iPod is broken.
+1,048|6806|NT, like Mick Dundee

ruisleipa wrote:

why is it so often peoplesa repsonse to say that people should be shot? ffs don't be such violent fucks.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
pub hero!
+603|6523|the land of bourbon
keep in mind the guy who captain's the sea shepherd claims to have been shot by the whalers.   he's an attention whore who puts people who don't know any better in a very dangerous situation with little to no training.  there are ways to accomplish what they are trying to do within the scope of the law.

steelie34 wrote:

keep in mind the guy who captain's the sea shepherd claims to have been shot by the whalers.   he's an attention whore who puts people who don't know any better in a very dangerous situation with little to no training.  there are ways to accomplish what they are trying to do within the scope of the law.
Lol it is hard as hell to get a gun in Japan.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6826|United States of America
They are quite incompetent. I remember when the show was first on they nearly sank the ship because they were trying to move through a frozen ice field in a ship unsuitable for it. I'll bet that experience made some people rethink their decision, especially the people they sent below deck to brace the hull . Anyway, they don't seem to be operating with the respect for others on the open sea that they should, with their dangerous but pathetic means of trying to stop the whaling, including the ramming sort. A metaphor that would describe them quite well I would say is the child in kindergarten who can't play nice with others.

DesertFox- wrote:

They are quite incompetent. I remember when the show was first on they nearly sank the ship because they were trying to move through a frozen ice field in a ship unsuitable for it. I'll bet that experience made some people rethink their decision, especially the people they sent below deck to brace the hull . Anyway, they don't seem to be operating with the respect for others on the open sea that they should, with their dangerous but pathetic means of trying to stop the whaling, including the ramming sort. A metaphor that would describe them quite well I would say is the child in kindergarten who can't play nice with others.
I remember those episodes.  Shot their credibility from that point on for me.  As wrong as the Japanese are about their whaling practices, these Sea Shepherds are doing it the wrong and dangerous way.
They're a bunch of incompetent, self-righteous, hypocritical douchebags. Liars and cowards. I'm looking forward to the day when the Japanese whalers decide to stop defending themselves, and start attacking back. If these morons want to play tough on the open sea, in international waters, then they need to be taught the consequences.
+149|6364|teh FIN-land

mikkel wrote:

They're a bunch of incompetent, self-righteous, hypocritical douchebags. Liars and cowards. I'm looking forward to the day when the Japanese whalers decide to stop defending themselves, and start attacking back. If these morons want to play tough on the open sea, in international waters, then they need to be taught the consequences.
lol cos you're such an expert. talk about testosterone overload. How are they hypocritcal? They don't hunt whales do they? cowards? no, I don't think so, I think they're quite brave for risking life and limb for what they believe in. What's your definition of a coward then? Liars? proof please.

why are you so fuckin keen on the whalers anyway? sushi fan?

Last edited by ruisleipa (2010-01-07 10:45:19)

+149|6364|teh FIN-land

Cybargs wrote:

Lol it is hard as hell to get a gun in Japan.
I'll bet any money those whalers have enough guns on board their boat - protect them from 'pirates' y'see.
'Light 'em up!'

ruisleipa wrote:

mikkel wrote:

They're a bunch of incompetent, self-righteous, hypocritical douchebags. Liars and cowards. I'm looking forward to the day when the Japanese whalers decide to stop defending themselves, and start attacking back. If these morons want to play tough on the open sea, in international waters, then they need to be taught the consequences.
lol cos you're such an expert. talk about testosterone overload. How are they hypocritcal? They don't hunt whales do they? cowards? no, I don't think so, I think they're quite brave for risking life and limb for what they believe in. What's your definition of a coward then? Liars? proof please.

why are you so fuckin keen on the whalers anyway? sushi fan?
They want to save the lives of the whales through the risking of human lives.
+149|6364|teh FIN-land

M.O.A.B wrote:

They want to save the lives of the whales through the risking of human lives.
well while I agree that might not be a very sensible thing to do if it's their lives they're risking who cares?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5500|London, England

ruisleipa wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

They want to save the lives of the whales through the risking of human lives.
well while I agree that might not be a very sensible thing to do if it's their lives they're risking who cares?
They're risking the lives of the whalers too. Does that still make it ok? No.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+149|6364|teh FIN-land
sorry but I think I missed anything that said the whaler's lives were at risk, how do you figure?

ruisleipa wrote:

sorry but I think I missed anything that said the whaler's lives were at risk, how do you figure?
They rammed their boat, there was some serious potential for a lot of damage to both boats there.
+149|6364|teh FIN-land
ok but a chance of the whaling boat sinking? you did see that the little boat got CUT IN HALF. Not much chance of anything drastic to the whalers tbh.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5500|London, England

ruisleipa wrote:

ok but a chance of the whaling boat sinking? you did see that the little boat got CUT IN HALF. Not much chance of anything drastic to the whalers tbh.
The little boat is recent. They've been using ships the same size as the whalers until now.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

There's not much chance of the boat sinking, but for starters someone could have been crushed between the two boats. If the boat had keeled over any more people could have fallen off. The ocean is a pretty dangerous place, and pulling stunts like that can get someone killed pretty easily.

And they were the ones that drove their boat in the way. Tough shit.

EDIT: Just realised we're talking about two different videos. One is of the small speedboat thing getting hit, the other is of this:

Last edited by ghettoperson (2010-01-07 11:10:56)

pub hero!
+603|6523|the land of bourbon

ruisleipa wrote:

ok but a chance of the whaling boat sinking? you did see that the little boat got CUT IN HALF. Not much chance of anything drastic to the whalers tbh.
stop it.  they have rammed the whaling boat with the steve irwin before.  both boats could sink, costing millions in damages and rescues, as well as the possibility of the loss of life.  these hippies are not fucking navy seals.  this game of chicken they are playing is in the antarctic ocean and none of them are trained nearly well enough to handle a real emergency.  these barefoot bastards need to stop being douches and go back to their communes.

Last edited by steelie34 (2010-01-07 11:12:53)


ruisleipa wrote:

mikkel wrote:

They're a bunch of incompetent, self-righteous, hypocritical douchebags. Liars and cowards. I'm looking forward to the day when the Japanese whalers decide to stop defending themselves, and start attacking back. If these morons want to play tough on the open sea, in international waters, then they need to be taught the consequences.
lol cos you're such an expert.

ruisleipa wrote:

How are they hypocritcal?
They actively attempt to sabotage the whaling ships, and when the whalers respond in kind, the idiots cry foul. It's documented and broadcast on Animal Planet, free for you to see.

ruisleipa wrote:

cowards? no, I don't think so, I think they're quite brave for risking life and limb for what they believe in.
See above. They act righteous and mighty, and have no issue taking on the role of provocateurs. At the first sign of resistance, though, they turn to the cameras and complain about the evil whalers.

ruisleipa wrote:

What's your definition of a coward then?
That would be it.

ruisleipa wrote:

Liars? proof please.
You mean besides repeatedly claiming that the Japanese whalers are criminals in absence of any applicable legislation against their actions? How about the supposedly malicious ramming incidents that really turned out to be reckless behaviour on the part of those morons? How about the wholly fabricated story about the captain being shot? They're liars. It takes extraordinary naïvité to believe otherwise.

ruisleipa wrote:

why are you so fuckin keen on the whalers anyway? sushi fan?
Don't get your panties in a twist.
+149|6364|teh FIN-land

steelie34 wrote:

stop it.  they have rammed the whaling boat with the sea shephard before.  both boats could sink, costing millions in damages and rescues, as well as the possibility of the loss of life.  these hippies are not fucking navy seals.  this game of chicken they are playing is in the antarctic ocean and none of them are trained nearly well enough to handle a real emergency.  these barefoot bastards need to stop being douches and go back to their communes.
'stop it'? Yes sah mr fuckin hitler!

'barefoot bastards' - so there's a nice objective comment for you. Think I'll ignore your opinion thanks.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5500|London, England

ruisleipa wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

stop it.  they have rammed the whaling boat with the sea shephard before.  both boats could sink, costing millions in damages and rescues, as well as the possibility of the loss of life.  these hippies are not fucking navy seals.  this game of chicken they are playing is in the antarctic ocean and none of them are trained nearly well enough to handle a real emergency.  these barefoot bastards need to stop being douches and go back to their communes.
'stop it'? Yes sah mr fuckin hitler!

'barefoot bastards' - so there's a nice objective comment for you. Think I'll ignore your opinion thanks.
Then we'll go about ignoring your comments on every topic you do not understand... which is all of the ones you poke your head in. You're ignorant and think we won't notice.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
pub hero!
+603|6523|the land of bourbon
answer me one question ruisleipa.... are you a vegan?
+149|6364|teh FIN-land
meh can't be arsed quoting that post again.

but for the record my panties aren't in a twist but are perfectly flat against my smooth buttocks.. but you seem to be getting rather heated over this issue.

your definition of a coward is complaining about something while acting like seomthing else? huh? Something closer imo would be senselessly shooting whales with big fuckin guns against international opinion...yeahm that'd be one way of looking at it.

as for the lies, well now I know that side of the story too don't I? No need to be so sanctimonious about it. However I still admire their AIMS if not entirely the methods. I hardly think the Jap whalers are paragons of virtue, or is everything really that black and white for you?
+149|6364|teh FIN-land

steelie34 wrote:

answer me one question ruisleipa.... are you a vegan?
No, why?
+149|6364|teh FIN-land

JohnG@lt wrote:

Then we'll go about ignoring your comments on every topic you do not understand... which is all of the ones you poke your head in. You're ignorant and think we won't notice.
oh man that deserves a LOL.


Thanks for the personal insult. way to go. I'm so proud.
pub hero!
+603|6523|the land of bourbon

ruisleipa wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

answer me one question ruisleipa.... are you a vegan?
No, why?

ruisleipa wrote:

If anything I'm against the Japanese whalers, since whaling is a cruel and inhumane activity.
you think that burger you're eating was from a suicidal cow who just walked into the butcher's store?  no it was SLAUGHTERED just like the whales.

hypocrite = you

your opinion on this matter = worthless

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