As the dog lay next to him, his father in the church touches his shoulder. Both the dog and the father were consoling Jack, and without words, telling him, "It will be okay."

Now the purgatory part is a little hard to grasp here we go:

In purgatory, there is no such thing as time. Purgatory, or this parallel world created by the explosion is a place where everyone can exist with each other OUTSIDE OF THE ISLAND. Where they can find each other after it's ALL OVER.

Everyone in purgatory is dead. Some died sooner than others, but because time doesn't exist (hard to grasp) they can all exist together at once.

When Hurley says to Ben, "You were a great #2" this suggests they already carried out a lot of time together on the island, ruling it, after Jack died. They could have been there 10 years, or 1000 years. That is up for speculation.

As Jack lay there watching Kate, Sawyer and the rest leave on the plane he died. He died in REAL life. Jack then went to purgatory which is timeless.

Now Kate, Sawyer and the rest probably lived out full lives. But eventually, like everyone does, they died. When they died they went to purgatory. When they went to purgatory they found each other again. When they saw the flashes in their heads they saw their entire lives flash before they're eyes. Suddenly they understood where they were, and what they were doing there. They were in a world they created in their minds, and they were all dead. They finally all understood the purpose of their trials and tribulations on the island. They understood they had to move on, which is why they all knew where to meet. They were not sad that they died, but happy that they had each other in the end.

What they were doing in the sideways universe was waiting for each other. They were waiting for each other so they could move onto the next step. Kate, (or was it Locke) said, "We've been waiting for you Jack" This signifys they were all waiting for each other.

In the final scene, everyone has found someone to be with. They have all been through some amazing stuff and will all move onto the next step in life with each other.

When you think about it. It's a beautiful story.

They were on an island, lost. But really they were lost souls. Looking for companionship. They didn't know who they were, what they stood for, what they were willing to do for another person or what meant life meant to them.

By the time they died, they understood life, they understood what mattered most to them, they fully understood THEMSELVES.

Again, Jacob realized they were Lost. He set up the event's that helped them find each other.

At one point in the show I believe it was mentioned that there had been an entirely different group of people on the island, living and going through their own trials and tribulations.

If there were other people like the Oceanic 816 survivors, that confirms what the Island is.

/\ That means that the Island is a place that exists somewhere in the world where people are brought by fate. On this Island, people who are Lost find each other. Desmond who is Lost in life crashes on the island while he is racing a boat across the ocean to impress the love of his lifes father.

The most beautiful part in the show I think is when Jack says to Desmond, "Well, see you in another life brotha."

Now do you guys understand how beautifully woven that story was?

Spoiler (highlight to read):
As for Ecko and Anna Lucia, they were just small character roles on the side that the show brought on to spice it up I think. They really had no connection to the other characters. They weren't really important enough to show in the end.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6533|Phoenix, AZ

Poseidon wrote:

What the Island is
What Jack's destiny is
What the Flash Sideways timeline was


Of course they weren't going to answer all the questions. Wtf would be the point of them answering every single mystery. They want to leave you questioning the show even years after it's over, just like with Dallas. You have to really lack an imagination to want them to answer every individual question.

The only question I have that I would've liked answered are this:

Why wasn't Walt in the church? I know Michael's ghost was stuck on the Island, but Walt was good...

And why was Ben able to work with The MiB so closely (aka summoning him when Alex was shot in Season 4 I think it was)?
I think I just answered most of your questions.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Walt was kind of left alone in the outside world, he was doing his own thing, he never REALLY came back to the show except when Locke tried to go bring him back. Locked pretty much failed at bringing everyone back, and died thinking so. But really they all came back (besides walt).

I'm guessing that the actor who played Walt was pretty much done with the show. He hadn't made an appearance for a long time, and the last time we saw him he was in like New York City going to school making friends living his life. Walt was too young to need to find out what his life was about. With all those other characters they were already well into their lives and they still didn't really understand.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
I think the monster was sometimes summoned, or treated like a deity because he WAS a deity. Just like Jacob, except the evil side.

The smoke monster was trying to show the evil in men, while Jacob was trying to show the GOOD in men.

The smoke monster still was a mechanism of the island's trials and tribulations.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York
Damn, son. You deserve a karma at the very least for that post. I think you nailed it on the head pretty precisely with that summary.

although I still don't really understand HOW the bomb did what it did... how can you create a pathway to heaven through an A-Bomb?

Last edited by Poseidon (2010-05-24 18:45:33)

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6637|New Haven, CT

Poseidon wrote:

Damn, son. You deserve a karma at the very least for that post. I think you nailed it on the head pretty precisely with that summary.

although I still don't really understand HOW the bomb did what it did... how can you create a pathway to heaven through an A-Bomb?
It's a metaphor for the destructive potential of atomic weaponry.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Poseidon wrote:

Brasso wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

flash sideways timeline
oh oh i see.

edit: i just thought about something.  last night, right after the show, i googled "lost forums" to see what they were posting on various forums.  every single one of the links didn't load, lol.  imagine how many hits they were getting right after the show...

edit2: don't you think we haven't seen eko since, what was it, season 2?  i mean we saw ana lucia in the FST as a dirty cop, shannon in the FST, etc, but where the hell was eko?
believe Eko and Ana Lucia went to hell or stayed in purgatory. They were both bad people who were killed - most likely by the Island (essentially). Eko was killed by the MiB because he couldn't admit to his sins. Ana Lucia was killed by Michael in what I believe was set up by the Island itself.

But what about Walt? He was one of the original inhabitants of the Island... he was nowhere to be seen.
I'm dispensing with spoilers. Ecko wanted four times the money they were going to pay him for being on the final episode. This is why he wasn't on. I actually expected him to be doing Christian's role at the end. Walt was written off the show because he hit a growth spurt and is now like 7 feet tall. Ana Lucia was 'not ready yet' and she's also on probation and could only be fit into that one episode this season in a very quick take.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT

Poseidon wrote:

Damn, son. You deserve a karma at the very least for that post. I think you nailed it on the head pretty precisely with that summary.

although I still don't really understand HOW the bomb did what it did... how can you create a pathway to heaven through an A-Bomb?
how does one create a pathway to heaven in general? how do you know a pathway to heaven wasn't created in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England
After a night to digest it I think I get it now. The events that took place on the island really happened. It existed. The flash sideways we've been watching all season was just a meeting place purgatory where they were all waiting for each other after they died in the real world (i.e. the island time frame). So, people that died early like Jack and Charlie were presumably waiting in this purgatory for years until the rest of them died and joined them. Since Hurley was made immortal... that was a very long time in purgatory

So, the island was the real world, the flash sideways was purgatory and they all went on to heaven at the end.

Btw, did anyone notice it was a multi-denominational church at the end? I saw Tao, Jewish, Muslim and Christian symbols. Can't offend anyone now can we? How very PC.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

JohnG@lt wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Brasso wrote:

oh oh i see.

edit: i just thought about something.  last night, right after the show, i googled "lost forums" to see what they were posting on various forums.  every single one of the links didn't load, lol.  imagine how many hits they were getting right after the show...

edit2: don't you think we haven't seen eko since, what was it, season 2?  i mean we saw ana lucia in the FST as a dirty cop, shannon in the FST, etc, but where the hell was eko?
believe Eko and Ana Lucia went to hell or stayed in purgatory. They were both bad people who were killed - most likely by the Island (essentially). Eko was killed by the MiB because he couldn't admit to his sins. Ana Lucia was killed by Michael in what I believe was set up by the Island itself.

But what about Walt? He was one of the original inhabitants of the Island... he was nowhere to be seen.
I'm dispensing with spoilers. Ecko wanted four times the money they were going to pay him for being on the final episode. This is why he wasn't on. I actually expected him to be doing Christian's role at the end. Walt was written off the show because he hit a growth spurt and is now like 7 feet tall. Ana Lucia was 'not ready yet' and she's also on probation and could only be fit into that one episode this season in a very quick take.
Ana Lucia was still a bad person even in purgatory. She took a bribe. Eko, again, could never admit to his sins, which is why he was killed by the MiB. I'm assuming he went to hell. Maybe he was the skeleton seen near the light? Who knows.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6533|Phoenix, AZ

Poseidon wrote:

Damn, son. You deserve a karma at the very least for that post. I think you nailed it on the head pretty precisely with that summary.

although I still don't really understand HOW the bomb did what it did... how can you create a pathway to heaven through an A-Bomb?
Pretty sure it was a Hydrogen bomb or something.

Remeber how (was it richard?) was SAVING a big ass bomb, they had to swim under that thing and go through the tunnels?

I thought thats where the bomb came from, maybe I'm wrong my memory is hazy.

Spoiler (highlight to read):

Also, the whole dharma initiative was studying the islands physical properties. Underground was  HUGE amount of some energy. The scientist was talking about detonating the bomb in order to save everybody or something right?

God this is hard to figure out in my head bare with me, there were many instances when everyone had to do 'something' in order for something they didn't understand to happen.

Remember when they were traveling through time? Didn't they have to set off that bomb in that energy pocket to kind of 'reset' the island in the universe? That's what jack wanted to do. It's very well possible that while doing that they created something entirely different.

The whole Island's place in the universe has been changed time and time again by means of electromagnetism of some sort. Which is why desmond was the purposed 'key'. Ben turning that wheel  "moving the island". Also, Something happened (cant remember exactly what) and they were sent back in time. And finally, that bomb detonated creating a plane of existence that they can all find each other in.


Last edited by GodFather (2010-05-24 19:43:37)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Poseidon wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

believe Eko and Ana Lucia went to hell or stayed in purgatory. They were both bad people who were killed - most likely by the Island (essentially). Eko was killed by the MiB because he couldn't admit to his sins. Ana Lucia was killed by Michael in what I believe was set up by the Island itself.

But what about Walt? He was one of the original inhabitants of the Island... he was nowhere to be seen.
I'm dispensing with spoilers. Ecko wanted four times the money they were going to pay him for being on the final episode. This is why he wasn't on. I actually expected him to be doing Christian's role at the end. Walt was written off the show because he hit a growth spurt and is now like 7 feet tall. Ana Lucia was 'not ready yet' and she's also on probation and could only be fit into that one episode this season in a very quick take.
Ana Lucia was still a bad person even in purgatory. She took a bribe. Eko, again, could never admit to his sins, which is why he was killed by the MiB. I'm assuming he went to hell. Maybe he was the skeleton seen near the light? Who knows.
Just forget about Ecko, Walt and Ana Lucia. One was a greedy fuck that wanted too much money to be on the show, one hit his growth spurt and was no longer believable as a child and the last one is constantly in trouble with the law and was killed off after her drunk driving arrest. They're all completely irrelevant characters.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

JohnG@lt wrote:

They're all completely irrelevant characters.
I realize that, but they all did have pretty major parts in the first half of the show. It was just unfortunate to not really see them get expanded upon.

Maybe if they didn't have an hour of commercials..

JohnG@lt wrote:

After a night to digest it I think I get it now. The events that took place on the island really happened. It existed. The flash sideways we've been watching all season was just a meeting place purgatory where they were all waiting for each other after they died in the real world (i.e. the island time frame). So, people that died early like Jack and Charlie were presumably waiting in this purgatory for years until the rest of them died and joined them. Since Hurley was made immortal... that was a very long time in purgatory

So, the island was the real world, the flash sideways was purgatory and they all went on to heaven at the end.

Btw, did anyone notice it was a multi-denominational church at the end? I saw Tao, Jewish, Muslim and Christian symbols. Can't offend anyone now can we? How very PC.
how very gay to end a modern, 'cutting edge' television series with some sappy catch-all notion of the religious afterlife

i'd feel conned if i was watching some thrilling tv drama for years for it to end up with some bullshit christian sub-line

kinda like the new testament where you're enjoying a fairly riveting read and then the fucking main character just goes and dies

the fuck is that all about?

i wanted my money back but those gideon bastards didnt keep receipts
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6533|Phoenix, AZ

Poseidon wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

They're all completely irrelevant characters.
I realize that, but they all did have pretty major parts in the first half of the show. It was just unfortunate to not really see them get expanded upon.

Maybe if they didn't have an hour of commercials..
No they didnt.

They all had their own lives that weren't connected. They were there to spice up the show, a hot badass LA girl cop. And a religous chilled out African guy who knew all the answers to life, but had a very interesting upbringing.

Anna Lucia 'accepted a bribe' from Hurley. HURLEY. The guy won the fucking lottery.

It's entirely possible that Hurley, who is all knowing convinced Anna Lucia that Sayid is truely good. And had her remember. He's presumably still like Jacob remember? He is on his way to the funeral home to tell ben that he was a 'good number 2'

This show made me so sad, but made me realize how beautiful life is.

The characters were beautifully written, everyone can identify to each of their struggles and hardships. It was touching for it to all come together in the end, yet very very sad that the journey is over ENTIRELY for them.

Also, I just waited til it was up on ThePirateBay that night and downloaded it, zero commercials and I could pause it to re-load the volcano

Explaining where Ecko and Anna Lucia went:

I assume that they are now the 'voices' in the woods, the lost/damned souls that Jacob couldnt save. The Smoke Monster got to them and now they are trapped on the island forever JUST LIKE THE SMOKE MONSTER.

I really wish we knew the smoke monsters name.

And that big statue that Jacob lives in, the one with the 4 toes? Well that kind of suggests that the island has existed with the same purpose throughout the entire evolution of the human race. The island has just always existed.  The power of god is in the peoples hands. It's interesting really, there is no god per say. God is in the people, anyone with a good soul can be like Jacob, and therefore have the power of God and rule the island doing what Jacob has been doing, and the people before Jacob and so on.

Last edited by GodFather (2010-05-24 19:58:06)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Uzique wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

After a night to digest it I think I get it now. The events that took place on the island really happened. It existed. The flash sideways we've been watching all season was just a meeting place purgatory where they were all waiting for each other after they died in the real world (i.e. the island time frame). So, people that died early like Jack and Charlie were presumably waiting in this purgatory for years until the rest of them died and joined them. Since Hurley was made immortal... that was a very long time in purgatory

So, the island was the real world, the flash sideways was purgatory and they all went on to heaven at the end.

Btw, did anyone notice it was a multi-denominational church at the end? I saw Tao, Jewish, Muslim and Christian symbols. Can't offend anyone now can we? How very PC.
how very gay to end a modern, 'cutting edge' television series with some sappy catch-all notion of the religious afterlife

i'd feel conned if i was watching some thrilling tv drama for years for it to end up with some bullshit christian sub-line

kinda like the new testament where you're enjoying a fairly riveting read and then the fucking main character just goes and dies

the fuck is that all about?

i wanted my money back but those gideon bastards didnt keep receipts
What pissed me off was that it ended up being a reunion show, like EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TELEVISION FINALE IN THE HISTORY OF TV! For a show that was so different for so long, they completely copped out in the end.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

GodFather wrote:

I really wish we knew the smoke monsters name.
Galt once said he follows the story of Jacob and Esau. He was also listed as "Samuel" on the casting script but I think that was just a made up name.

GodFather wrote:

I really wish we knew the smoke monsters name.
THIS was the one thing that really stuck with me
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6533|Phoenix, AZ

JohnG@lt wrote:

Uzique wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

After a night to digest it I think I get it now. The events that took place on the island really happened. It existed. The flash sideways we've been watching all season was just a meeting place purgatory where they were all waiting for each other after they died in the real world (i.e. the island time frame). So, people that died early like Jack and Charlie were presumably waiting in this purgatory for years until the rest of them died and joined them. Since Hurley was made immortal... that was a very long time in purgatory

So, the island was the real world, the flash sideways was purgatory and they all went on to heaven at the end.

Btw, did anyone notice it was a multi-denominational church at the end? I saw Tao, Jewish, Muslim and Christian symbols. Can't offend anyone now can we? How very PC.
how very gay to end a modern, 'cutting edge' television series with some sappy catch-all notion of the religious afterlife

i'd feel conned if i was watching some thrilling tv drama for years for it to end up with some bullshit christian sub-line

kinda like the new testament where you're enjoying a fairly riveting read and then the fucking main character just goes and dies

the fuck is that all about?

i wanted my money back but those gideon bastards didnt keep receipts
What pissed me off was that it ended up being a reunion show, like EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TELEVISION FINALE IN THE HISTORY OF TV! For a show that was so different for so long, they completely copped out in the end.
You don't understand what happened dude. Read the long explanation I posted.

They were re-united AFTER THEY DIED.

The events that took place on the island were started by Jacob so they could find eachother. They were all Lost (hence the show title). Jacob saw the good in them that nobody else saw. He set them on a course that eventually put them on the island. They needed to find each other in order to find themselves, and once they found themselves and each other they were no longer LOST.

Basically Jacob saw all those people as lost souls, and it is his duty as the islands protector to help them find each other so that they can find peace in the afterlife. The light that he protected was representative of the good in man kind. Once the light went out it meant the island would sink and all the evil/lost souls that were doomed would be unleashed upon the world.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6533|Phoenix, AZ

Okay bear with me

What if the smoke monster doesn't have a name because it ISNT a person!?

What if the smoke monster is all those souls that have been lost in one being? Remember the quote, "my name is legion for we are many"??



In Mark 5:9 Legion is a Demon that Christ exorcised. The demon said: "My name is Legion; for we are many." This is a reference to the Roman Legions, as there were many soldiers in them. The Demon represents the fact that we all have many problems within us, and that Christ can help us solve them (alternatively it only means that Demons live in people that are super strong and crazy and that Christ alone can remove them)

Last edited by GodFather (2010-05-24 20:13:56)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

GodFather wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Uzique wrote:

how very gay to end a modern, 'cutting edge' television series with some sappy catch-all notion of the religious afterlife

i'd feel conned if i was watching some thrilling tv drama for years for it to end up with some bullshit christian sub-line

kinda like the new testament where you're enjoying a fairly riveting read and then the fucking main character just goes and dies

the fuck is that all about?

i wanted my money back but those gideon bastards didnt keep receipts
What pissed me off was that it ended up being a reunion show, like EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TELEVISION FINALE IN THE HISTORY OF TV! For a show that was so different for so long, they completely copped out in the end.
You don't understand what happened dude. Read the long explanation I posted.

They were re-united AFTER THEY DIED.

The events that took place on the island were started by Jacob so they could find eachother. They were all Lost (hence the show title). Jacob saw the good in them that nobody else saw. He set them on a course that eventually put them on the island. They needed to find each other in order to find themselves, and once they found themselves and each other they were no longer LOST.

Basically Jacob saw all those people as lost souls, and it is his duty as the islands protector to help them find each other so that they can find peace in the afterlife. The light that he protected was representative of the good in man kind. Once the light went out it meant the island would sink and all the evil/lost souls that were doomed would be unleashed upon the world.
I don't care how they wrote it in the script, it was a damn reunion show.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
and so what was the relevance in having loads of characters named after key enlightenment->onwards philosophers?

or was that just a pretentious artifice? if the series is apparently rich with biblical allegory, surely there's got to be some substance behind calling characters 'Locke' and so on?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

GodFather wrote:


Okay bear with me

What if the smoke monster doesn't have a name because it ISNT a person!?



In Mark 5:9 Legion is a Demon that Christ exorcised. The demon said: "My name is Legion; for we are many." This is a reference to the Roman Legions, as there were many soldiers in them. The Demon represents the fact that we all have many problems within us, and that Christ can help us solve them (alternatively it only means that Demons live in people that are super strong and crazy and that Christ alone can remove them)
I kinda figured that. He represents the bad, and the bad souls... and essentially is them. As is Jacob the good souls.

I actually kinda hope that on the boxset they have an alternate ending where the MiB DOES escape... and we get to see the souls wreak havoc across the earth.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6533|Phoenix, AZ

Uzique wrote:

and so what was the relevance in having loads of characters named after key enlightenment->onwards philosophers?

or was that just a pretentious artifice? if the series is apparently rich with biblical allegory, surely there's got to be some substance behind calling characters 'Locke' and so on?
Their names really linked into their personalities in the first few seasons.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

GodFather wrote:

Uzique wrote:

and so what was the relevance in having loads of characters named after key enlightenment->onwards philosophers?

or was that just a pretentious artifice? if the series is apparently rich with biblical allegory, surely there's got to be some substance behind calling characters 'Locke' and so on?
Their names really linked into their personalities in the first few seasons.
ya, especially Jack's last name. Shepherd... comes across as pretty obvious.

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