Hi Everyone,

I apologize ahead of time if this is a topic that has already been touched on.

Why is it that the Spec Ops class only receives one point for destroying strategic objects in the game?  Destroying the opponents strategic objects is one of the few things you can do to really give your team an advantage, and while often temporary it can be the deciding factor between a win and a loss.  I don't understand why we get 2 points for killing some guy that is just going to respawn in 10 seconds anyway vs. getting one point for sneaking all the way to the aircraft carrier, avoiding detection, and destroying a UAV and Satellite trailer.  Shouldn't those be worth at least 2 points?  And doesn't that encourage the type of gameplay that EA/Dice intended when they put in the capability to destroy those things?  I mean at this point, its not really worth the effort and it makes it nearly impossible for the spec ops class to get teamwork points.  At least this way the class would be on even par with some of the other classes.  I would like to see 2 points for destruction of strategic objects.


P.S. Sorry, posted in the wrong section.

Last edited by Sahnz0rxZ (2006-02-10 11:41:49)

+572|6703|BC, Canada
fully agree
I happen to agree. Specially since it is somewhat harder to sneak all the way across tha map to get to those targets.  The carrier is an even harder target to get to than any of the other bases.  I destroyed all 3 arty pieces, the sat and uav trailer and only got 5 pts for that.  All that for 15 mins of work just to get there.
I think even 2 points is a little on the low side.
even 5 points wouldn't be much
+24|6732|Computer Chair
Dont think its a good idea, everyone would race to the enemy base.
+-1|6699|Indiana, US
I agree. At LEAST 2 points, equal to killing a player. I play Spec-Ops all the time, and while they say, "You received points for destroying a strategic object!" you really don't feel rewarded for doing so.
+17|6788|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)
wtf, there should be 4 points PER strategic object. you get 20 points for blowing all 5 (3 arty, 1 uav, 1 radar).

As for people racing to the main bases, I'm sorry, but EA designed the bases to be able to withstand attack. Ever notice those AA guns, Mounted Machine guns and TOW missiles that basically never get used in the main US base in Kubra?

Minimum points per strategic object should be 3. Then you'd get 15 points for blowing everything (which is already hard enough, not only do you have to fight off the enemy in THE MAIN BASE but you'd also have to wait for a resupply because you don't even have enough C4!!!

Last edited by -]Eucalyptus[- (2006-02-10 11:56:35)

oh hai :D
+156|6695|The Netherlands
But then the n00bs all want to blow up the arty. And you will never get bases back or something. Just like on Wake everybody wants to go in to a plane the can't even fly... So 5 points are more then enough. And by the way you will blow up your teammates with the commander stuff if you get enough points.
I think its hard enough to get to the strategic objects...  I don't think you would have alot of spawn camping going on unless your team is just absolutely horrible that they can't kill one or two guys walking out in the open and planting C4 on your objects.

DSRTurtle wrote:

I happen to agree. Specially since it is somewhat harder to sneak all the way across tha map to get to those targets.  The carrier is an even harder target to get to than any of the other bases.  I destroyed all 3 arty pieces, the sat and uav trailer and only got 5 pts for that.  All that for 15 mins of work just to get there.
I'm totally in agreement about getting more points for blowing up assets, as long as aircraft can't get the extra points too.  Last night on Kubra Dam, commanding, MEC bombers where destroying my UAV and Scans every couple minutes.  Easier points than hitting moving armor.
I strongly agree. Hope that destroying enemy's UAV in 1.20 will earn you some points.
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6738|Vancouver BC Canada
yea i agree, except that they would become very popular victims of plane whores (like recently myself) and their score would be astronomically high, as they can easily make anouther pass to destroy it after its been repaired, anouther X amount of points. Maybe 2, but not 5.

15 Arty
5 Radar
= 25 points !!!
Metal Godz
Ummm.....OK....silly me I though that WAS the object of this game?
Guess now I'll race for my base, wait... I'm already here/there? Huh? wHa?
I'm confused now.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Be glad you even get 1 point, because before 1.03 you got 0.
+4|6731|Irving Tx
Then there should be more points for repairing them. Resupply points are way too easy to get play Iron gator once and you can 25. At lest heal points you need to be near the action but one round are karkland is good for 25 heals. There is no map that is great for repairs. Warlord is close along with shqari?
oh hai :D
+156|6695|The Netherlands
veng3nce how could it be that you still have 2nd luit. ?
I remember that Vengence.  That was totally wrong.  The commander got points for you blowing up strategic assets and you got 0 for your work.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

... how about fixing engys first.

the_outsider38 wrote:

yea i agree, except that they would become very popular victims of plane whores (like recently myself) and their score would be astronomically high, as they can easily make anouther pass to destroy it after its been repaired, anouther X amount of points. Maybe 2, but not 5.

15 Arty
5 Radar
= 25 points !!!
Bombing by Aircraft reqardless of class should only be 1 pt.  It's way too easy to get across the map to bomb them.

For that matter a couple of tank shells should destroy them as well.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-02-10 12:08:36)

aka Nekrodamus
+52|6776|Germany, near Koblenz
Exactly one point per asset is perfect.
and repairing them is fine too

i played a map as commander and we couldn't hold the main base but when ever we got it back i would repair ended with like 8 repair points and all i did was fix commander assets

points arn't supposed to be that easy to get
and if you got 20 points for blowing it all up your sPM would go from 1-3 to 6-10

Last edited by Duramen1 (2006-02-10 12:20:19)

I love the Spec-Ops operations, u feel like MacGyver when you run straight thru the map and secretly plant a few C4 and seconds later blew them up.
+41|6780|200m out and smiling at you.
best map for repairs is daqing oilfields 64 player, just hop in an armor convoy, or just hang around the assets, there's always gonna be a spec-ops around trying to blow up the toys.
was his name-o
+0|6748|SE Pennsylvania
I agree.  And on the same token, engineers should get more than one measley point for fixing strategic objects.

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